When I Fall


When I Fall
19 years old Grace Lee Got kidnapped when she was 16 for almost 5months. When she had the chance to escapeShe Grabbed it and suceed but because of that traumatic event of her life She became a heartless person and she does not trust anyone at all even her families. But What if When the Past came back all of a sudden?.... His Kidnapper? And begged for another chance? Would Grace Lee give him another chance or She would sent him to jail to pay all of the damages that he has done to her on the past? And one thing we only know SHE IS NO LONGER THE GRACE LEE WHO HAS A WONDERFUL HEART AND A SELFLESS PERSON ALITIY INSTEAD SHE IS NOW THE HEARTLESS QUEEN Can this Kidnapper bring back the OLD GRACE LEE the one that he destroyed or the New Grace Lee will remain ...  Forever? 
A love story about Forgiveness and  Trust.
hi Dooliers ^_^ ill just warn you my grammar isnt that good :) Ill do my best to make the story interesting ^_^


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I hope you can tag YongShin :)~