my beautiful stranger



The church bells rung so loud it felt like I was going to be deaf.

Everybody inside the church looked happy, but not me.

The ladies wore beautiful pastel colored dresses in assorted designs that looked like the clouds in the sky in the morning and the men wore their best tuxedos matching the women's dresses perfectly.

I wore an almost the same colored dress though it was more beautiful than the others, maybe because I am the groom and the bride's bestfriend.

Funny how I should be feeling happy that moment but I was feeling the exact opposite.


I glanced at him--- yes him, Kim Jong In. The love of my life, the man of my dreams but I wasn't very much like that to him which made me sadder.

He looked extra handsome that day, wearing the black tuxedo he picked himself a few months ago. He looked nervous yet happy with what's happening.



At last! the bride came, walking in a slow phase making everything seemed surreal.

She wore a beautiful white wedding gown adorned with different kind of laces, ribbons and all sorts of pearls and some sequins to make it more elegant.

People gasped at the sight of her.

Her smile was brighter than the morning light. Her eyes lovelier than the setting sun.

Everything about her was perfect.

Yoon So Hee was is and forever will be perfect which I can never be even though I try.

Now, I understand why Jong In chose her over me.


I know it's a sin to envy your friend or even wish to be her but sometimes I couldn't help but to think that way.

"What if he loved me not her? I would be the happiest girl alive"

"What if I were the girl he proposed to? I would be the one walking this very aisle with all eyes on me."

I was filled with "what ifs". "What ifs" that ill stay forever as it was before.

I smiled bitterly. I was a very bad person for thinking that way the worst to my bestfriend.

I sighed, tears theatening to fall upon seeing where she was looking---- at Jong In.


Jong In looked at her with loving eyes which I never saw when he's looking at me.--- maybe he'd never seen me more than a bestfriend a sister.

Smiles never left his perfect face. He sparkled like a lake when the sun shone down on it.

Then I realized how they both looked perfect with each other.



They exchanged their wedding vows like a song beautiful to the ears but it was definitely killing me in the inside--- like a poison.

Tasteless, odorless but once inside you it will kill every bit of you..

They put the ring made just for them, it perfectly fit their fingers but each time they put the ring to each other's fingers it felt it's suffocating me, leaving me out of breath

Finally, the kiss which everyone was waiting for came but of course not me-- for it was a like a dagger with overly used blade that can hurt anybody with wound smaller than a scratch but can kill me over and over just by flaunting it in front of me.


And just like on cue, I walked slowly to one of the doors of the church. I don't think I can take anymore of it. I've had enough of what they have for each other.

My heart felt like a paper wet by water, that with the slightest touch can destroy it.

I run outside the church clenching my throbbing heart filled with agony.

For the past few months I tried acting as if I was happy for them, as if everything was okay though the truth was, I was dying each day I see them together exchanging loving words and stares. I've reached my limitations already. I was like a time bomb ready to explode anytime.


Just then the rain fell, enveloping me with its cold drops that felt like thousand daggers hitting me each time.

Though I was cold I was thankful to the rain, atleast it can hide my tears that I didn't want to show to anybody.



I saw a waiting shed not very far from me. I walked to it and decided to wait there until the rain stops.

I stared blankly at the sky. It's darker than usual.

I continued crying in that shed not caring of what people would think of me. Or how would I look like to them.

My hair was a mess, my white dress looked like a rug with all the mud stucked on it and I'm sure my face was messier than the former, make-up smeared all over my face.

I didn't know how long I've been crying until someone tapped my shoulder and asked "Can I sit here?"

I looked at the person confused. I didn't understand why he needed to ask me that. I nodded and looked away almost immediately.


He sat down and I heard him blabber some incoherent words but ignored him because my concerns  was far more important than his random blabberings.

Just then he offered me a white handkerchief, its smell was so pleasant, it didn't even smell like a man's handkerchief. I refused to take it but he put it on my lap and said "A face with full of smeared make-up doesn't look good, so you better wipe it up."

I didn't know what to feel. Be touched because atleast he's thinking of how I would look like to everybody or be annoyed because of his statement.

I didn't move a muscle and pretended not to hear or see anything.

A few minutes later I saw him writing something but I didn't really care.



