Oppa's back!

I'm your boyfriend,Your only Boyfriend.

Did you watch Boyfriend's You and I performance at Music Core? Anyway, this picture came with a letter that Minwoo posted on his birthday~ The letter:Today!!!!! Yes, it's my birthday!!!! Thank you so much for celebrating my birthday and sending touching messages & gifts to me. It's so sad that we couldn't have a fanmeeting this time because of heavy rain, but hopefully next time! Thank you sooooo much!!


Jeongmin's POV

I just auditioned for Starship with Youngmin,Kwangmin,Donghyun,Hyunseong and Minwoo~

Minwoo left right after he auditioned. 

That's weird.

Now I'm home and I need to....WAIT WHERE'S MY DONGSAENG?

I haven't seen her for ages because I went to America to study~

'DONGSAENG! LEE ~~~~~~~!'

No respond.

Just then, I heard some giggling.

It came from.....my dongsaeng's room!

I sent an sms to my dongsaeng

To:My beloved dongsaeng<3

Dongsaeng uh~ Jeongminnie oppa here^^ Oppa is back in korea now and I'm at your house.I'm going to your room! See ya~

I smiled and put my handphone into my pocket.

-End of Jeongmin's POV-

Your POV

I was sleeping so peacefully when someone lied on my bed and hugged me.

What if it's a ert?


I turned around and saw Minwoo oppa in front of me

'Awake neh?'

'Neh...Oppa why are you here?'

'You don't want me here? *pouts* Then I'm leaving~'

'ANNIYO! Stay here!'

Minwoo chuckled and hugged me.

He kissed my nose and rested his head on my shoulder.

I rested my head on his head and took in his scent.

'You're sweet<3'

'Well, you're prettyyyyyyy(:'

I giggled and smiled at him.

Just then, my phone vibrated.

It was a text from Jeongmin oppa.

OMO! He's back?

From:Jeongminnie hyung

Dongsaeng uh~ Jeongminnie oppa here^^ Oppa is back in korea and I'm at your house now. I'm going to your room now! See ya~

'Yeobo, Jeongmin oppa is coming to my room now. Ottokae?'

'Doesn't he know that we're dating?'

'I wanna give him a suprise.'

'Arasso. I'll sit on your study table and read a book.'

I gave him a small peck on his lips and he sat on the chair at the study table.

Someone knocked the door, it must be Jeongmin oppa!


'Well,how are you?'

'I'm fineeee~ Should we have dinner together?'


'Yup~ We were..uh....doing...a....PROJECT!'

Oppa raised an eyebrown and nodded his head.

'Then...I'll go call Donghyun and Hyunsong hyung while you call Youngmin and Kwangmin okay?'


I know its boring~ I need to do study for smth. BTW, I'm so damn freaking happy today. My crush made me sooooo happy<3 Youngmin facts:♥ Youngmin is the sub-Vocalist.

♥ Boyfriend's Charisma Boy is Youngmin.

♥ Youngmin is the older one in the JO Twins even though everyone mistaken him the younger, but he's the older.

♥ When Youngmin do something, he’s so involved and that makes him charming.

♥ Youngmin has a lot of pride.& He rages easily.

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Ahh~ Minwoo-ya~ Love this story but it's done already? T^T<br />
Btw, can you read mine? http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/129447/love-like-woe-baro-minho-minwoo-youngmin-kwangmin-seyong-boyfriend<;br />
<br />
it still new because that was my second account. Feel free to read and subscribe. Kamsahamnida ^^
Such a cute sotry <333 The ending was cute too and Yes kwang min is very hyper which makes him cute <33
14 streak #3
I really love the ending. Its so cute also i love those little information about boyfriend that i don't even know most of them ^.^ it would be awesome if you make a sequel out of this
MaiSong #4
Oh May Gawd! Its So Cute!! :)
Thank you:))
Love the story minwoo is my fav<3 bias X)!!!
omo i love it nice storyyy <3<3<33 XDDD
yeah ~ he will surely forgive you :)<br />
fighting ~<br />
honeypeachies #9
t-t-th-they're over?! :OO<br />
noo, minwoo & ~~~~ were such a cute couple....