You're mineeee

I'm your boyfriend,Your only Boyfriend.

Random title~ Anyways, I can't update tomorrow. And I'll post 5 Minwoo facts, Then Kwangmin, Then Youngmin, Then Jeongmin, then Hyunseong, Finally Donghyun~ 


Minwoo's POV

Finally, we're at home.

Youngminnie and Kwangminnie hyung already filed a police report.

Although he's my father, I still hate him for what he has done to me and umma.

'Hey, where's ~~~~~-ah?'

I decided to confess to her today~

I'm gonna thank her umma for saving me.

'She's at homeeee.'

Youngmin sang while hugging his girlfriend.

'Then I'm going there. Anyone going?'

I was expecting Kwangmin but he wasn't at home.

'Bye then.'

I walked to ~~~~~-ah's house, wondering how should I confess.

When I reach her house, she was at her frontdoor putting on her shoes.



I held her hand and pulled her to the park.

She sits on a bench and I sat beside her.


I took a deep breath and continued my sentence.

'You may not have forgotten about Youngmin but......I like you..... Would you be my girlfriend?'

'Minwoo oppa, actually, the day we' ve been kidnapped,I fell for you...So Yes.'



I hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek.

Stomach ache.'>< Anyway, 5 Minwoo facts:

1)Minwoo is the Maknae of the group 

2) Minwoo specialities is Acting, Hapikdo, and Swimming (Hapikdo-form of martial arts)


3. Minwoo appeared at K.Will 'Can't open up my lips' and 'My Heart beating' MV


4. He had a bit fame during school


5. He ever became K.Will back dancer along with other members

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Ahh~ Minwoo-ya~ Love this story but it's done already? T^T<br />
Btw, can you read mine?<;br />
<br />
it still new because that was my second account. Feel free to read and subscribe. Kamsahamnida ^^
Such a cute sotry <333 The ending was cute too and Yes kwang min is very hyper which makes him cute <33
14 streak #3
I really love the ending. Its so cute also i love those little information about boyfriend that i don't even know most of them ^.^ it would be awesome if you make a sequel out of this
MaiSong #4
Oh May Gawd! Its So Cute!! :)
Thank you:))
Love the story minwoo is my fav<3 bias X)!!!
omo i love it nice storyyy <3<3<33 XDDD
yeah ~ he will surely forgive you :)<br />
fighting ~<br />
honeypeachies #9
t-t-th-they're over?! :OO<br />
noo, minwoo & ~~~~ were such a cute couple....