
If Kyungsoo Doesn't Say 'I Do'
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Kyungsoo shot out of bed when he smelt something burning, “Jongin!” Kyungsoo ran into the kitchen. 

            Jongin grinned at him with a plate of burnt toast in his left hand and a fire extinguisher in his right.  He handed it over to Kyungsoo.

            “Why break tradition?” Jongin grinned at Kyungsoo.  Kyungsoo squirted the white foam onto the stove just as Jongin grabbed him by the waist.

            “I love you, Jongin,” Kyungsoo tilted his head up to kiss Jongin. 

            Jongin smiled into the kiss, “Happy anniversary, hyung.”


“I said ‘close your eyes.” Jongin had his hands over Kyungsoo’s eyes as they rode the bus up the steep mountain. 

            It was the day of their second anniversary.  Jongin decided their afternoon plans while Kyungsoo made the plans for dinner.  Jongin’s parents were still in town but booked a room at a nearby hotel to let the two lovebirds enjoy their anniversary. 

            “Jongin, there are only so many places in Seoul that you can take me where we have to go uphill,” Kyungsoo laughed. 

            “Shush,” Jongin scolded, “At least pretend you don’t know.”

            As Kyungsoo expected, when Jongin pulled away his hands he saw they were at the bottom of Nam San Tower. 

            “Couple hotspot,” Jongin put his arm around Kyungsoo’s shoulder. 

            Kyungsoo laughed and tugged on Jongin’s hand as he started walking up hill, “Come on, Romeo.”

            When they reached the actual tower a few minutes later, they were both slightly out of breath. 

            Nam San tower was where a lot of teenage couples went.  Honestly the tower was overrated.  There was nothing special about it.  The observation deck had an impressive night view yes but you could see a good night view at other points in Seoul with a lot less people.  

            Jongin took out a lock from his back pocket and handed it to Kyungsoo.

            “Let’s put our lock on the lock tree.”

Kyungsoo laughed, “So now we’re two teenage girls who like to do that kind of stuff?”

            “Hey, I planned this,” Jongin pouted, “Don’t you dare ruin this for me.”

            He took Kyungsoo’s hand and started walking to the lock tree, “I’ve always wanted to do this.  I just never had the right person to do it with.”

            “Oh I’m so lucky,” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes but smiled when he saw Jongin pout again. 

          Jongin handed him the lock.  Kyungsoo looked it over and frowned, “Jongin, you’re missing one more thing.”

            Jongin raised an eyebrow but smiled brightly when Kyungsoo took out a black marker from his pocket and wrote their names on it and then a heart around it.  Jongin looked over Kyungsoo’s shoulder as he drew it.  They might be in their mid-twenties by now but they were just as love struck if not more than all the other young couples surrounding them. 

            “Let’s put it on,” Jongin said excitedly and ran over to the tree.  Together they locked it in place on the lock tree. 

            Jongin turned to Kyungsoo, “It’s official; we’ve locked our love.”  Jongin grabbed Kyungsoo’s cheeks and kissed him deeply. 

            When they broke apart, Kyungsoo took the key and threw it as far as he could down the mountain. 


            “It’s really beautiful tonight,” Jongin observed.  They were currently on the second floor of a restaurant on the outside patio.  It was VIP seating and they had the whole section to themselves.  The terrace overlooked a garden below and the Han River just past the garden.

            “Oh look, the fireflies are coming out,” Kyungsoo pointed at the garden where dozens of fireflies were flying around, lighting up the flowers below. 

            Kyungsoo got up to get a closer look until he was leaning over the banister.  Jongin got up to follow him.

            He was about to say something when a guitar started playing out of nowhere. 

            “What’s that?” Jongin turned around to see if he could find out where the live guitar was playing from.  His mouth dropped when he thought he saw Chanyeol playing one in the corner but when he blinked, Chanyeol was gone. 

            Jongin tapped Kyungsoo, “Hyung.  I know this sounds weird but I think I just saw----“ He stopped when Kyungsoo turned to him with a smile and started singing.


Forever can never be long enough for me

To feel like I’ve had long enough with you

Forget the world now, we won’t let them see

But there’s one thing left to do


Now that the weight has lifted

Love has surely shifted my wa

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doksoo1201 #1
Chapter 7: i really really really love the ending. thank you so much for writing this fic. I loved it!!!!
doksoo1201 #2
Chapter 6: yesss, finallyyyyyyyy!!!!
doksoo1201 #3
Chapter 5: i think jongin's decision is right ㅠㅠ
doksoo1201 #4
Chapter 3: so cuteeeeee
doksoo1201 #5
Chapter 2: both of them is so selfless
Chapter 7: This story is so cute I just can't stop smiling. Both of them are so stupid in love
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 7: Oh my so cute...

Thanks for sharing this great story.. love it so much
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 6: Ohmy gash..
So nice of Kyungsoo asking Jongin's mom that he wants to marry Jongin... owwwwww
Nicole121314 #9
Chapter 5: Uh oh... the failed marriage of Kyungsoo's parents took a big toll on him... oh my... hope the lasr chapter is good with a nice ending hehe
Nicole121314 #10
Chapter 4: Jongin is having doubts about Kyungsoo's sincerity... just don't be too negative Jongin dear .. maybe Kyungsoo is thinoing something about how he'll go about the marriage