Chapter 2

Shaky Ground


 Kyungsoo had never run that fast in his entire life. Combined with his already heavily fueled paranoia, this was the last straw. He wasn´t superstitious, at least not like the other villagers, but that night he was willing to believe the mountain was full of dwarven ghosts just waiting for a chance to kill him.

 He ran and ran until he got to the village´s gates, rushed through and then he was opening the An´s house´s front door and whilst ignoring all the questions aimed his way, he climbed up the stairs, locked the door to his room, jumped into bed, pulled the covers over his head and trembled through the whole night.

 Mornings were something Kyungsoo cherished and looked forward to thanks to his daily walks, but he dreaded the next day´s morning to come. He feared general Yong´s fury because of him leaving the post abandoned, he feared general would tell his family and they would start with endless string of told-you-so’s.

 But mostly, he feared he would never again be allowed to guard the Northern road again.

 Even though he absolutely freaked out the night before, Kyungsoo felt the need to find out just what exactly was going on. In the safety of morning´s light and with clear head, he started feeling something that could not be described as anything but curiosity.

It wasn´t new that someone would make their way up the mountain, once in a while random pilgrims would climb up to visit the sacred place, but Kyungsoo always knew about that, because  said pilgrims would always visit the village´s pub before their journey up, in most cases requesting him to accompany them.

 But no one but Kyungsoo dared to go there in the evenings, especially not now when there was a dragon sighting.

No, this must had been someone dangerous.

Someone who could hurt him or the villagers.

 Telling general Yong was no option, Kyungsoo was positive about that. He couldn´t tell him that he had abandoned his spot to climb up the dwarven mountain, that would not only mean he couldn´t associate with the guard anymore but a village council would surely take place too. He couldn´t tell his family either, no one would believe him and they would all concentrate on the fact that he disobeyed direct of orders of his parents, head of the guard and the village´s Healer, rather than actually listening to his story. It screamed treason.

 So it was clear to Kyungsoo that he would have to take matters in his own hands.

 By the time he finished all his chores in the morning, he had everything planned out.

 He would climb up the mountain that exact day. If the general would refuse him another chance to redeem himself, he would have to sneak out, but it could be done only a bit more risky. He would get as much food as he could, stuffing it in the backpack like the last time and he would place it on the top of the stairs. Then, he would pretend to got to the stream as usual and then sneak back, hide somewhere and wait for the thief.

He didn´t exactly have anything worked out after that but he was pretty content with what he had.

Maybe then, he thought, he would catch him and bring him to the council. And show the Healer how important he actually was. And his parents would see he wasn´t wasting time, but that he actually could help the village a lot with just what he was doing.

It was a perfect plan, and he couldn´t wait to make it happen.

Shortly after noon, he took off to see the general, aiming to apologise and try to see if he could get the watch again.

Stretching his back, he started walking slowly across the square, enjoying how there was no market that day. Everyone was still holed up in their houses and Kyungsoo found that perfectly fine.

„Kyungsoo! Wait up!“ a slightly lisp laced voice called from somewhere behind him and Kyungsoo had to stop himself from rolling his eyes.

It belonged to Sehun, the youngest member of the guard more because his father was the village´s banker and moneylender than anything else. Kyungsoo didn´t really like him but his mother urged him to befriend the wealthy heir. They didn´t talk much, but since Kyungsoo always happened to be assigned to sit next to him during village banquets and fairs partially because of their parents, partially because the two boys didn´t have any other friends, they always ended up talking to each other anyway. Jiwoo could hardly count as a friend to Kungsoo and it was obvious Sehun held similiar distaste towards his fiancé, the mayor´s son.

 The thing about Sehun was, he always found a pretext to start about the country’s capital. And then he just wouldn’t shut up, boasting and bragging with hours on end until the person he was talking too either found something urgent to do at the very moment or simply made a run for it.

„Hey,“ Kyungsoo murmured unenthusiasticly in greeting, hoping the younger would get a hint. No such luck, Sehun caught up with him and it didn´t look like he intended to part their ways any time soon.

„Where are you off to, Kyungsoo?“ he asked, his lisp heavily noticable now. Kyungsoo smiled inwardly at the memory of how Sehun´s father kept explaining to everyone that his son´s lisp was actually an accent originated from Ji, the capital of the country, where they spent holiday. It went so far that some villagers even started imitating Sehun´s lisp in hopes of appearing more modern and urban life savvy.

