It Takes Two

It Takes Two

It Takes Two

Of love and fairytales



            They meet every day at exactly four in the afternoon in the park where cherry blossoms bloom and where the benches are old and the colors are fading.


            Sehun lives in the year 2012; Luhan exists in the year 1972.


            They say that love knows no boundaries. Love knows no tragedy. But is love enough if time is the one in control?


            The funny thing about life is it makes you hope – it always finds a way to make you hope for the best then when you succumb to it, it will steal all of your happiness – and nothing will be left; nothing.





            Two hearts beat as one. But what if time doesn’t permit such existence? Will love prevail?


            Sehun dreams of becoming an artist where he could freely express himself and not to be confided in the four corners of a structure. It’s tiring to be restricted; it’s exhausting to obey every word shoved into his brain; every phrase repeatedly goes into his ears - it's tiring and Sehun is beyond exhausted. He wants to be limitless.


            Luhan believes in love and fairytales; not because of foolish reasons created by the television or the twisted reality of the society but he clings into that string of faith because of longing and wanting. At a young age, Luhan dreams of having someone who will take care of him; who, whole-heartedly wants to be with him; who will love him endlessly - without restrcitions. He believes in fairytales and their perfect stories hoping that one day he will be living in one.




Sehun met Luhan during the first day of fall when the first flower of the cherry blossom tree had fallen. It was nearing dusk, and the sky was painted a striking shade of orange complementing the colors of the pink tree. 


It was 6 in the afternoon and Sehun just finished his dance practice. Jongin had been a great help to him since he missed several classes. Sehun’s parents were unaware of this little rebellion, as they termed Sehun’s liking to dance. Sehun dreamt of becoming a dancer, his parents’ dream was something different.


“They are probably still in the house.” Sehun muttered under his breath while he walked towards the bench, behind it was a certain cherry blossom tree. Sehun was familiar with this part of the park; it’s where Minyoung, his little brother, often go to. He was too preoccupied with his own problems concerning his relationship with his parents that he did not notice a person standing just beside the tree.


They are probably still in the house. Luhan heard someone approaching. He was startled, he was sure that no one had followed him or no one knew this place. Fear and anguished enveloped him but when he saw the guy walking towards him; something in the way the milky skinned boy with hair sporting a shade lighter than blonde made his panic diminished.


Sehun ran a hand through his hair while placing his ear buds comfortably in his ears then flicked on his phone finding the right song for the moment. He never noticed a pair of blue eyes fixed on him.


Luhan fidgeted; he was sure he never seen the guy before and probably he was just someone who passed by but Luhan couldn’t shake off the feeling that he might cause trouble. So slowly, Luhan moved away from the tree, but because of his fretfulness, he stumbled and tripped.

Sehun was beyond startled when he suddenly saw a guy fell in front of him. He was sure, the park was deserted when he came; he was surprised to see a man let alone tripped in front him. Despite the shock, his fast reflexes took over; Sehun immediately helped the fallen guy to get up.


“Are you okay?” Sehun, full of concern, asked the guy while he helped him.


“Oh, yes. I am okay.” Luhan dusted off his shirt then turned; now facing Sehun.


Sehun couldn’t believe his eyes as they darted to the face of a guy. For a moment, Sehun felt like the world stopped. But before Sehun could utter another word, the guy ran away from him.


Sehun came back the following day, hoping that he will see the guy. He waited, but he never came.


Sehun tried, after a week, but the park was deserted.


He tried again.


And again.


And again.






The second time Sehun saw Luhan was when his brother ran away from home, again.



Sehun lost track of time. 2 hours ago, he was supposed to be attending his Anatomy class, but with the telephone tightly pressed between his ear and shoulder, waiting for the other line to pick up, he couldn’t care less if Mr. Lee would give him a failing grade; Minyoung was far more important.


It had been the 9th time Sehun had called, still it was left unanswered. On the tenth call, finally someone picked up.


“Is Minyoung there?” Sehun had no time for greeting. His heart hammered loudly against his chest; anticipating every word the person on the other line will say.


“No. I found him on the park alone. He won’t come with me, I’m sorry.”


