001/001 (Forever)

Rewind (Welcome Home)


AN:// Well, I’ve always wanted to try a Daehyun scenario (That doesn’t involve Youngjae pmsl) And let’s just see where this goes. Uhh, I am using a new style? I have no idea, really. Whatever. This might not even be a ‘collected’ type of fanfic so pls jeabol donut expect bc I dunno about it rly!!!



Rewind (Welcome Home)



I think all people who have experience true love would agree with me if I said that though love seems at first to be all about attraction, all about infatuation and passion, and instinct of emotion, yet it leads you on, out of all of that into something beyond.

For love was an unbounded plane of mirrors that is filled with light, each reflecting into the fullness of the relationship shared.

It was limitless.

We are limitless.




The day was a blurred mixture of soaked streets due to the earlier downpour of the spring rain. It was mid-evening, and the orange sky has already shown signs of abandonment as the hue of darkened sapphire stretched across the sky like a lurking shadow. The aftermath of the rain gave off a sense of tranquility that opposes the bustling of the busy streets and the lively district. Everything was deduced to a quiet hush, and you are alone in the apartment, the sound of a drama droning out of the television set is keeping you company and from slipping into a nap, that would for sure fly for hours. You wanted to be awake, you felt like you needed to be.


Standing up quickly, you puffed your cheeks, signaling yourself that you needed to fill your stomach with something as you wait for a certain someone to burst into the door with a silly grin plastered on his face. A few pounds won’t hurt if it meant seeing his face, which you haven’t fully drowned in for days. It was always as if your relationship with him have been woven into a blanket where the threads of his free time would be locked with the strings of the days when you had work, or when you are too busy.


How many years has it been? Two? Maybe Three? It had to be four, you convince yourself, and as your face greets the large refrigerator, you smile to yourself as it was filled with pictures, obnoxious magnets with cheesy quotes, morning love notes which were cringe worthy to the eyes of the unknowing. A life with him meant danger, and everything that you could ever think of. You see a picture when you went to the beach last summer, him pulling a grin so wide that your hand was pushing his face away, whilst laughing, as the early sunsets glazes the both of you with a warm delight, a glow, that is unfathomable because you are so sure that he’s the one, and every facet of his idiotic self was just one of the millions of things that you would never dare leave. He is annoying, he is short-tempered, he makes rash decisions, but it’s those little things that make you wish that he hadn’t strut his way in you life so confidently, because you’re scared (and so sure) that you can’t even go a single day without him crossing your mind one way or another.


From the layers of accumulated ‘good morning, baby’ and the ‘eat this or I will kill you’ scribbles on colored papers, pictures of the past, the childish, the carefree of you two, you pull out of what seemed to reel you back to the time where it all started to make sense. You laugh.


He really was the same man you met four years ago.



“Yah!” One of your classmates called, “You’re the one assigned to clean the art room. Have fun!” The girl with shoulder length hair said with a smile, as she clung to the boy, most likely from the same age, beside her. “Bye~” She said with glee as she walked off, not before tossing you the keys.


Paintbrushes, angry of colors were splattered on the floor, rough canvasses all laid out into a gallery of different lives, different stories. You never really mind cleaning up, if it meant hovering over the pieces of art that were created. Some were refined, some were chaotic, but altogether beautiful. You believed in art, and it was amazing. You collect the cups of the water, made impure by the variety of colors, and yet it turns into an unexplainable hue that you are just trying to figure out.


And for some snap of a button in your system, the word love strikes you. How? How could a plastic cup filled with dirty water ever equate to the quality, the happiness, emotions that tug the heart to love? Simple. Every touch, every meaningless word uttered to you, every simple brush of each other’s shoulder could mold into this huge pile of beautiful mess that can’t be explained by the human mind, there is no explanation needed because love speaks with the heart, only with the discretion of the mind. Your heart feels, but your mind discern. Your heart falls in love, and the mind foolishly follows. The irony makes you bite at your cheeks as you discard the cups.


You proceed to scanning the room for insignificant papers, and it was a shock that you only found one, lone in the corner of a stool. Usually, the art room would be packed with the creativity that leads to a battle of everything, and you’re left with an aftermath of aesthetic hurricane, which you need to clean up. You walk over quickly, before the sun dies down.