 But Kyungsoo had to admit even though he thought the boy was annoying and a brat, he respected his opinions, since Sehun was a lot more open minded than the majority of the villagers and quite mature for someone of his age. Not that Kyungsoo with his extra two years could talk.

„Hyung?“ Sehun asked again, tilting his head a bit. Kyungsoo snapped out of his thoughts, blushing a bit.

„Sorry, right, I´m heading to general Yong,“ he answered, silently hoping Sehun would have an inquiry on the other side of the village.

„Really? But that´s where I´m going too! Let´s walk together,“ Sehun didn´t even let the older boy say anything, before he started dragging him towards the barracks.

Kyungsoo could only roll his eyes in dispair.

„So, why does Yong want to see you?“ Sehun asked, not really seeming to care though.

„I need to see him. About tonight´s watch,“ answered Kyungsoo swiftly, afraid Sehun would suspect what he truly had in mind.

„See, I don´t understant that volunteering thing. I wish I could actually spend night curled in the warmth of my bed but no, I have to guard this stupid village from a non-existent threat. And you just go and do it willingly and for free.“ That caught Kyungsoo´s attention.

„So you don´t think that dragon is a threat?“ That would be a first. Sehun shrugged.

„Probably not, I read dragons used to appear in this area quite frequently before the war started. People are just freaked out because dragons mean war, but dragons themselves shouldn´t exactly be vile. And if there was a hostile army nearby marching, Kai would come to our rescue, so… No, I am not really afraid,“ Sehun said and Kyungsoo found himself nodding at the seemingly reasonable explanation.

„That´s probably right… But still I doubt the Head Dragon Rider would rush to our aid. We´re a very small village.“

Sehun grunted.

„Him and the other riders are sworn to protect the country. He can´t just ignore people in danger. I´ve seen him, you know,“ Sehun told Kyungsoo pompously.

„Have you?“ Kyungsoo´s eyes lit up.

„I have… During a parade in the capital, when we were on holiday. I even have a poster of him in my room.“

„Our family has his poster too. You know, the one of him fighting in the battle of Whitestone?“

„Everyone´s got that one. No, my father got ours from someone who actually lived at the court, it´s a different one,“ Sehun explained, looking very pleased with his family. Kyungsoo shrugged.

„Whatever. I still don´t think he would come.“

„You are a pessimist, Kyungsoo. You should sometimes come to the court with us. The people there are so charming, you would be surprised. I think you need a bit of that sunshine attitude.“

Kyungoo sped up, remembering once again why he didn´t like talking to Sehun who seemed to be under impression that anyone who wasn´t from the capital was a complete waste of space.

„So, why do you need to speak with general Yong? I thought your duty was in the mornings,“ Kyungsoo asked, desperately trying to change the subject.

„Used to be. Yesterday I had my first evening one. It wasn´t fun, I left.“

„You… You left?“ Kyungsoo was dumbfounded.

„Yup. It was cold and boring and it´s not like I would be useful in case of an attack, so I went home.“

Sehun suddenly chuckled.

„Yong wasn´t pleased. It´s ironic considering he spends most of his usual watches in my aunt´s pub. But now there´s a dragon and everyone is ting themselves.“

„Language, Oh,“ general scolded the young recruit. Kyungsoo let out a startled gasp at the general´s sudden appearance, while Sehun didn´t even have the courtesy to blush.

„You left yesterday.“

„I have. It was cold and I didn´t think I was needed, sir,“ Sehun answered, staring blankly in empty space.

It looked like general was going to rip his head off, but eventually, he managed to calm down, probably by thinking about financial chief´s generous donations to village´s defense forces.

„Just get a blanket next time. A person like you shouldn´t even call themselves a guard,“ he spat.

Sehun shrugged and turned to leave.

„Be at your post at 6 sharp, Oh!“

Sehun kind of waved him off before returning in the direction he came from.

Kyungsoo now felt incredibly scared after witnessing this scene, it looked like general´s patience for the day was completely used up.

„I´m happy we still have respectable men like you, Do,“ the general smiled, patting Kyungsoo´s shoulder.

