The End



You looked around searching for the one you were waiting for. It was 10 minutes pass the appointed time but he hasn’t shown up. You stood up as you saw someone running towards you.

“Aigoo, Youngmin, what took you so long?” you complained.

He was panting and fanning himself. “Sorry, nuna! I had to help mom with the chores.”

“Aww, such a good boy. If you were late because of that then I wouldn’t nag at you. So what’s up actually? Why all of a sudden asking me out for lunch? And treating me? What did I do to you? Or what do you want from me?” you asked. In the end giving out a teasing smile which Youngmin responded with a laugh.

“Ah, Nuna! It’s nothing like that. I just wanted to thank you for being so nice to our Kwangminnie…”

You made an O with your mouth. “Oh speaking about Kwangmin, where is he?”

“Kwangmin is uhm.. eu.. doing his assignment at home. The deadline is tomorrow so he’s speeding up with it, yeah,” said Youngmin, somehow stuttering.

You shrugged. “Well okay. Where are we eating then?”

“What do you want to eat?” asked Youngmin back.

You tapped your chin several times before coming up with a decision. “Udon!”


You finished your huge bowl of udon while listening to Youngmin’s interesting story about Kwangmin. He watched you eat and you both take turns eating, whenever someone is talking, you eat and whenever you talk, they eat. Youngmin finished his bowl not long after you and chugged down his cold glass of ocha.

“So you’re telling me, Kwangmin feels intimidated by me?” you asked.

Youngmin nodded slowly. “I… guess so!”

You scoffed and shook your head. Youngmin tilted his head to see what you meant.

“You see, I have never told anyone about this but since you are his twin, I think it’s okay if you know,” you said, looking him in the eyes.

Youngmin looked curious. “What is it, nuna?”

You smiled to yourself while playing with your chopsticks. “It’s kinda… weird. The moment I met Kwangmin for the first time. Nothing was going on, I could guarantee that. I thought he was a normal dongsaeng, a normal hoobae just like the others. I don’t know if it was just coincidence or fate, I just keep meeting him out of school. He would greet me happily, he asked me for my phone number. He was the first guy to ask me my number in this school. I usually tell people to save it,” you chuckled.

Youngmin smiled at you and rested his chin on his hand as he listened to you.

“He would text me saying what I was up to. Asking when do I have free time. He also walked me home several times and managed to catch my mother’s heart. He is such a sweetheart that I started feeling something different…” you paused. You took a breath and continued.

“I really see his effort in gaining my attention and wanting to look after me. It’s just too sweet to comprehend. I feel sinned to say this but it feels like I just fell for him. When he doesn’t reply my texts for a day, I would feel uneasy. I just seem to have grown attached to him. And it’s not like a nuna-dongsaeng thing.”

Youngmin faked a cough as he wanted to say something. “Do you feel butterflies in your tummy too?”

Such an innocent question made you laugh softly. You nodded. “I do. Although he is young, he gives this mature vibe that no other guy has. Even the ones older than him. His innocence shows his sincerity and loyalty, it just makes me trust him so much. I just don’t know whether he felt the same way.”

He does, Nuna, he does!

“Anyway why is this conversation turning into a massive confession! Oh my God, what have I done. Sorry Youngminnie, for the spam!”

Youngmin’s face was blank. He blinked a few times before responding. “It’s okay, Nuna!”

You chuckled and covered your face. “Ah I am embarrassed! Luckily I wasn’t talking directly to him, otherwise my face would be red like a cooked crab.”

Youngmin laughed awkwardly. You smiled as you asked the bill to the waiter. The waiter told you that Youngmin already paid for everything.

“It’s my treat, Nuna. Remember?”

You smiled and nodded. “Right. Thank you, Youngminnie.”

You both stood up and headed outside. “Do you have something else to do?” asked Youngmin.

“Not really. What about you?”

Youngmin shrugged. “Then should I just walk you home?”

You smiled. “If it’s okay with you.”

Youngmin then walked beside you. He chit chatted with you for quite a long time before you arrived in front of your house. Somehow you felt so connected to him as if you were talking to Kwangmin. But you realized they were twins after all, they should be similar in some ways.

Both of you stood up outside your house’s gate. You faced Youngmin and looked at him.

“Thank you for today, and thank you for listening to me,” you said.

Youngmin just nodded. “I shall leave now.”

You smiled as Youngmin turned around. Your smile faded when a bicycle was moving fast towards Youngmin.

“Youngmin, look out!”