Sehun’s uneven breathing halted. Thousands of torn pricked into his heart suddenly vanished. The park, again.


“My phone’s on silent. I did not hear your call. Sorry.”


“No, I, thanks Jongin. I’ll go pick him up.”


Sehun could feel his body shaking; trembling in fear and relief. His emotions were a mixture of everything.


Minyoung was Sehun’s strength, his pillar, his happiness, his everything. When Sehun cried himself to sleep because of the harsh words his parents threw on him, Minyoung would climb on his bed and hug him. When Sehun was beaten up by his dad, Minyoung was the first one to grab a first aid kid despite only being a seven year old.  Sehun never loved anybody more than he loved his little brother. He always wondered how such a little boy would be the one saving him from total depression.


Without anymore second to waste; Sehun rushed off to the park. He was very familiar with it; during the special days like this, where Minyoung would ran away from home, the only place Minyoung would be found was the bench under the cherry blossom tree. Minyoung was different from the other children; different in the sense that he was too reserved, he doesn’t smile, he doesn’t talk much but he wasn’t always that way. It was two years ago when Minyoung stopped smiling and Sehun blamed their parents. Minyoung was a bright child but he separated himself from the world. Sehun hated it because the once cheerful boy turned into the likes of a robot.


So when Sehun reached the park, he was stunned to hear a familiar giggle and shocked to see his brother laughing. Sehun waited for years to see his brother put up a smile and here he was standing, seeing his brother laugh. He immediately ran to his brother.


“You really jumped out of the window?” Minyoung asked in between laughter.


“Yes! I was so scared, I jumped. Well, I’m alive.”


Sehun heard a couple of lines before Minyoung noticed him approaching. And his little brother flashed him a smile brighter than the sun.


“Hyung.” Minyoung said, grinning, his full white teeth showing.


Nearly in tears, Sehun could feel his body wanting to hug his brother.


“Hyung, hyung, hyung, you must hear his story. It’s very funny.” With much excitement, Minyoung was jumping in happiness as he grabbed Sehun’s right hand and pointed at the guy under the cherry blossom tree.


Sehun recognized the face. The face he couldn’t erase in his memories. The image that he dreamt of everyday. The person he longed to meet.


“Hyung, meet Luhan hyung.”











Luhan smiled.


Sehun promised, he never seen such a beautiful smile in his entire life.


Sehun met Luhan frequently at the cherry blossom tree. At first, Sehun always had the excuse that Minyoung wanted to visit so he came with his little brother but as time flew by, Sehun came with or without Minyoung.


The succeeding meetings were spent on learning about each other. Simple exchanges of information such as the taste in music, colors, food and everything under the sun; soon they all turned into more personal ones.

Luhan was 4 years older than Sehun though his face depicts that of a teenager. Sehun marveled at how child looking Luhan and how his face revealed a thousand photographs. He wouldn’t get tired looking at him.


Luhan enjoyed classical music and a little bit of jazz. Sehun was fond of techno and hiphop.


Sometimes Luhan would wonder about the music Sehun usually listened to and Sehun found it amusing that Luhan was into old songs.


Luhan shook the unwanted feelings building in inside him.


They began sharing more private information during the following meetings. Sehun was studying medicine against his will but attends dance school without the knowledge of his parents. Luhan already graduated and was tasked to be the heir of their company. Luhan told Sehun, that like him, he doesn’t have a choice because it was his father’s last wish.


Then they meet every day, exactly four in the afternoon for five months. Sehun couldn’t be any happier; Luhan felt the same.


Luhan became Sehun’s reason to fight. His reason for smiling, his reason for waking up, his reason for going to the park, his reason for everything. It was not long when he realized he was in love with the man he met under the cherry blossom tree.


For Luhan, what he and Sehun have was better than any novel, was better than a fairytale.


Two hearts beat as one.






Words of endearment were not necessary as Luhan and Sehun grew more in love with each other day by day.


“Let me take you out on a date tomorrow.” Sehun asked, hands trembling.


“Aren’t we on a date every day?” Luhan asked, amusement was heard in his voice.


“Not here, somewhere else.”


“Okay.” Luhan agreed.