„Thank you for yesterday. Actually, would you mind watching the road again today? We always need more men.“

Kyungsoo couldn´t believe his luck. So the general didn´t even notice he was gone! And he offered him the exact thing Kyungsoo was hoping to ask for!

Trying not to show too much joy, he nodded. General Yong smiled and ruffled his hair.

„Thank you. And I wanted to tell you, don´t be sad about the Healer not taking you with him. I´m sure in a few years, he´ll let you have more resposibility. You can start showing how capable you are by showing up today at 5, okay?“

Kyungsoo once again nodded, feeling really guilty now. He didn´t even think about the Healer for some time and he knew after disobeying his orders, he could no longer become his apprentice. But he just had to know who the thief was.




He ran straight home, cooked his own meal this time, withstood a scolding from his mother and waited.

After having a light lunch with his and the Ans, he noticed a poster hanging in the kitchen, the same one his family owned, Kai during the battle of Whitestone.

He sighed. He’d seen that same poster so many times before, wishing he, just like Kai, would be one of the greatest warriors in the country. The dragonriders. Always on an adventure, always there when something happened, the heroes and idols of common folk.

He observed Kai, the terrifying warrior riding on the back of his ink black dragon, surrounded by flames and corpses of his enemies. That´s how he was usually portrayed, a middle aged man with long black hair and a beard, blood of his enemies splattered over his bare chest, his posture vicious, holding a spear. A silent scream on his lips, the despair of their foes and the clear dominance of their country´s armies. He was the symbol of their victory, the role model for young soldiers who kept joining the tropes, hoping they could one day become a respected warrior or, even better, a dragon rider.

Rumour had it Kai once used to be a young boy too and that he joined the tropes like every other soldier, but then got injected by a special serum which made him a super soldier. Some people said it wasn´t the truth, claiming instead that he was bitten by a radioactive spider, thus developing spider like powers. Other people even suggested he actually came from acompletely different planet and was sent to earth as a punishment. Kyungsoo was a bit sceptical about all of those theories.

Finally, the clock reached four and the short boy packed everything, checked everything twice and got ready to leave.

Heading to his post he was trembling, this time in anticipation. He mumbled an incoherent greeting and the general left him just like he did the other day after handing him a sword.

Kyungsoo waited a few minutes and once he was sure the older man was gone, he took a deep breath and started climbing.




Kyungsoo warily climbed up the stairs with a sword too big for him in one hand, gripping tight the generously packed bag swung across his shoulder with the other. The journey up was long and tiring and Kyungsoo could feel his stomach twist in anticipation, as he tried to move up as quickly as possible. Sunset was near, nearer than he would have wished. Sunshine was caressing the boy´s pale face as he sweat through the exercise.

 Finally, the exhausting journey came to finish. Kyungsoo quietly judged the situation and the possibility of intruders. He was taking deep breaths, second guessing his decision, but finally, he decided and dropped his heavy backpack off of his shoulders. Gripping his sword, Kyungsoo started walking towards the crossroads casually, trying to make it look like he suspected nothing. Once he had his backpack out of sight, he reversed his actions, moving backwards one step at the time as quietly and stealthily as he could.

He crouched behind a bush, watching his now again visible backpack, waiting, and it seemed like the shadows of the tall majestic trees surrounding the path were waiting with him.

Something felt off, though.

„Kyungsoo.“ It was a faint whisper, but but it still caused Kyungsoo to twitch and briefly question his sanity. He looked around. Nothing.

„Behind you…“ Again, the same sigh, so quiet he almost hadn´t heard it, soft and urgent. What made him really confused was the fact, that it seemed as if he was spoken to by the bush he was currently crouching behind. Feeling like an idiot, he leaned in.

„Behind you.“ Load and clear. Kyungsoo could only stare dumbfounded, because apparently, he´d just been given  an advice by a bush. He just kept staring at it, trying to understand what´d just happened.

„That was the worst attempt at being stealthy ever.“

Kyungsoo let out something between a shriek and a gasp and tried to turn swiftly around, but collapsed somewhere in the middle of the process and finished the motion by sort of rolling on the ground, ending up sitting on his backside, staring up at the person who scared him.

Or rather, a boy. A frightening looking boy, who currently wore a very amused grin.

For a very awkward minute, they just kept staring at each other, Kyngsoo still on the ground, blinking rapidly, trying to process the situation he found himself in, while the other boy seemed to be very entertained by the shocked boy´s reaction.

