Psychic Detective Im

Lizzy stopped and sat on the bench near to the police station then behind her was a 24 hour store. She bent her head down and she kept repeating those words from Nana. It is a lie that unnie is not mad at all since if it wasn't because of me. Unnie, should be still with us. Lizzy thought. She took her phone out from her bag and she searched for her mom's name. She was hesitant to press the call button. Would she just believe the called psychic who just tricked her fellows at the police station would Lizzy fall to her words?

"She must be lying after all she was caught by me by using a trick to get her winnings." She told herself.

She stared at her phone's screen for a while whether to call her or not. It took her a minute or so before deciding to call her mom. She waited for someone to pick it up at her parents house. The ringing sound kept on going for a minute. She was losing hopes that no one could be home. Lizzy took the phone away from her ear and ready to press the end call, but a voice stopped her from doing so.

"Hello, Sooyoung? Are you there?"

"Ah, err, hello omma." She said unsure what to say next.

"Is there something wrong, kid?" She asked.

"Well, no, I just want to check on you." She lied and she wasn't completely sure if she should bring that old incident years ago. She fell silent and she heard her mother's laugh.

"Really? I can tell that something's wrong. You are still bad at lying you need to practice on your voice acting." She chuckled once more. "What is it? As a parent I should be understanding to my kid." Lizzy bit her lower lip as she parted a little. She hesitated and she was having second thoughts, but in the end she finally told her.

"Omma," She paused, the older woman waited for her daughter to continue. "Do you still remember your long lost ring?"

"Huh? Why suddenly bringing that up?" She asked.

"Go to your room and you will find it on the right foot of your bed, just look for it."


"Just do it, omma!"

"Ok I get it." Lizzy heard her mom's footsteps slowly fading. This gave Lizzy a thought for herself. Everything unnie does is always better than mine. Either sports, studying, or playing is always superior to mine. Out of envy this brought her to her death, Lizzy thought. Tears escaped from her eyes. Lizzy almost jumped when her mom called her name.

"Sooyoung! I found it!" The brunette couldn't believe to this one and how could a stranger like Nana knew where the ring was hidden? Is that a way to prove she isn't lying at all to her. She explained to her mom how she found it. She hung up and headed back to the station.

Lizzy opened the door and a paper plane that was made of money hit her fore head. Nana stared at her with her sleepy face and she didn't dare to take off her blanket around her body. What's this? Lizzy caught the paper.

"A paper plane?"

"Just killing some time and I'm waiting until you come back." Nana said as she yawned in the process.

"A money and you made it as a toy?"

"I'm actually returning back your money." She said.

"So you're not helping m- oh..wait! You are a fraud!" Lizzy said a little loud.

"If you're calling me a fraud why are you here, again? I know you will come back, but I'm not expecting it to be so soon."

"Well, ah." She bit her tongue and continued. "How did you know where the ring was hidden? I didn't even know it where she hid it." Lizzy asserted.

"Your sister told me."

"That's a lie." Lizzy slammed her hands on her office table. The blonde wasn''t even surprised but a sigh came out from her. She closed her eyes and thought how troublesome she could be.

"Ok, let's do this and take me to where your friend lives." Nana stood and walked pass her.


It's so cold..help me. Dark, and cold. Eunji sat beside the river bank that night. She was there to relax, but for some reason she heard a voice out from no where. She looked at the river in front of her, and she could only see the water flowed so calmly on its way to the ocean. No one was there. Suddenly, as soon as she blinked again she saw this girl in a school uniform. What scared her was that the girl was floating in the water.

"F-Floating!" She screamed, but no one was able to hear her. No people were walking by the riverbank's that night.

It's so cold..help me. Dark and cold. She heard it again. The girl was floating in the water and she was reaching for her. She never understood why she sat there unmoving. Her eyes were wide open. She tried to shook those thoughts off that she were dreaming or having a night mare. The next thing she knew that a hand grabbed her ankle and pulled her down to the cold water in the river.



"Just follow what I told you and you will see her again." A guy in his late fourties kneeled in front of the river while a man in black coat was smiling evily to see the older guy looking so helpless. He opened his eyes to be revealed that he had red eyes also like Nana, but both of them were red unlike Nana who only got one.

"What should I do?" He asked.

"Just continue what I told you and in no time. You will have her again just believe in my words." He said.


"A cross, again." Chief Lee held the transparent bag and a cross inside it. The coroner watched the occult officer as he observed the crosses.

"What did you find on this second cross, old man."

"That cross belongs to the victim. We even consulted her parents about it and it was a gift from her aunt when she was a little." Chief Lee nodded.