“Let’s meet up at the movie house tomorrow. 7pm.” Sehun grinned.


“See you tomorrow Sehun.”


“I’ll be waiting, Luhan.”



Luhan came, Sehun came but they didn’t see each other.




“What happened?” Sehun asked worriedly when he came to the park the following day after he was stood up by Luhan. “I came, you didn’t. Did you go to the wrong cinema?” Sehun was full of questions Luhan found hard to decipher. Luhan could not possibly miss the cinema because it was the only movie house in town.


“I..” Luhan started but Sehun beat him to it.


“It’s okay. Our date in the park is so much better.”


It was long and forgotten the missed date they had.







Luhan found it amusing that whenever Sehun and Minyoung came to the park, he would feel more than alive but sometimes, Luhan feels that something was wrong. Like the way Minyoung and Sehun dressed, or the things Minyoung asked him about. He wondered where Sehun and Minyoung live that they could have this different clothing and various things which Luhan did not see anywhere.


But Luhan set aside all of these; he was more focused on the beating of his heart whenever Sehun was around.








Then one day, Luhan realized.


“You should come tomorrow and see me perform.” Sehun quipped. He meant it as a joke because he was afraid Luhan won’t come, but in his eyes, he wanted Luhan to be there.


Sehun worked hard for months and his dreams will transpire in one night. Sehun wanted Luhan to be there, more than his parents, more than Minyoung.


Sehun felt his heart beat strongly.


            “You know, Minyoung couldn’t be there. Its dark already but it is okay of you don’t go too. I know it’s pretty late and you may be you had better things to..”




Not expecting the answer, Sehun eyes opened wide, “Really?”


Luhan nodded.


Seuhn quickly rummaged his backpack searching for something. Luhan smiled at how agitated Sehun was.


“Here’s the address and a ticket.”




“Promise me, you’ll be there.” Sehun chimed.


“I promise, Sehun.”




When Luhan was back at his house, he checked on the address and thought that something was different. He knew where the place was but what bothered him was the place was a plain lot. It was one of the lots his father owned and a building was yet to be constructed in 3 years time. He double checked the address but it was the same. There was a mixture of emotions from him. He was afraid to check the ticket.


With trembling hands, he focused his eyes on the little card and the pain in his heart grew,


SME Showcase


August 28, 2012




“But tomorrow is August 28, 1972.”






The next day, Luhan tried to disregard his knew found information. Kept telling himself that maybe Sehun wrote the wrong address and there was an error in the printing of the ticket. So Luhan dashed to the building and looked for it but when he arrived, it was really just a big empty space.


“This can’t be happening.” He repeated all night.


But it was… That’s their reality.


Luhan ran off to their cherry blossom. He waited for Sehun. He knew that if he did not show up Sehun will be looking for him and it is the first place Sehun will ran off too so Luhan waited.






“He won’t be there.” Jongin said.


“He promised. Maybe he had things to do first. I’m sure he will.”


“The show will start in five minutes.” Jongin continued


“I have to look for him. Maybe, he was lost or something.”


“Sehun, no. It will start.”


“Maybe he’s waiting at the park.” Sehun was about to run when firm hands stopped him.



“I need you Sehun.” Jongin begged.


Sehun was in a dilemma.


“You gave him the address and this building is not hard to find.” 


Sehun thought for a minute.


“I need you here. Please stay.”


Sehun stayed.




Luhan waited, his heart in pain. He shook of the realization and continued to murmur the words like a mantra, “This can’t be happening.”




The following day Luhan was the first one to arrive at the park. He waited for an hour and he was losing hope until he saw a familiar person walking to him. Luhan’s heart broke into pieces.


Sehun’s eyes depicted that of gloom and sadness.


“I’m sorry.” Luhan uttered. Luhan was in a dilemma to confess everything he learned but he was afraid the Sehun might see him as a lunatic because at point, Luhan thought he was.


“It’s okay.” Sehun answered but disappointment evident in his eyes.


“Something came up.” Luhan lied. “It was an emergency. I had to go to the hospital”


Sehun’s eyes suddenly changed from letdown to concern, “What happened, are you okay?” Sehun was checking Luhan’s body.


