He Could Not Know Which Way To Go

I Can See The Stars

                I was almost glad to see Seungcheol in the library after our awkward exchange in the hallway. He was sitting at a table, his back to me. As I moved closer, I saw that he was bent over a textbook.

                “Are you studying?” I asked in surprise. Usually he was sleeping or playing a game on his phone.

                He jumped, not hearing my approach and slammed the book closed.  “No,”’ he denied.

                I gave him a look as I slipped into the adjacent seat. 

                “What about you?  Not studying?”

                I reached into my backpack and pulled out my English workbook with a smirk. Seungcheol rolled his eyes but grinned. I placed it on the table but didn’t open it. 

                “So, what’s going on with you and Doyoon?” he asked casually, twirling a pencil around his thumb.

                I was caught off guard by the question. “Nothing…he’s my tutor now.”

                His eyes widened. “Tutor?  What do you need a tutor for?”

                My expression darkened and I picked at the worn edges of the workbook.  “Ask my mom.”

                He frowned and drummed his fingers against the tabletop.

                “Sunday,” he said suddenly.  “Are you free on Sunday?”


                He concentrated his gaze on his pencil. “To cheer you up.”

                My heart squeezed. “You don’t need to go out of your way for something like that.”

                It didn’t seem like he had any intentions of dropping the idea.

                “What about work and practice?” I pressed.

                “I can take a day off from the café.  I’ve been working extra hard – profits rose ten percent since I was hired,” he recounted proudly.  “And I don’t have to be at the studio until 7 on Sunday.”

                I considered it, but it only took a few seconds to decide.

                “I guess it’s a plan.”




                Soojin nearly choked on her drink.

                “He asked you on a date?” she exclaimed.

                I narrowed my eyes and tossed the paper star I finished folding at her. We were spending our lunch hanging out in the classroom, too lazy to go down to the cafeteria. 

                “It’s not a date – just two people spending an afternoon together. Like if I went somewhere with you.”

                “It’s not the same! This is a clearly a completely different situation.”

                “How so?”

                “Well, first of all, I’m not the one that has a strong desire to hold you tight and kiss you on the lips.”

                I gasped in mock surprise. “You aren’t? I thought we had something, Soojin.”

                She smirked and kicked my chair. “Don’t get smart with me. You know what I mean.”

                “I highly doubt his mind is consumed with thoughts like that.”

                “Fine,” she conceded. “But I’m sure you see he has feelings for you.”

                “I don’t—”

                “You’d have to be blind not to see it!” She paused, and then shook her head. “Actually, no. You’re just blind to whatever you feel for him.” 




                I sighed and scrolled through the pages on my phone without really looking at them, watching as the time slowly passed. I supposed the boredom was my fault for arriving early, but I had been restless at home since the minute I woke up.

                “Mimi,” someone suddenly whispered in my ear from behind. I flinched and put some distance between us before turning around to face Seungcheol. He was wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and dark ripped jeans.

                He grinned. “You’re early.”

                “So are you.”

                We stood there for a moment, looking at each other.

                “What are we doing today?” I asked to break the silence.

                Seungcheol clapped his hands together. “Something certified to make you smile.”

                I raised a skeptical eyebrow and followed as he started walking down the street.


                As we neared Seungcheol’s desired destination he placed a hand over my eyes.                                                  

                “Wha—” I started, surprised by the motion. I tried to back away from his palm but ran into his chest instead.  Too close.

                “Calm down. We’re here,” he announced. I could feel air conditioning hitting us as a door slid open. 

                “Where is here?” I wondered as he directed me into the building.

                “Take off your shoes,” he ordered.


                “You’ll see.”

                I warily slipped out of my high tops and stepped onto a cool concrete floor. Seungcheol guided my feet into slippers and led me deeper into the room. Something brushed against my leg and I yelped in surprise.

                “Seungcheol, what was that? Where are we?”

                There was a small bark in response. A bark?

                Seungcheol removed his hand. 

                I was standing in a wide-open space. People were running around with toys or simply sitting on the floor, clicking their tongues or cooing as small puppies roamed the area. Around the perimeter, people were chatting and enjoying coffee. Seungcheol had brought me to a special puppy café that had just opened recently. 

                At my feet, a small white puppy yipped, its tail wagging eagerly. Seungcheol reached down and scooped it up, holding it close to his face.

                “Doesn’t he look like me?” he asked. Two pairs of eager puppy dog eyes regarded me and I couldn’t help but crack a smile.

                “He’s cuter,” I replied, taking the animal from his hands and cradling it against my chest.

                Seungcheol pretended to be hurt. “Ah, I get it. I’m still not even better than an animal to you. Fine! Have fun with your puppies!”

                He dramatically sulked away toward a mother and her toddler who were interacting with a small brown Jindo. I rolled my eyes at his theatrics and laughed as the puppy in my arms squirmed and my chin.


                It wasn’t long before Seungcheol returned to my side. We were sitting in the middle of the room, watching as the puppies wrestled playfully amongst themselves and gnawed on chew toys.

                “My parents never let me have a pet,” I murmured as I the white puppy that was resting on my lap.  It hadn’t strayed from me since we first stepped in. 

                “Really?  I had a dog when I was younger. We had to give it away when we moved.”

                “What was its name?”

                He smiled a little to himself. “Momo.”

                I made a sound of disbelief and smacked his shoulder. “It was not!”  It couldn’t possibly be a mere coincidence that his old dog’s name was so similar to his present nickname for me.

