
I Gave Up

Chapter 7

‘’Whatever you give to life, it gives you back. Do not hate anybody. The hatred which comes out from you will someday come back to you. Love others, and love is what you will receive.’’

Jongin clutched the paper in his hands and bit his lip painfully. How long has it been?

Too long, Jongin thought as a saddened expression took over his face. His grip on the piece of paper tightened until his knuckles turned white.

It’s been more than too long…

He felt his chest tighten and bit his lip down to prevent himself from crying.

It’s too painful, He squeezed his eyes tight. His free hand moved its way towards his brokenly beating heart.

This is so unfair. He sighed heavily. Life is so unfair.

He was drenched from head to toe in water, as it was a rainy day. He smiled bitterly.

This happened on a rainy day too. If only I could’ve prevented it…

‘You couldn’t, because it was never your fault.’ He heard the honey coated voice in his head. His chest tightened again.

His vision was blurred with tears, and blood dripped slowly from his lips. It hurt, but it hurt so much more mentally.

He wiped his blood away with his thumb chuckling sadly. She must’ve bled much more that day.

Jongin decided not to go to school that evening. This was much more important. He looked around, surrounded by graveyards. His tears trickled down his cheeks slowly, he just couldn’t help it. The pricking in his eyes, the knot in his throat, the tightening in his chest, it had never stopped.

Jongin thought it never would either. He didn’t really mind it as he wanted to be reminded of the incident. He wanted to think about it, because if he didn’t, there would be no trace left of this person.  

He didn’t want it to stop. The rain poured down mercilessly, Jongin was a crying mess.


Sehun gazed down with worried eyes, ‘’Kyungsoo, are you sure you’ll be fine on your own?’’

Kyungsoo nodded slowly, though he felt the pricking in his eyes. His heart throbbed painfully.

He turned to walk, when Sehun held his arm back, ‘’Kyungsoo!’’ said boy turned around.

‘’Have a safe trip’’ Sehun smiled worriedly. Kyungsoo nodded.

The rain felt like needles puncturing his face as he walked through the mixture of hard rain and cool wind.

He forgot to bring his jacket but luckily had brought an umbrella with him.

His worn out jogging shoes were soaked in and out and he felt a shiver run down his back. He held a rose in his right hand and a letter in the other. He felt the need to run away and never come back, but remained strong. Kyungsoo was doing this for himself. The most important memory of his life had been dragged to heaven.

His teacher deserved to live, but a happy ever after in paradise seemed better for her. She had meant everything to him. He would want her happy, instead of suffering down here.

After a one hour long trip, Kyungsoo got out of the buss with heavy steps. His destination was only a five minute walk from where he was standing.

He sighed and walked slowly as he stared at the happy families walking hand in hand on the side walk across of him. A small girl was wearing a happy smile while holding onto a pink lollipop. Her parents stared lovingly at their daughter with sweet smiles plastered on their face.

There was a boy with an ironman toy jumping up and down giddily as he grinned at his father. His mother picked him up and twirled him around while the father held their shared umbrella over his beloved ones.

Kyungsoo had to force himself to focus on the road.


There was no one around in the cemetery as Kyungsoo searched for the grave he was here for.

Don’t cry, don’t cry. He repeated in his mind. A single tear dared to slip but he wiped it away quickly.

He found the grave and bit the insides of his cheeks. ‘’Ahn Mirae’’ He started with a shaky voice.

‘’You promised me happiness. You promised me friends. You promised me luck. You promised me you’d stay’’ Kyungsoo couldn’t hold himself anymore, feeling stingy hot tears trickling down his cold cheeks slowly. He sniffed,

 ‘’You said I was different. You said I was special’’ He breathed out heavily. His cheeks were red and his eyes were swollen.

 ‘’This world is so cruel… Mirae, it separated us… Is this what the world is about? It’s too cruel, it’s like the world his hunting me down, pushing me further into the deep. Is this what life is about?’’ He put the letter and the rose over her grave and stretched out his hands. He dug his fingers down on the grass and gritted his teeth.

‘’I should’ve been there with you’’

‘’I regret ever leaving the institution…’’ Kyungsoo’s sharp ears miraculously heard a low sniffle through the loud drizzling rain.

He rose up slowly and spotted a body lying next to an old grave. His mind went blank, forgetting his purpose of being there in the first place. The stinging on his cheeks couldn’t be felt anymore. His body felt numb. His eyes widened and he walked over, only to fall on his knees next to the half-conscious body.

‘’Jongin!’’ Kyungsoo croaked, throat sore. Jongin’s usual red plump lips looked purple and… Dead. Kyungsoo panicked and slapped Jongin’s cheeks softly.

‘’Y-Yah! Jongin-ah!!’’

Jongin’s lips parted slightly, but no words came out. Only unsteady breaths were taken.

Kyungsoo panicked and pulled Jongin on his back. ‘’Jongin, you have to wake the up.’’ 

yooo.. short update,sorry.. whatcha think? :D

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Chapter 11: the feels ~
cant wait for the next chapter~♥
exoticexoxo #2
Chapter 11: Oh gosh I feel nervous out of all sudden update soon author nim
Chapter 10: this is good :3
Luhanwife #4
Chapter 10: hahaha xD xD poor kyungiie xD ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Lazybumpanda #5
Chapter 9: I think the book resembles Kyungsoo tho o:
Luhanwife #6
Chapter 9: i didnt get the House of Hope thingie?! Is it Kyungsoo or what? but the chapter was good!!!
Chapter 8: hyaaa hyaaa hyaaa >.< beautiful scene~~~
kyungsoo smiling must be really cute :3
lalalolo #8
Kyngsooooooooooooooo!!! sdjsdfhkshf
Chapter 8: This is just beautiful. O. M. G.