Youngmin was just in time to avoid the bike, he merely jumped to the opposite of your house, landing on his left foot, and he landed wrongly. The guy who rode the bike shouted an apology as he kept rushing away.

“Youngmin! Are you okay? Oh of course you aren’t, I should stop asking this stupid question,” you cried and mumbled to yourself as you crossed the road, rushing towards him.

“Akh, my leg..” he winced as he held his left ankle.

You quickly removed his shoe just before he could stop you. “Nuna, don’t!”

When you saw his bare foot, you realized he had the exact same bandage around his ankle like Kwangmin. You stared a few seconds before you look at Youngmin. Or Kwangmin.


The boy in front of you looked down. His face was full of guilt. You carefully moved closer and brushed his bangs so it would face to the left. Then you realized it was definitely Kwangmin.

“Nuna, I’m sorry…”

You were speechless. Visions of you and Kwangmin having lunch together earlier ran in your mind. You remember telling him all about your feelings. It wasn’t Youngmin you were talking to. It was Kwangmin. And you didn’t even realize it.

“You pretended you were Youngmin?”

He nodded. You two were still on the ground. He was sitting on the pavement with his left leg stretched out. You were by his left, squatting down.

“Nuna, I know you would probably hate me because I did this, I just wanted to…”

You sealed his mouth with a soft peck on his lips. “Sssssh. I know.”

He was starstrucked. You could see his frozen face clearly, his cheeks starting to blush. You laughed at the sight of him being like that.

“You didn’t have enough courage to tell me all about it, right? That’s why you pretended to be Youngmin and try to deliver Kwangmin’s thoughts to me. Are you happy now? I am such an idiot I couldn’t even tell you apart when you aren’t together.”

He was still speechless. You scoffed.

“Yah. Jo Kwangmin! I am not mad at you! I even gave you a kiss, why are you acting like a statue?”

You elbowed him and he quickly came to his senses. He pounced and hugged you. You had to sit down to make it easy for him.

“Nunaaaaa. I am so embarrassed but this is all happening, I couldn’t stop it so…”

You chuckled and hugged him back. “You just had to fall down and reveal yourself. It’s okay, Kwangmin. We are even. We both know each other’s feelings now, don’t we?”

You could feel him nodding against your shoulders as he hugged you even tighter. “I don’t want to call you nuna anymore.”

You laughed. “What? Is this some sort of declaration or something?”

He nodded again. You two still locked in a warm hug. “You are my girlfriend and I promise I will protect you. I will be loyal if you only look at me.”

You pulled out and looked at him in the eyes. “It’s just day 1 and you are being possessive!”

He nodded. “You are mine.”

You lashed your hand in front of him. “Enough! We should at least talk inside, okay. Let me help you up.”

“No I am fine I can stand up by myself!” he refused. You scoffed and turned around leaving him alone.

You crossed the empty road and reached your gate when you couldn’t hear Kwangmin following you.

“Yah Jo Kwangmin, what is taking you so…”

Your speech was cut off due to his lips touching yours. By the time you turned around to call him, he was fast enough to catch up to you and steal a kiss from you.

He moved a step backwards and smiled at you innocently. “Now we are even! Let’s go inside!”



LOL there you go. how was it? cute? not cute enough? sweet? not sweet enough?

are there any mistakes? correct me!

XD i hope you liked it. please check out my other fics as well, I have an ongoing fic titled Ice Princess, starring Block B's Jaehyo and After School's Nana so... yeah. you might wanna read it as well?

cheers~! :3

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Chapter 3: sweet,cute,nice ending ^_^
kwangminshypika #2
Sweet ending I'm blushing ! *.*
imzxierawr06 #3
Super sweet ending~! ^^ I really love it!!
@mid0ri you're right! it's Crazy Little Thing Called Love... the movie is so popular XD and thank youuuu i feel honored. glad if you like it then ^^<br />
<br />
and to all of you thanks for kindly leaving comments and willing to read this fic. i have more fics posted in my account so if you want you can check them out :) ♥
awwww~ i love the story. it is sooooo sweet~ And I kinda know what is the Thai movie. "Little thing called love" right? Kekeke. Anyway, I love your story and I felt like reading it over and over again! <3
love it! the ending was perfect!!! >.<<br />
nana~~~ Your the best!! ^o^
omg the last part madee me blush >.< <br />
so cute <3 i love it!<br />
reaally sweet alsooo! :D
AHAHAH i was blushing at the last part! LMFAO! :'D<br />
How I wish this is true >_<
goddessfashionista #9
so swee~~~t!! i love it!