The paper was just an ordinary one, you assume. It was folded, and just making sure it is in fact insignificant, you open it.


Boy, were you ever wrong. Eyes scanned so quickly that you were sure that this was a joke.


Dear Jihae, No. Hey Jihae.


Sup Babe?




Uh Hey!


You may or you may not know me but I am Jung Daehyun, three seats south of yours in art class, I..I am no stalker! So, yeah I think you have great art. And great face and body and I am sure you have—a great personality. You are always..punctual. pretty yeah, that is great—What the hell is this letter? Okay, I just want to tell you that I like you?


Yeah! Yeah, I like you….r art.


And you..r hair.


Haha!! Most of all I think I really do think I love like you.



Your Friend

Your FUTURE boyfriend, keke.


The guy three seats south of yours,



And as you finish, and swallow the content and leave it etched on your mind, a guy bursts into the door, clutching on his hair. He had thick lips, shining eyes, probably from anxiety, and it seemed like his heart potentially dropped as he kicked it towards the room. You two have this unspoken staring game as he just looks at the paper and back at your face for a good measure and you thought immediately that he probably left something.


“H-hey.” He croaks out, his voice was like honey, dripping down a rounded, wooden spoon. “Hypothetically speaking, that may be a letter for a certain Jihae from a stupid Jung Daehyun who left it magically in this room, and you most probably are Jihae’s identical twin and the probability of her existing would be zero over one hundred, So, you are most likely to one Jihae that I so liked for a year already, then I think that I would gladly sprint to the rooftop and jump off the ledge as you catch a glimpse of me free falling for you through that window because I am embarrassing, and that letter is twice as embarrssing as I am. Dishonor on my family back in Busan.” He points, and it was the window that stretched from the ceiling down to the cold floor, it was supposed to serve as an inspiration inducer for students. Just as you were gazing out the glass, He walks briskly and snatches the paper out of your hand. “N-not that I already haven’t figuratively fell for you in the first place. I mean, wow, you are really pretty up close, am I talking too much? Is this repulsive? I like you! F-.” He planted the palm of his hand directly at his forehead and in a snap.


You try to convince yourself, but it really did happen.


On a Friday afternoon, when the sun was being cloaked into a night blue seeping through it’s fiery color of orange and pink, you fell in love with the noisy idiot.

You’ve always known him, and yet, it was only know you knew how much his blunt attitude would elicit so much perfect thoughts of him.


On a Friday afternoon, in the art room illuminated by the fluorescent light, and sounds emitting from the nervous beating of your heart and his of course, you fell in love.


“I-I like you too.” You awkwardly place your had on your nape, and as you looked up. You were quickly being pulled out of the art room, hand in hand with a Jung Daehyun screaming “Finally! She’s mine!”.



The same letter from four years ago, though might be battered on the edges, still held the same feelings of nervousness, excitement, and the sincerity of first love.


Sometimes you wonder what got you wrapped in his finger, what made you think he’s perfect, what made you believe that oh, he’s definitely the one. And you could only come up with one and final conclusion: That you don’t need a reason too. He makes you feel like you can be anyone, he pulls jokes at you, he irritates you with his aegyo, he thinks he is so damn handsome, and you think so too, to the point wherein you want to slam his head against a freshly baked cheesecake. Other than that, he assures you, in the silent nights when the moon casts the silver lining of your relationship, he whispers in a breath that he loved you back then and he’ll be loving you more as years pass. He tells you that you’re beautiful, and he makes you believe in those words, because when it comes to Daehyun, words have a meaning to it. He pulls you in close to his body, every chance he gets because he thinks you’ll run away, and he needs to keep you, because cheesecake monsters might steal you for make the best cheesecake. You roll your eyes, stating that he just loves you for your ability of baking cheesecakes he so happen to love, and he just smiles.