“Calm down Sehun, I’m okay. Just a simple headache. They gave me medicine. I’m okay.” Luhan assured him.


The next thing Sehun did made Luhan’s heart pumped loudly.


“I’m glad you’re okay.” Sehun whispered in Luhan’s hair as the younger wrapped his arms around the older. Luhan’s head was buried in Sehun’s chest.


Slowly, Luhan’s arms found their way to Sehun’s back.


“I’m sorry.” Luhan said but he knew Sehun did not hear it.






Sehun was excited to meet Luhan. He had a lot of things to tell like how he was praised and offered by entertainment companies after the showcase. He wanted Luhan to know.


Sehun arrived but surprised to see an old man sitting in their usual spot. Never once he saw another person lurking in their spot. Possessive may it sound, but Sehun did not want anybody else occupying their place. It was special; It was Luhan’s and Sehun’s.


 Sehun tried to be nice.


“Good afternoon sir.”


            The old man did not grace Sehun even a single glance. Sehun was getting impatient. He was worried that if Luhan came, they would not be able to have their usual conversations.

            “Sir.” Sehun tried again.

            Suddenly, the old man stood up.

            “What is it?” The old man asked Sehun. Sehun could not respond.

            “I’m waiting for…” Sehun’s voice trailed off, he did not know what to call Luhan, Boyfriend? Friend? Lover? And then it clicked.

            Sehun smiled the brightest, “I’m waiting for the person I love.”

            The old man smiled and slowly walked away leaving Sehun with the words, “Always open your hearts; not your eyes.”


            Sehun waited.

            Luhan never came.




Sehun was the happiest whenever he talked about his brother. Luhan knew how Sehun cared for his brother. That’s why the sudden news broke Sehun apart.


Sehun was a mess when Luhan met him at the tree.


Luhan held Sehun tightly; he promised himself he will never let go.


It has been hours after Sehun finally calmed down.


“Please be there at the funeral. I beg you.” Sehun’s eyes showed lifelessness and every part of him hurts.


Luhan never felt so worthless and hopeless. He wanted to be there with Sehun, he wanted to comfort Sehun; he wanted Sehun to feel how much he loves him but no matter how he tried, he can’t and he won’t be.


“I will.”


Luhan fought his urge to cry.


Sehun suddenly grabbed Luhan and pulled him into a hug; Luhan can feel his body being crushed but he did not mind.






Minyoung’s funeral lasted for hours. Sehun had been the bravest; fighting the tears but still, liters had escaped from his eyes. He had this confidence building in him that Luhan will be there to comfort him. He waited. At first, Sehun told himself, Luhan just lost his way. Or maybe, Luhan was shy to get inside, so Sehun, from time to time would check but no trace of Luhan.


This was the most heartbreaking time for Sehun, and he thought only Luhan can make him feel alive again. He knew only Luhan could do that. Sehun did not mind the dates Luhan stood him up. His first showcase and the following ones; he never mind because he would always find Luhan the following day in their cherry blossom tree but today was different because Luhan should be at the funeral, consoling Sehun.


Sehun’s world collapsed; not only because his brother left him but because the person whom he trusted and loved, once again failed him.




But Luhan came at the funeral. It’s just that Sehun did not see him.








It was the year 1972, Luhan knew it. He was in the year 1972. For the past month, Luhan had been mulling over.


He never once imagined in his entire life that this could be happening. But it was; he was meeting Sehun under the cherry blossom tree. He was meeting a guy from the future; a guy from the year 2012.


The first time he noticed was when Sehun had this gadget called iPod. Luhan belonged to the elites and whenever there were new developed machines; his father would give them to him but no once did he encounter a thing called iPod. He did not mind though, he thought maybe Sehun had bought it from a faraway country.


The clothes seemed different. Luhan was not a fashionable man, he opted to wear simple jeans and plain shirts but Sehun’s clothes were far from different than the clothes available in the stores.


Luhan was sometimes confused because Sehun would mention years or moments that for Sehun happened in the year 2000 because Luhan knew, 2000 was future. But he let Sehun continue talking because he loved hearing the happiness in Sehun’s voice.


It was the night before Sehun’s showcase. The night Luhan learned the fate that they have.


