Jessica Jung's property

Jessica Jung's property
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  StepIsDumbo: I added some of my memories on this fic... So... Please enjoy. *bowed*


  White... White and white... White bed sheet... White curtains... White wards... White hospital dress... White uniformed nurses and doctors. All white. That's the only impression for hospital after the unedurable pungent disinfectors smell. All the people in this hospital are busy in minding their own business. Doctors and nurses are busying on their works, like bees. No one will pay special attention to a ward at the end of the corner.   In that mentioned ward, which at the end of the corner. A fair-skin girl wearing her white hospital dress, alone in the room, while her left arm and right leg been encased in plasters is trying her best to stand on her own feet with a help from her crutch. Sweats started forming own her forehead due to the pain occurred everytime she made a small move. She supposed to be lying nicely on her bed, not to move. Well, that's according to doctor's order. But, for her 'order' means to be disobey, that's the only reason that order been formed.   Now, she is alone in her ward, that's her one and only chance to get her off from this boring position. She is damn bored by just lying on the bed and do nothing in these few days already. Boredom drove her nuts, she is not a type that be quiet and can stay still in a particular spot for more than 15 munites for doing nothing. Besides, there's something important bothering her. She want the answer now, NOW. An impatient girl.   "Ouch ouch ouch!!!" She cried out loud while trying her best to move down from her bed, but hell, when she did a slight move, just a SLIGHT move she done made her cried for mama. She made a grimace to herself before stand up with her crutch.   "Wuuuuzzzz!!!" Finally! She managed to leave the bed and stand with three legs. She pumped her fist in the air before walked herself to particular spot in the room she want to. The room particularly filled up by her cried in pain on every single step she took.   "Aow~ Oow... Ouch...." What made her insisted to do this? Really because of the boredom? Will you try to hurt yourself more like that, just to kill the boredom?   "Mirror... I need mirror!" She murmured under her breath when approaching to the big mirror at the corner in the room. A mirror? Why?   She tripped a bit due to her impatient, luckily managed to hold herself for not let her beautiful face to meet the floor. She exhaled loudly in shocked while glancing on the floor with her big round eyes. She almost fall, she silently thanks God that she doen't, if not she will be in trouble after been found out by a certain girl.   "That're so many ways in the world she can tell me, why on earth she chosen to write it there?!" She talking to herself while using her slow speed like a tortoise to the mirror, counting 1 and 2 for her foot step in her mind.   '1... 2... 1... 2...'   "Aow... Aow aow..."                 *Flashback*       "Pabo! How can you made yourself like that?!" That's the first thing came out from a blonde's lips after barged into the ward. Not like the others, greeted the patient on the bed in gentle way. She stomped toward the girl.   "Sica-ah..." The injured girl shrunk a bit more to the bed when she found the girl is in her hell mode. She known she is in trouble, big one. Even she is so happy that the blonde is here for her, but at the same time, she is scared, scared on HellSica.   "You're dead meat, Kim Taeyeon!" Jessica gazed on the called girl that hide herself under the blanket.   "Jessi, calm down, she's fine." Tiffany, the girl followed Jessica behind into the room tried her best to calm her best friend down.   "How can she be fine with that stupid plasters all over her arm and leg!" Jessica made herself sit on the bed and facing the patient, who still cover her face with her blanket, like an ostrich.   "Doctor Kang said she's fine. So, calm down." Tiffany smoothing Jessica's back softy, hope that this can let the HellSica off.   "Yah! PaboTae! Stop hide yourself under that blanket already." Jessica pulled the blanket while exclaimed. But she doesn't gain what she want as the called girl gripped her blanket tightly with her free hand.   "Yah!" Jessica pulled the blanket again as the latter do the same, currently have a tug-of-war between them. The one and only audience let out a loud sigh on her two childish friends antics. One of the girl insist to look at the hiding girl's face, but another one resist to show her beautiful face.   "KIM TAEYEON! If you want to continue to hide under the blanket, fine! I will leave now." Jessica exclaimed while loosen her grip on that piece of poor blanket, and get up from the bed slowly. She smirked to Tiffany and the latter immediately know what the trick this blonde play.   "Jessi, are you leave now?" Tiffany tried hard to hold her laughter while play along with Jessica.   "No! Sica-ah, don't leave!" A grip on wirst pulled Jessica back to the previous position. The blonde got her already big enough eyes wider to the max she can after saw the girl who previously hiding under the blanket.   "Oh my god! TaeTae!" Tiffany gasped in shocked.   "Kim TAEYEON!!! What the heck for your face!!!" Another high pitched yell came from the ward at the end of the corner, clearly been heard thru the whole corridor.       "Ermmm... i think I need a coffee break..." Tiffany made a lame excuse before runaway from the room. She surely know that HellSica will not gonna vanish soon. She doesn't want to die young.   "Mianhe~ TaeTae-ah~~" She even placed a note 'Do not disturb' that she got from God-know-where it from on the door.       Two girls in the room, silent for more that 5 minutes. No word uttered out from both, just staring at each other. No, to be exact is one staring at the blonde with her oh-so-cute puppy eyes and the blonde is gazing   "S-Sica-ah..." Taeyeon pouted cutely while the girl in front of her still in a dull face. Jessica let out a heavy sigh while she still fight with herself internally. One part of her still mad on this dense girl but another part of her already melt by that cute pouting lips.   "Sica... talk to me..." Taeyeon whined cutely while playing her own hem of shirt. She can't stand for the silence treatment from her crush. Yeah, she in love with this blonde. Very.   "I'm mad." Cold tone from the blonde, her face went even darker when she eyeing the girl's wound. From face till the leg.   "Sorew..."   "How came you put yourself in dangerous?!" Jessica said in more louder tone caused the petite girl in front of her shrunk. Can't blame her be such harsh to this cute girl. She swear that her heart literally jumped out from her ribcage when she heard from Tiffany that Taeyeon is in hospital. She immediately rush to hospital when she arrived, not even have chance to go back to her own place for a change.   "Sorreewww..." A cute whine from Taeyeon, which never fail to melt the HellSica, even she herself doesn't realise bout that. But Jessica always went soft everytime Taeyeon showed her aegyo.   "I only out from town for three days, and you already put yourself in dangerous, Kim Taeyeon, are you plan to die young?!" Jessica exclaimed while crossed her arms in front of her chest. Even she went soft due to the cuteness of the girl in front of her, but still she need to stand still on her position. This girl can't let her less the worries from her. Kim Taeyeon, a clumsy girl she known well in her lifetime. Jessica can't let her eyes off Taeyeon for a moment, since the latter always caused herself injured.   "Sica-ah... It's hurt... " Taeyeon whined while pointing on her face, her arm and leg, the injured spot. Jessica sighed heavily while kept mum and narrowed her eyes, glaring at Taeyeon.   "Stop be mad with me already, pleaseeee~~" Taeyeon pouted cutely while tilted her head aside, another puppy eyes. Jessica rolled her eyes up to met the white ceiling, mentally scolding herself that always gone weak everytime she saw how cute the girl in front of her was.   "How dare you scratched your flawless face." The tone not a harsh one anymore. Jessica unconsciously lift her arms, and touched Taeyeon's face with the back of her hand. Taeyeon smile brightly when she know the blonde in front of her will non longer mad at her anymore. She smile till showed her dimples to the latter, this doesn't went unnoticed by the latter.   "I'm sorry, I won't let that happen again." Taeyeon murmured softly, while lead closer to the touch. She let out a satisfied sigh. How she missed this soft hand, how s
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ebatwise #1
Chapter 1: The best...

Hi author how are you there i know u r happy there rn just wanted to say thank u for your awesome stories im here in 2022 year just wanted to say how beautiful all of you story was... thank u again for making us smile our dear otor :)
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 1: This is so sweet omg
Chapter 1: OMG this is the sweetest taengsic story ever...
Thank you dear author ?
_heny_ #4
Chapter 1: Omg sooo cuteee
Rest in peace Author-ssi :')
shiroshai #6
Chapter 1: OMGEEE!! i read this again n cannot help with the 'adorableness' of this story!!!!!!!! too much love,, too much cutenesss.
Chapter 1: I love this OH MY GOSH. IT'S SO SVSSJGSJSFBCZBC GOOD. Thank you for your amazing ff author! :DD
Chapter 1: aw. . . you just make me want to pich tae.s cheek
Chapter 1: D'awww so cute. My taengsic feels ~
leesonekyu #10
Chapter 1: kyeopta :D harthart <3