                “It’s true!” he insisted with a grin. “We can call my mom right now and you can ask.”

                I shook my head, and went back to petting the puppy.

                “This guy doesn’t want to leave, does he?” Seungcheol said, scratching it behind its ears. 

                “It’s just like you.”

                He surveyed the area and locked in on one small dog sitting off to the side by itself, pawing at a rubber ball.

                “Then that one’s like you.”

                “How so?”

                “Look at how it studies that toy, searching for the best method of attack. She’s being very careful,” he commentated. “Oh, looks like she figured it out. Is she going to go for it?”

                The little puppy pounced on the ball and rolled around with it before the object slipped from its grip.

                Seungcheol clapped his hands together. “Perfect,” he said as if he was emotionally moved by the performance. 

                “You’re an idiot,” I said, hiding my smile behind my hand. The puppy in my lap then awoke, and with a bark, scampered out of my lap.

                “Ah, see, saying mean things to me makes my puppy self not like you anymore.”

                I pouted. “Cheol, I’m sorry!” I called to the dog.

                “It’s okay, I forgive you,” Seungcheol replied. “Did you just name that dog Cheol?”

                I pressed my lips together and quickly rose to my feet, brushing dog fur off my shirt. “Let’s go,” I said abruptly, refusing to answer his question.


                We walked to a nearby park and sat on a bench, drinking sodas from a vending machine.  In front of us was an interactive water installment, the kind that shot spouts of water up at timed intervals. Little kids were running through it and giggling excitedly. 

                Seungcheol downed his drink quickly and stood up. He held out a hand. 

                “Come on.”

                “What are you doing?”

                “Come on,” he said again, taking my wrist and leading me out towards the fountain.

                “No! Seungcheol!” I exclaimed, trying to back out. 

                He released me. “You’re no fun,” he whined. He left me at the edge of the spouts and waited until they had receded before stepping in the middle of them. He started to dance, his eyes locked on me and a confident smirk on his face. 

                I crossed my arms over my chest and watched him. 

                “It’s coming up,” I warned. He dropped to the ground and did a b-boy spin, ending with a perfectly executed one-handed move, his legs straight in the air, just as the geysers burst forth, drenching him. He lifted himself up and planted his feet. 

                I clapped. “Now come out. You’re going to contract pneumonia.”

                He stepped out as if he was obeying me but then grabbed my hands and pulled me into the danger zone.  I was soaked instantly, gasping and spluttering. Seungcheol disintegrated into laughter.

                “It’s cold!” I protested, struggling to make my voice heard over the rushing water and Seungcheol’s never-ending hilarity. “Gosh, seriously,” I muttered, only half-annoyed. 

                The water died down with Seungcheol’s laughter and he looked down at me, a smile still in his eyes. I didn’t move as he brushed wet strands of hair from my face. We were so close I could feel his body heat and hear his breathing. A drop of moisture fell from his damp hair and onto my collarbone. It felt as if the space between us was slowly getting smaller and smaller. I remembered Soojin’s words: I’m not the one that has a strong desire to hold you tight and kiss you on the lips and for a fleeting moment I thought, Why not just let him do it?

                Then, suddenly, a gush of water sprang up between us, sending both of us in opposite directions, caught off guard. I fell on my at the periphery of the installment and Seungcheol stumbled further into the spouts.

                It was after the initial shock faded that I truly started laughing, my entire body shaking.

                “I think it went up my nose,” moaned Seungcheol as he emerged, sending me into another wave of hysterics. 

                My stomach was hurting when I finally settled down and I swiped at tears that had formed in the corners of my eyes. 

                “It’s good to hear you laugh,” Seungcheol said.

                I looked away, embarrassed. His fingers went to the star bracelet that was still on my wrist and he played with the string that secured it, his warm skin brushing mine occasionally and sending tingles up and down my arm. 

                “Cheol,” I said cautiously, testing out the nickname.

                His head snapped up, surprised. 

                “Thank you for today.”

                His fingers hesitated at my wrist and moved towards my hand, hovering over it as if to ask for permission.  I didn’t move. He grasped the back of my palm and squeezed.



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hello? anyone still here? lol

three years (!!) after the last update, i'm doing a reboot of this story since i thought i might as well finish what i started. whether you're new or old to this fic, i hope you'll stick around and humor me as i try to get back into writing :))


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JaeMa4ever #1
Chapter 14: Helloooo~ omg it's been a long tine since your last update but I'm still hoping you'd continue doing this! It's very rare to find good stories and authors like you here ?
exoxo8 #2
Chapter 14: Their relationship is progressing... I hope it turns out well >< thank you for updating!!
exoxo8 #3
Chapter 13: I just found this story and I love it.. seungcheol is really sweet :( why do I feel like doyoon is trying to help both of them but at the same time likes her? I'm confused but, thank you so much for wanting to finish this story. I can't wait for the updates ^^
Chapter 13: where do I find a guy like seungcheol :( lol my paper stars always turn out uneven and lopsided aswell
Chapter 13: For a moment I thought it wasn't gonna be a new chapter and just a thank you note. I'm excited to reread this.
BadBoyMagnet #6
Chapter 12: Please update! I really like the story!!
huongt_ #7
Chapter 12: please update this story :))
Akokbatarep #8
Chapter 12: This story is really Good.I Love all the characters and the development of the story.Good job Authornim:)