Finally, Kyungsoo remembered he had a sword.

„Step no closer!“ he yelled, jumping up and pointing his sword somewhere in the direction of the intruder´s face.

Said intruder only rolled his eyes, opening his mouth to say something and moving forward simultaneously, only to let out a gasp and have his face turn into a grimace of pain.

And then, finally, Kyungsoo really looked at the boy, gasping at the sight.

The intruding boy was definitely very handsome with his dark hair, half lidded eyes, plump lips and tanned skin so different from Kyungsoo´s own, that it made him a tad jealous.

He would surely look stunning if dressed properly and rested, but right now, his clothes was hanging on him by mere threads, revealing one very amateurishly bandaged shoulder looking like it´d been twisted in an unnatural way. His clothes were soaked in blood and water, his right eyebrow slashed and one of his legs bend, like it couldn´t bear the boy´s weight. It looked like he didn´t get much sleep, judging from dark circles formed under his eyes.

 Kyungsoo mentally cursed himself when he felt the familiar sting of pity.

It was always like that, seeing people in pain made him act irrational. Back when he was young, he used to annoy his parents by bringing home stray hurt animals all the time.

So it was a bit expected when Kyungsoo lowered his weapon a bit and asked:

„How badly are you hurt?“

The injured boy narrowed his eyes, not expecting a question like that. Eyeing Kyungsoo suspiciously, he hesitated with his answer.

„Just tell me!“ Kyungsoo snapped, starting to get impatient. The sun was going to set on about an hour and by then he was determined to solve this intruder mystery.

„I… It´s not that bad anymore. I´ve had a couple days of rest, but…“


„I think the wound in my shoulder might have gotten infected. But that´s-“

„Well then,“ Kyungsoo interrupted, tossing his sword aside, the tanned boy watching him incredulously.

„Follow me.“

He started walking towards the stream, before stopping.

„Can you even walk?“

„Of course I can!“ he stranger snapped and tried to play it cool by making a few quick steps, which didn’t end up very well very for him.

„Just let me take a look at it. I might be able to help,“ Kyungsoo said softly, while helping the taller boy get up from  where he was hissing on the ground.

The thief was still suspicious,but accepted his savior´s offer of help and let himself be leaned to shift weight and the pressure put on his left leg and left shoulder, both badly injured.

A wave of pain almost blinded him once he started being dragged towards the stream, stumbling throught the forest. Kyungsoo didn´t understand how exactly did he manage to sneak up on him twice, when he was apparently in so much pain, and was even more surprised when the intruder, even though he had to muffle groans of pain still, decided to speak.

„So… Can I get your name?“

Kyungsoo hesitated. Helping someone was one thing, but sharing his name with a stranger? That was a hazard and even young kids knew that was not something to do.

But somehow, he felt like he could trust the boy. The forest hummed contently at his presence, and that made Kyungsoo feel relaxed.

„Do Kyungsoo,“ he said and after a few moments added: „And yours?“

„Kim Jongin,“ The boy answered, looking rather smug for an injured man.

Finally, they reached the stream and both boys almost fell on the stones around it, panting heavily, trying to regain their strength. Kyungsoo immediately began his ritual of taking of shoes and bathing his feet, not caring about the intruder then at all.

„So, Kyungsoo,“ started Jongin, „not only you at being stealthy, you also at staying alive.“

Kyungsoo chuckled, to Jongin´s surprise.

„That wasn´t meant as a joke. For all you know, I could be faking the whole thing, just waiting for a chance to kill you. You could be luring yourself in a trap.“

To the his further disbelief, Kyungsoo laughed again, shoving the taller boy in moss near them so he could access his injuries better.

„Take off your… Jacket. Or what´s left of it. And your pants probably too.“

Jongin rose his eyebrows at that, but correctly assumed that some medical help was better than none and restrained himself from uttering any remark he might had wanted to make. He then, with some help, managed to take off his clothes, slouching in front off Kyungsoo only in his undergarments.

Kyungsoo took his time to assess the boy’s many injuries, wondering if he bit off more than he could chew this time. There was a deep wound on the boy’s forehead, slicing his brow in half, a deep cut in his thigh and numerous scratches all over his body. Kyungsoo’s mind briefly wandered to the dragon sighting, wondering if the beast had something to do with it, since Jongin looked like he barely escaped the claws of a monster.