“If giving up cheesecake would mean keeping you forever, then put me on a cheesecake fast.” He is smiling and laughing and the dimples on his face have gone out and he is clutching you harder than before. He loves you, your eyes, your smile, your hair, the sound of your voice, when your nagging him, he loves every inch of you, he says he’ll even put up a monument and you slap his arms away, only to be greeted by the warmth of his breath on your lips, and the next second, you guys are tangled on the bed, seeing who’ll give up first, because he loved kisses, and so do you. Lips fit so perfectly, heartbeats were in sync, limbs snuggled, and you guys were just so damn right until your mind hazes and you are rendered breathless. Only Jung Daehyun has the ability to do that. He pulls away from the kiss first, before inching his head closer once more, resting his forehead against yours. “If this isn’t true love, then I’ll be gladly lying to myself..for forever..as long as it’s you..then this country bumpkin…is..”Happy. You completed the sentence yourself, because that is what he gives you. Happiness, so much of it runs through the river of your veins, and it consumes you until it’s the only thing that radiates out of you. He drifts off to sleep, and you follow him to dreamland. Only to be irritated at how much of a messy sleeper he is, always looking fo your warmth, pulling you in, and pushing you away. Stealing the covors, only to put it back to your body so that you feel warm and toasty. He kisses you, on your face, on your neck, lips, nose, eyelids, before drifting to sleep again. You wonder what makes sleeping along with Daehyun's warmth worth it, and it's in the moment your crack your eyes open from the morning light, you see the angel, eyes in a deep sleep, mind drifting off to somewhere he wants to go, and you'd be surprised, because the only place he want to be is where you are.


He’s amazing.


A lot has happened in the long run of four years, and yet it was like so little have occurred, and you are holding onto hope, hope that there will be more to come, and you know there will be several moments and meanings that you two will unravel, whether it be under the twinkling stars shamelessly shining upon you, or in the dull ceiling of your apartment that is full of mysteries to unlock, you know that as long as it’s with Daehyun, then you’re on the right track.


The train of your thoughts was soon halted as the sound of the door unlocking rings to your ears. You quickly poke you head out of the kitchen, and it was no question that it was Daehyun, tired from work.


“Baby?” He calls out, loosening the tie, as he removes his shoes on the doorway.


“Yes?” you quickly respond, meeting him halfway as he snakes his arm around your waist, kissing each side of your cheeks. “Ah! I’m so tired from work, but I guess it’s all better now.” He squeezes you into his body harder and you just smiled, relishing the moment.


The cards are all right at the moment, and there is only but a blinding star that you see ahead. He makes you feel like you can’t live without him, something about the way he moves, the was he is with you, the way his scent just fills your entire being with so much love to give, you’re sure that both of you will drown in them. Daehyun was everything, and you’re his everything. Standing still the the middle of the apartment, you notice how his heart beat is matching with the way yours drum and it that moment, limitless reasons as to why you guys were like a puzzle, permanent, and meant for each other just filled your mind.


You can go your whole life collecting days with him.


Love in it’s own nature, demand the perfecting of the beloved.


You didn’t have to wait for the perfect moment, because every moment with him is perfect.


“Welcome home, baby.” You smile, with the thought of parting from him quickly disappearing.





pretty much yeah what the hell is this

i tried, i really did

dae-scenarios are a challege for me (◕‿◕✿)

and well basically i finished this bc idk it felt right i am a sap 

blah blah i like cheesecake too


unedited;;;; i make embarrassing typos;;

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Chapter 1: aww fluffy sweetness :)
huehuehue #2
Chapter 1: A masterpiece! <3
Chapter 1: omg this is so beautiful! /sobbing <3
Chapter 1: this story written so beautiful and... cute.
so emotional, even i think i'm reading someone diary! haha

i love the way you made this story look so 'real'. because this must ever happened to someone who already in relationship. and i like the way you made jihae or 'you' so original. she's like other girls out this world, who sometimes can think to parting from someone she's love. but she'll forget that thought when see the one who she love. uh, do i'm make a sense? lol

omg this my longest comment ever lol. but you deserve it.
keep writing! i love you.....r story. lol, joking❤
Beautiful❤❤ I'm in tears
Chapter 1: /whispers more dae scenarios pls

i love youuuuu~ <333
NJsakura #7
Chapter 1: So touching!!!!!! And i'm like reading this in the morning too.....
awesome!! keep it up! XD