"The question is, what do these crosses have? Was it just a coincidence in some crime scenes that we found it?" The coroner only could do was shrugged.

"Who knows? I'm only here to help the cops on their cases and opening up dead bodies." He said with smirk on his face. Chief Lee felt disgusted on the old guy's statement.

"Geez, I bet you enjoyed checking up that dead girl's body just a while ago."

"True," He said cheerfully.

"You make me sick, old man."

"And I found a bruise a round her right ankle as if a metal was wrapped around it."

"A bruise? Do you still have the body?" He asked.

"Yes, it's in my lab." Coroner Yang, said then brought the occult officer in the lab and he lifted the blanket on her right leg that was covering her whole body. He observed it thoroughly to find that the markings on her ankle was really visible.

"It does look a heavy prisoner ball and a chain was used to drown the victim."


"Sooyoung, you're back again and who's this? Your girlfriend?" Taeyeon's mom joked and Nana answered the old woman before she could.

"Sorry, ma'am, but I'm the Psychic that she consulted." It's so obvious that she doesn't like to be called as my girlfriend. She's so quick to respond, Lizzy thought.

"Oh..come in, come in," The older woman welcomed them in her household.

Taeyeon's mom let them enter her household. All Nana did was to ask the older woman regarding to her daughter's condition. Lizzy was silent at the side while following the both of them. Lizzy watched the blonde the way she asked Taeyeon's mom with details and with her calm facial expression. The brown head was having a problem to even read what Nana had in mind. Was she specualting? The blonde only nodded from the information she gathered from the all old woman.

"So here's her room that's my daughter over there." Nana walked in first and Lizzy followed.

"Who are you?" Nana asked and Taeyeon held her neck and screamed.

"AAAAAAAHHH!" Lizzy was shocked to see her like that and she recalled when she was talking to her. The petite girl didn't listen to her, but to Nana as if her words were affecting the girl. She watched in awe while Taeyeon's mother closed her eyes in sadness. 

"Please, answer." Nana demanded. The psychic could feel the sweats forming on her forehead again. She gulped and she stayed still where she was at. She stood beside her bed.

"How long have you been there?" She asked again. Taeyeon glared at the Psychic and her facial expression was telling her. She wanted to kill. The murderer's face was written on Taeyeon's.

Taeyeon was about to get up and attack Nana, but a sudden change happened to the girl. Nana furrowed her eyebrows and watched what was happening before her.

"S-Save me..p-please." Taeyeon said with tears forming in the corner of her eyes until she passed out. Lizzy ran over to Taeyeon. Nana excused herself.

"I'm so sorry, I'll be back." She left the room. Lizzy helped Taeyeon to put her body in a comfortable position and tucked the blanket on her body. Lizzy excused herself after and followed the blonde walking out of the door.

"Jin Ah ssi! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," But Lizzy saw the opposite. The blonde walked as if she was drunk and she used her hand touching the wall like she used the wall to support her weight. What's with this person anyway? Lizzy asked herself.

"Hey.." Lizzy called and Nana ignored it.

They finally reached outside of the house. She leaned her back on the light post and she held her head giving her forehead a simple massage. She felt light-headed. She took a deep breath. Lizzy watched the blonde calming herself. It's strong like the soul I have encountered when they possessed this girl before me, she thought. He wanted to live longer and he was using that girl's body then believing he would have the control of it. The strong emotions that a soul conveys the heavy burden that my left eye has to endure.

"What did you see?" Lizzy asked, worried.

"A guy around our age is bound to your friend's body. It's a bad spirit. He's trying to take control of her body."

"Is that even possible?"

"In principle, no. The body may be a container of one's soul, but not not everybody is compatible in it. It's like a transplant rejection."

"What will happen to her then?"

"If that problem is left alone, over time the body will weaken, after the spirit has entered a living body."

"Would it be okay?"

"The answer is, no. I will ask you this if a patient's body in the hospital weakens over time and even with the help of the equipments and medicines that they feed and inject to her doesn't even help. What will happen to the body?" Nana asked seriously.

"Then she will die, of course."

"Then that's your answer to your question. You should use your brain cells a little bit." Nana scoffed. Lizzy turned her right hand into a fist while Nana headed to her car.

"Don't talk to me like that like I'm some kind of idiot!" The brown head answered furiously.

"Oh you're not?!" The brunette threw the bag and it hit the back of her head. She looked back with an annoyed expression written on her face.

"What are yo-"

"You said you're going to help and it turned out that you wouldn't even help us at all!"

"I don't do exorcism and I don't do chants and prayers to drive away those spirits. I don't have any spiritual powers like what you see on TVs. Your friend is beyond salvation." She said and grabbed the bag on the floor then dusted it.