All those injuries were nothing, though, compared to the wound in Jongin’s shoulder. It was deep, long and festered. White edges spreading through the tanned skin like pest almost made Kyungsoo gag. He managed to overcome his disgust and reached out to touch the tissue, flinching back when he touched the wet, cold, dead flesh.

„It’s bigger than before.“ Jongin’s comment made Kyungsoo twitch. He tore his gaze off of the injury only to see the worry and visible fear in the stranger’s eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but couldn’t find the right words to say. Deciding to ignore the wound for the time being, he tore some of the moss near them off and soaked it thoroughly in the cold water of the stream and then slapped it onto Jongin’s thigh injury. The boy hissed in pain.

„I´m helping you,“ Kyungsoo said, changing the topic of the conversation „because I feel like it. You are injured and not a threat for me.“

„Not a threat for you! I could kill you so easily. No one would ever know,“ Jongin spoke sincerely, his voice hitching here and there, as Kyungsoo applied more moss on his thigh wound.

„If you wanted to kill me, you could´ve ages ago. It’s not like I would stand a chance,“ Kyungsoo replied, moving on to the other injuries and scratches, leaving the shoulder wound. His words came out bitter, because it was the truth. He was weak. He felt weak. There was a person in need of help and he couldn’t provide it. His knowledge was too limited and he couldn’t even ask anyone to give him a piece of advice without being deemed a traitor.

Kyungsoo shook his head, trying to get rid off the importunate doubts. Jongin kept silent, either not having anything to say, or too much in pain to say anything. Kyungsoo decided to bring a lighter note into their conversation.

„You can’t kill me anyway,“ he smiled and Jongin looked up at him in confusion, „What would you eat then?“

Jongin chuckled and immediately seemed to regret it, his face turning pale. He started coughing and Kyungsoo quickly held his arms out to support his back, laying him softly into the moss.

„I´m sorry about that,“Jongin muttered once he calmed his breath, „ I was just really hungry and the food was just… there.“

Kyungsoo only shrugged and went back to pressing cold moss to Jongin’s injuries. He didn’t want to touch the shoulder wound just yet. He was petrified of making it even worse, but he also didn’t want to give up on it, give up on Jongin. But there was no way he could treat it. Not with the resources and knowledge he had at the moment.

Jongin cleared his throat when Kyungsoo reached for another patch of moss.

„I don’t want to seem ungrateful, but are you sure you know what you are doing?“

„Of course,“ answered Kyungsoo maybe too quickly, „I´m the local Healer´s apprentice.“

Jongin narrowed his eyes at the wide eyed boy, disbelief clearly written in his face.

„An apprentice?“

Kyungsoo averted his eyes.

„You´re not really, are you?“ Jongin observed. Kyungsoo sighed and shook his head.

„I fetch water for him.“

Jongin groaned.

„You´ve got to be kidding me.“

„Well excuse me, at least I know something about medicine! You´re then one who tried to to heal your leg by applying aconitum on it! That just made it so much worse.“

That shut Jongin up, since he was impressed Kyungsoo could even tell what herbs he was using.

„Is it…?“


Jongin gulped.

„There are a few purple coneflowers growing by the path. If your wounds get worse, put those on them. Not they yellow ones, though, those won´t help you. And if the pain is too much, just eat some elderberry.“

Jongin kept nodding like a puppet, noting that the purple flower Kyungsoo was just putting on his thigh really did relief the pain just a little bit.

„What about the shoulder?“ he dared to ask after Kyungsoo started pulling his clothes back on.

The shorter male stopped in his tracks, facing Jongin.

„It is not a regular wound. Do you remember how you got it?“

There was clear hesitance in the stranger’s face, but he just ended up looking confused.

„I don’t remember,“ he answered finally and Kyungsoo lowered his head.

„I just thought it looked a bit like…“ he started, but stopping himself.

„Like what?“ prodded Jongin, leaning in.

„Like it was caused by magic,“ Kyungsoo almost whispered, blushing a bit. Jongin looked a bit sheepish, but then managed to crack a small smile.