Sehun was living in the year 2012. Luhan was in the year 1972. And the only place they were connected was the under the cherry blossom tree.


Everytime Sehun would ask Luhan to meet at a certain place besides the cherry blossom tree, Luhan would come but he will not see Sehun there because Sehun was in a different time.


Sehun never realized. But Luhan knew everything.


After Minyoung died, Luhan came back to the cherry blossom tree but he did not see any sign of Sehun. Luhan cried, more than the tears he spent on his father’s death. He knew he could never be with Sehun, he will never be with Sehun.


But Luhan still visited the cherry blossom tree. He came every day but Sehun was not there. Sehun never came.


Luhan visited the cherry blossom tree, 30 years and counting.


The time of the funeral, Luhan came not in the year 1972 but in the year 2012 but it was not the same Luhan. Luhan grew old. The present Luhan came. He waited for years. He wanted to be there. He came because he promised Sehun. But Sehun did not see him, Sehun saw an old man.


There was never as much as a flicker of recognition in Sehun’s eyes when he looked at Luhan. Because for Sehun, no one was there besides himself and an old man.


So Luhan waits.


Until Sehun can see him again.





Sehun did not see Luhan anymore. No matter how heartbroken he had been; no matter how much he suffered; he still came; he still visited the cherry blossom tree. For the first months, Sehun had been alone. He had been crying - screaming the pain that still lingered in his heart. Sehun would always be in the cherry blossom tree waiting for Luhan, but no one came, Sehun did not see Luhan.


It was the death anniversary of Minyoung, instead of visiting his brother’s grave; Sehun opted to go to the cherry blossom tree. He believed that Minyoung would like him to be there because it was Minyoung’s favorite place. And because, despite the heartbreaks, tears, and pain, a little hope was still in Sehun’s heart that maybe, just maybe, Luhan would be there.


It was nearing dusk; the sky’s shade was slowly turning into grey. Sehun felt his heart broke again -no sign of Luhan. He buried his face into his palms, fearing the tears that were about to fall until a hand was on his shoulder. Sehun’s heart beat at a rapid speed. He was afraid, he was scared; he doesn’t know what to say when he sees Luhan so slowly he looked up, to make sure.


“Are alright?”


Sehun just slowly nodded.


“It’s getting dark, you should go home.” An old man had greeted him.


Sehun did not respond. The old man sat beside Sehun.


“I see you everyday here.” The old man started. “You came for the tree? Everybody loves that tree.” The old mine smiled and Sehun tried to remember because he swore, he already saw that smile.


“I also come here every day.”


“I don’t see you here.” Sehun for the first time replied.


“I’m here every day for years. I come here every day.”


“I also come here every day Sir, but I don’t see you.”


The old man smiled.


“You have to open your heart, not your eyes.”







By the year 2012, Luhan was already fifty years old. He still went to see the cherry blossom tree. It was only after that time that Luhan came to know that in those times that he was waiting for Sehun; Sehun was there but on his time. He observed Sehun from a far; how much Sehun cried day by day. How Sehun screamed his name; how much Sehun really loved him.







The following day, Sehun came again and to his surprise, the old man was sitting at the bench under the cherry blossom tree. Sehun found a new seatmate.



He learned that the old man was already 67 years old. And was admitted to the nursing home of the hospital where Sehun was an intern.


They spend their time chatting and Sehun’s heart lightened.





“I have always believe in fairytales.”


“Drink your medicine Mr. Lu.” Sehun handed 2 pills and a glass of water. “I have bought them with me because you have to drink these.”


“I think I did have one, back in the days.”


“I also know someone who believed in them.” Sehun said bitterly.


“I think fairytales are real.”


“No, they are not.” With anger flaring up, “Fairytales don’t exist.”


Mr. Lu just smiled.








“Sehun, how long will I live?”


Sehun was taken aback when Mr. Lu dropped the question.


“I’m sorry. I was not supposed to put you in that situation.” Mr Lu’s face became sad and Sehun felt a pang in his heart. He grew close with the old man. As an intern in the hospital, he was tasked to be one taking care of Mr. Lu. Constantly checking his signs, his blood pressure and making sure, he was drinking the right medicine and eating the proper amount of food.