"How can we save Taeyeon?!" Lizzy asked the blonde in frustration. 

"I can help you to find the very cause of it which kept the ghost to still linger in this world and eliminate it."

"Eliminate it?"

"Yes, by doing that we can free the attachment of that soul from this world or to her." Although I hit her she returned the bag to me, cool'ly. She isn't aggressive unlike me. Even though she sometimes annoy me with the way she speaks, Lizzy thought. She watched the blonde explain it more to her.

"There are reasons why some dead spirits wander in this mortal world. It might be someone or something that their spirit haven't accomplished. Yet sometimes these emotions would stay with them and the desire to find a way to communicate to living which sometimes interpreted as a bad thing. Some of them died as unfortunate while the others took their lives for some unknown cause. Sometimes talking to ghosts is the simpliest thing to drive them away with a better use of words, but most of the times, it's a tough work not like the soul possessing your friend's body." Lizzy was listening to every information that the blonde told her. She was in a dazed while watching and listening to her. 

"Do you understand where I'm getting at?" Nana asked. She was snapped from her little daze and stuttered as she responded.

"Y-Yes, I do." Nana looked at her straight in the eye and Lizzy averted her gaze. She could feel her cheeks were getting hot as the way she looked at her. Nana turned around and opened the driver's seat.

"Come now and standing there won't help us in anyways. I need to go somewhere."

"Where to?" She hurriedly got on the car and sat next to her. She felt so stupid at that moment and why was she blushing? She mentally scolded herself.

Both of them arrived at a cafe. Nana walked in and Lizzy followed the blonde curiously. The blonde ordered a hot chocolate and some more sweets along with her drink. Lizzy couldn't believe that she had a sweet tooth and it didn't suit her personality, because she looked so cold towards her.

"That would be 15600 won ma'am."

"Sooyoung ssi, pay for it." She said.

"W-What? Why me?"

"You are my client you should be responsible for me." They kept arguing in front of the girl in the cashier who was giving them an amused look. Lizzy felt so embarrassed since many people were waiting for their turn as if Nana wasn't even affected at all by the atmosphere around them. She had no choice, but to pay for her order. They sat at the far end of the cafe while Nana swiftly cut the strawberry cake and stuffed .

"Do you even have money? How bout that money that I gave you?"

"I left them at the office and I didn't want to spend it. I'm planning to return them when you want them back. I didn't bring money also since being with you I know you have something left." Lizzy could feel the smoke coming out from her ears and nose. She couldn't believe this and she was really smart to use her.

"You made me think, so sugar in take is necessary." It doesn't fit her image at all and I know that she really likes this kind of food. Why her figure is like a darn model? So perfect, modeling is a better job for her and it is odd to see a beautiful young woman like her working at a police station, Lizzy thought.

"So are you feeling better now?" Nana nodded. Lizzy doesn't have anyone to help her, so Nana is the only person who could help her friend and she is giving all her faith to her.

"I would have never thought a person like you had a cute side too like a kid." Nana ate like there was no tomorrow and pretended she didn't hear her.

"You said that she tried to save a man after he got hit by a car?" Lizzy nodded.

"I guess, I have to face that freaky old man again." She sighed. The brown head raised a brow at her, but ignored it instead

Sorry, guys, but this case will be longer than I expected. I have to finish this so it would be regarding about this case for about two to three chapters :'(. I'm gonna find a way to narrow it down after this case ends, but please bear with me for this one. It would be detailed case than the first one and thank you for subscribing and commenting. Please, bring more LOL! Cheer for your author and give you a good chapter everytime hahaaha. More NaLiz in the upcoming chapter? Well, let's see xD and see you for guys for now.

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Chapter 10: Love the story! Can't wait for the next chapter. Please update soon, author-ssi :)
hepcathaze #2
Chapter 10: the storyline is very good! please update soon =)
TheLoneWolf #3
Chapter 10: author-ssi please update soon
author next chapter please..
TheLoneWolf #5
Chapter 10: cool ff i like your ff can't wait for next chapter hehehe
TheLoneWolf #6
you mind if i read your ff first after that i will comment?
Chapter 10: wowowow nana and lizzy dream of each other.i'm curious about that forest thingy
gekikarashi #8
Chapter 9: i love this story. like watching a drama series. keep up your good work. i will be waiting for your next update. :)
Hikashiper #9
Chapter 9: OMG I cant wait for the next chapter! Minsoon deserves to burn in hell, poor Kyungri and the other victims. And Nana seems really affected by her past what she said about her mother, so sad. Btw luv how Chief Lee and Seulong ship Naliz lol
Chapter 9: happy to hear you will update soon.. XD