Anime Addiction

My Kpop Story.

  5/6 Years Later 

After 5/6 years when I was around 11/12 years old I went back to the same cousins house and played there after a while, I watched tv a bit, played outside and made some trouble with the younger cousin but ended up never getting caught xD

when we got back in his home his brother was watching something and it looked pretty much only as a cartoon I thought, but I was so wrong because ever since he showed me that anime named Naruto and he told me about another anime called Bleach my live changed not a lot in the beginning but I did watch only those two anime's and got interested in cartoons and art.

(A/N) I Could already understand English around the age of seven but I just didn't know all the words so some were still complicated

In my 7th grade in primary school I ended up sitting with a boy who could draw really~ well and asked him how he could draw like that but he answered with;

I just can, since I'm interested in cartoons and games I started practicing on drawing.

At that time I didn't even know that there were different types of drawing techniques, after some time I was more interested in anime and tried drawing for the first time with some effort in it since I always just used stick man drawings.

when I entered 8th grade in primary school I was even more into anime and ended watching Naruto and started watching Naruto Shippuden.

While I was in 8th grade this site called Hyves was really popular and eventually everyone had an account, while I was on hyves I saw something pretty strange I saw some Naruto characters on hyves having profiles and I never heard about something like that so I went to one of those profiles that I found and found out that what they were doing was Rpg (RolePlayGame)​.

At that time of my life I never heard of roleplay before but It sounded pretty fun So in the end I made An account one of the Akatsuki members called Konan.

I made some friends and found out that some people had own characters OC's of course everyone here know what OC's are right xD?

Well eventually I changed my Konan profile into a OC account called MiyukiUchiha Miyuki. 

(This is her second look because I couldn't find her first U.U")

Later on I was on an hyves profile from The 4th Hokage Aka The Yondaime​'s profile and found a song called Wedding Dress by Taeyang from Bigbang with a Asian guy as picture so I watched the video and at first I thought it was really weird (especially the dance)

later on I had a "Boyfriend" and broke up with him 3/4 months later and the song actually described the situation we were in so In the end I ended up sending it to that guy and he pretty much understood what he had done and knew how I felt.

after that I still listened to that song and saw a song called Lollipop so I clicked on the song and listened to it a couple of times and also the Bigbang version and saw another song called Gee and found another song from 2NE1 Hate You.

I only listened to those songs for a short time in 2010 and stopped after a while But I was still drawing and editing one day one of my friends asked if she could have one of my drawings so I just made one for her and gave it to her. I don't talk to her anymore since I got into Middle school (Im in my last year right now) but she and other people gave me confidence in my drawings, that was something I lacked a lot back then, Confidence in my drawings and edits but they said I was pretty good at it and thanks to them I still draw, not a lot anymore because of homework and also FanFics but I just got less time now.

after that I didn't listen to Kpop for 1and a half year or so.


  After Word  

So This was the 2nd part of MyKpopStory.

Hoped you liked this part as much as the previous one ^^.

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Chapter 4: I too love to read how people got into kpop y story I guess I kind o long by it started with an anime when I was about 7 yeas old :D
But all in all I liked your kpop story :D