Mr. Lu felt like a family, Sehun thought sometimes.







 “I’ve waited too but he didn’t come.” Sehun out of the blue spoke.


There was sadness in Mr. Lu's eyes.


“It’s my brother’s 3rd year death anniversary Mr. Lu.” Sehun started.  “I’m sorry for suddenly…”


“No, it’s okay Sehun.” Mr. Lu assured him, “Would you like to visit the cherry blossom tree?”


Sehun slowly nodded.










It was the first day of fall when the first flower of the cherry blossom tree had fallen. It was nearing dusk, and the sky was painted a striking shade of orange complementing the colors of the pink tree.


“You have to open your heart.” Mr. Lu uttered once they reached the cherry blossom tree.


“I will tell you a story. I know you’re tired of them. But I will still tell you.” Mr. Xi quipped.


“I will never get tired of your stories, Mr. Lu.” Sehun smiled.


“I have been in love with a person in my entire life. I have never been in love with someone else. And I know, I will love him until my last breath.”


Sehun was taken aback; he did not know how to respond. He knew Mr. Xi doesn’t have a family because he refused to marry.


“But fate is cruel so as time.”


Sehun’s furrowed his eyebrows but he let Mr. Xi continue his story.


            “Sometimes, no matter how you love someone, no matter how your heart aches for someone, if you’re not meant to be, you will never be together.”


            “And I think that was my fate. It’s cruel.”


            “I am here, every day, looking for afar. Witnessing how my love cried, how the love of my life suffered; I am experiencing pain more than he can imagine. But I can’t be with him. He won’t see me. He won’t recognize me.”


“You know Sehun, I have been waiting for years for this person. All I want is for him to know I never abandoned him. Fate is just cruel to us. I want him to know I really cared for him.”


“So, until my last breath, I will wait for him.”


“I’ll wait for the day until he can see me again.”



Mr. Lu smiles.



“I’ll forever wait.”


“I’ll die soon, I can feel it. And I’m really afraid not to die but to be gone without even fulfilling my last wish.”


            A single flower fell from the cherry blossom tree fell.


            “Time is a . I learned that from the teenagers in the television.”







            “Do you know my name?”


Mr. Lu reaches for Sehun’s hands, smile never leaving his face. Sehun’s eyes widen in shock, realization sinking in, his heart hammered wildly against his chest, as tears are about to fall.


Mr. Lu tries his best to utter his last words while placing his right hand onto Sehun’s left cheek.


“I’m happy. You’re here”




“I’ll always be here…. In our cherry blossom tree.”





Mr. Lu smiled the brightest because he knew, in the last second of his breath, his wish came true.




“I love you.”







Because Sehun sees him again.

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1079 streak #1
Chapter 1: damn this is so beautifully heartbreaking :'(
ybunnyMin #2
Chapter 2: Rereading this for the nth time. I first read this story five years ago but still, it never failed from breaking my heart.
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: I had to read it a couple times before I can comment.
This story is beautiful but really sad. It will keep you hoping for a happier, more beautiful ending but it'll also break your heart.
Yes, they found each other but their happiness was short-lived. It's kinda heartbreaking if you think about it. And I don't really wanna think about it that way anymore...

But I really love it! Thank you so much for sharing your work with us! It's absolutely beautiful!
That foreword gave me chills! Even my body agrees that this is gonna be a good story!
Chapter 1: this is so beautiful ㅠㅠ
Wtf ur the same author for baekyeol 27 October..........
Chapter 2: This was beautifully written. Made me tear up a little too, love doesn't always work out... Great job. :)
Chapter 2: I am a er for time travels and this one reminds me of the movie, The Lake House. But that part with Sehun only loving Minyoung (before meeting Luhan that is) makes this very special. Their relationship is so precious, I can weep with how the young kid can affect him and care for him.

I feel somehow, something's lacking in HunHan's relationship but sadly I couldn't point my finger to it. At least, in the end I got what I wanted even if it is a sad ending. But just the same, it was nice
Congratulations on getting featured!
Chapter 2: this makes me want to ship those 2 now