Sport's Day Love


It was the day I dreaded and hated with a passion. It was a day I tried to fake being ill to get out of it yet here I was stuck in some gym shorts and baggy top in the middle of field getting ready as sport's day begun. The only thing that can get me through this was standing at the side lines ready to become my cheer leader for the afternoon.


So a random one shot that came to me. I'm having too many Jongkey feels today

Happy birthday Bummie <3 and poor Jonghyun and his bike story on Twitter >< 

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ichigo960103 #1
this one is soooo sooo cute! >.< and yeah *chuckle* jjong's tweets about his bike are so precious, I couldn't help but laughing when I read them XD
kara224 #2
Chapter 1: aww that was cute but what was jonghyun twitter story? :)