„I don’t thinks that what happened, Kyungsoo…“

„Of course not! That was a foolish thing to say, sorry.“ Kyungsoo felt really stupid and embarassed. It was just his longing after something unreal, he told himself, getting up quickly. Doing so, he realised how much time had passed.

„. Listen, I have got to go. Where are you staying?“ Once again that day, Kyungsoo manage to completely surprise the once intruder.

„Uh… There’s a cabin up the hill, I sleep there.“

Kyungsoo nodded and moved quickly to his side.

„What does that have to do with anything?“ Jongin asked, still a bit sheepish.

„I´ve got to go, but i definitely want to hear what brings you here. So stay right here, in that shack or whatever. Just don´t go anywhere. Well, it´s not like you can, so…“ Kyungsoo scratched his head.

„I´ll help you to the crossroads but then I have to run, so let´s make this quick.“

Jongin nodded, mentally preparing for more pain to come, gritting his teeth when Kyungsoo once again started helping him up the hill, this time in rush.

„You´re weird,“ Jongin muttered, but Kyungsoo ignored him.

Finally, they reached the crossroads, Kyungsoo sighing in relief. But the sun was surely all set down down in the valley by then and that made him worried. Jongin was left just sitting there for a few moments so Kyungsoo could retrieve his backpack. Everything happened extremely fast then. The shorter boy shoved his lunchbox into Jongin´s hands, said his goodbyes, smiled, waved and disappeared.

„You forgot you sword!“ Jongin yelled after him, but Kyungsoo was already gone with the dust.

Jongin sighed and prepared for a long journey to the shrine, holding onto the box with chicken and rice Kyungsoo gave him.

 This evening was special to Jongin. Being injured and in pain, that was nothing new.

But people like Do Kyungsoo were.






Hi there!

So this is the second chapter. Thanks so much to new subscribers! Hope you like this one too.

There will be a new chapter next Sunday and it is one to be excited about, since it'll be taking us to the dreaded capital.

Meanwhile, everyone have a great week!


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JasMackarty #1
Chapter 8: Hey! This story's super old n u'ad probably not even see this comment now, but still....this was super interesting!!
It was really well written with just the right pace, not too rushed not too slow. The plot n the characters have been going really good n they seem pretty realistic n nothing sugar coated.
Just wanna say, thanks for writing...till wherever u've written this I.e. 💗
Chapter 8: Yaaaaaaaaaaay!!♥ An update!♥
Oh God Jongin's gonna confess! KYAA! >o<♥

And Lulu's searching for him... Meanie ;_;

I hope Jongin's gonna confess and tell Kyungsoo who he really is... Perhaps Kyunggie'll follow him & Grey?

Anyways, Update soon & Fighting~!!!♥
MeiXiah #3
Chapter 8: Omfg yes you've updated!!! I feel bad for Jongin since he has to choose between freedom and duty ;^; he should confess to Kyungsoo so at least a part of his burden is unloaded from his shoulders! And I don't like how Luhan is so close to Jongin (I bet that as him rummaging through Jongin's stuff) and I'm just gonna hope that Jongin recovers quickly. And the healer's back? What will happen to Kyungsoo??? Can't wait for the next update >w<
suzika #5
now you have 69 subscribers :>
Chapter 7: It was nice to see the world from Sehun's point of view. I like his bratty attitude with a spark of curiosity that children have. Sehun is really precious to me here. Definitely my bias! :)
And there is Luhan, mysterious and dangerous assassin. I'm really curious how you develop his topic. And what are his true intentions.
You are doing really good job, each chapter is getting better and better. You maintain a pretty good balance between action and character development, keeping the whole story in suspense, and you do it in such a great style that I read chapters two times, because I can't wait for the next one.I don't know what else to say, I could only praise you. I'm not going to point out any grammar mistakes because my english so bad it hurts. I just want to say I fell in love with this story. Amen. ;)
Chapter 7: OMG, Luhan is so evil, I LOVE IT!!! Huhuhuuu, can't wait for the next chapter! Luhan is supposed to kill Kai, right? So either Sehun is gonna help him or Luhan will join the Sekaisoo crew...or something entirely different will happen and omg I wanna know! I'm dying of curiosity here! Your story is daebak you're daebak and I STILL WANT THE SPOILERS!!! :D
Chapter 7: thank you for the update. it made my day ^^
Chapter 7: good luck author-nim!!!
your story is really daebakk!