A bus stopped in front of us and I guessed it was the bus he's waiting for because he stood up upon seeing.

But before he walked to the bus he took off his jacket and placed it on my shoulder.

"You've been shivering since I saw you. I thought maybe this could help."

he said and he made his way to the bus.

I saw him sat down on the seat next to the window giving his sweetest smile to me and mouthing something I didn't bother to interpret.

The bus took off and I was hugging the jacket he handed me, for some strange reasons, this made me feel warmer though it wasn't that thick to literally warm me.

And when I tried wiping my tears away with the white handkerchief, there's no tears to wipe anymore only smeared make-up was left.

Maybe at some point he made me stop from crying.


Then I noticed the hand-woven name written on one side of the handkerchief. "Luhan"

"Maybe his name is Luhan" I thought.

I put my hand inside the pocket of the jacket, just finding more warmth inside it when I felt something inside it. A paper? I took it out in hopes that he left a contact number or address there but it was not.


It's just a paper full of scribbles and drawings of just anything particularly a girl with long messy hair in a dress.

But something written on the side caught my attention.

"Today, I saw a girl on the waiting shed crying like a lunatic woman left by her boyfriend."


But I swear to God, when she looked up, it's like I've seen a Goddess. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, not her messy hair nor her make-up smeared face lessened the beauty she had."


I was taken aback with what's written on the paper. So, the drawing was me. I gasped, nobody had ever described me like that before.

I continued reading it.

"I tried getting her attention by tapping her shoulder and asking her but she just looked at me--- i can see in her eyes, she's lost-- not physically but mentally and emotionally. I suddenly want to find her. I kept on blabbering some words in hopes of getting her attention. I even offered her my handerchief but she ignored me. Maybe her pain is too deeep I can't reach it. I'm just another stranger for her who happened to be attracted to her in a way.


Though I couldn't get her attention right now. I know we will meet again. Because from the moment I saw her something sparked inside me and somehow it made me feel connected to her and no matter how cliche it is for me to find a girl crying on a waiting shed this encounter made me feel something I've never felt before."


"Wait for me, I'll find you again and"


it stopped there maybe that was the time when the bus came..



just then I came to realize what he's mouthing earlier.


"we will meet again, my beautiful stranger."











omg done! i had a hard time typing this because my keyboard is a fail..

so yeah.. it's completed now. you see i left the ending hanging just because i want to make a sequel to it lol

but i'm still thinking about it ;;;;;;;; do you think i should?

but yeah anyway. i hope this doesn't disappoint you guys.

i am personally not satisfied with this but this is all i can do..


thank you readers!!!!!!



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secretlol #1
OMG the feels!!
Are you going to write a sequel?? You should. This was sooo cute. I'm dying over here waiting, and waiting, and waiting for it.
Chapter 1: Kyaaaaaaaaa!!! This is soooooooooo sweet and so good!!!
Chapter 1: seohan! seohan! seohan! ♥ ㅋㅋㅋ so yes im cheering for seohan in here and i am not minding jongin getting married. XD nice work authornim ♥ off to read the sequel *grins*
Chapter 1: whhhhaooo love it!!
Chapter 1: loooove it~ great job!! *thumbs up
ps. i really want a sequel author-nim >u<
Chapter 1: idk if i'd hate jongin for not seeing seohyun as a woman rather than a friend or i'd thank him for doing that because seohyun met luhan (i assumed it was him bc of the tag lmao). anyway, this needs a sequel! pretty please?
Chapter 1: wowww..
this story was really well written...
from the starting when seohyun has to see her man that she loves becoming her friend's groom...
that's hurt for a girl to hold the broken feeling inside herself...

and i really love how you make seohyun-luhan meeting more interesting...
from the first sight looking at the girl that crying in the rain with spoiled make-up, spoiled dress which people would only see an insane heartbroken girl but from his point of view... he saw a goddess... that soooo sweet..

and i love how you created luhan character to be so interesting....
he didn't straightly go to the point when he met her... but he left an impressive things with her... the papers..

really love it.. hoe you can write more..
i need to stop typing to much comment i guess..
now it's me who becoming insane..
nanjang #9
Chapter 1: Make a sequel please~
Luhan is so sweet! I want to see both of them meet again!