Chapter 5

If Kyungsoo Doesn't Say 'I Do'
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Kyungsoo might be easy to read.  At least he was to Jongin but lately he’d been a puzzle.  The couple were currently in bed, Jongin’s back to Kyungsoo. 

            Usually Jongin would go to bed before Kyungsoo.  Kyungsoo would take a shower before bed (sometimes Jongin joined him) and when Kyungsoo finished, Jongin would either be waiting for him with open arms or sprawled across the bed, sleeping. 

            The last few weeks Jongin would go to sleep early but about a month ago (three months after the proposal) Jongin would pretend to fall asleep. 

            Jongin was lying quietly on his side of the bed when Kyungsoo entered the bedroom and quietly snuck into the bed. 

            “Jongin?” Kyungsoo gently touched Jongin’s back; Jongin shifted slightly, giving no indication he was awake. 

            Jongin felt Kyungsoo move on the bed and he flipped over onto his back.  Slowly, he cracked an eye open a centimeter. 

            Like he’d been doing every night, Kyungsoo was holding the ring box in his hands.  He opened it up to look at the ring.  There was a small smile on Kyungsoo’s face and Jongin unconsciously smiled.  Kyungsoo stared at it for a few seconds and then quickly closed the box. 

            Kyungsoo had been doing this every night for the last month (or at least Jongin caught him doing this a month ago).  He never took out the ring, but he always opened the box to see it.  That’s what Jongin didn’t get.  Why did Kyungsoo do this every night? 

            Tonight, after Kyungsoo put the box away, he sat up in bed.  Usually he would turn off the light and snuggle up to Jongin.  At that point Jongin would put his arms around his hyung and peacefully fall into real sleep.  But tonight Kyungsoo straightened up in bed.

            “Jongin, I’m not stupid you know.”

            Jongin stayed silent, his eyes sealed shut.

            “You snore in your sleep.  Do you really think you’re a light sleeper?  I know you’re awake.”

            Jongin started snoring but coughed when Kyungsoo punched his stomach. 

            Kyungsoo smiled at him, “You’re an idiot.  It justifies that I am better than you.”

            “Only in your dreams,” Jongin sat up in bed, next to Kyungsoo.

            There was silence for two minutes before Kyungsoo’s voice spoke up, “I wish you’d stop worrying.”

            Jongin turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

            “I won’t wear the ring,” Jongin exhaled when he heard Kyungsoo say this but Kyungsoo quickly put a finger to Jongin’s mouth, “until you have a matching one.” Kyungsoo grinned at him, “We’re engaged right?  That means we’re both involved.” Kyungsoo moved forward, “So when I put this on,” Kyungsoo picked up the ring box, “I want to see you wearing a ring on your finger too.” 

            Jongin gave a relieved smile, “So that’s why?”

            Kyungsoo smiled, “That’s why.  Now will you stop worrying?”  He didn’t wait for Jongin to answer. He quickly turned off the light and dragged Jongin under the covers with him, “Now let’s sleep.”


            Jongin didn’t know if he was terrified or frustrated.  Sometimes, it looked like he was making progress with Kyungsoo but at the same time it was only gradual.  Or it came in spurts every few months.

            The last time they talked about anything remotely related to their engagement was when Kyungsoo told him why he didn’t wear the ring.  That was a good month and a half ago.  Jongin didn’t know what he was supposed to do.  Was he supposed to buy an engagement ring for himself?  Or would Kyungsoo buy him one?  It was the logical thing for Kyungsoo to buy Jongin’s engagement ring; buying his own was a bit absurd.

            A month and a half and still nothing.  Kyungsoo wasn’t saying anything.  He hadn’t done anything.  They still acted like they did before they were engaged.  Jongin was beginning to think this engagement would last until the day they died.  Jongin would be okay with that.  But the suspense was killing him.  Were they going to ever get married or not?  If they were going to just stay engaged forever, Kyungsoo should tell him so he wouldn’t have to stress over this every single minute of the day.

            So Jongin decided to casually throw in his question during one of their conversations after work one day. 

            “You ready to go?” Kyungsoo was at Jongin’s door and had his coat and suitcase in hand, ready to leave, “I promised Chen we would see a movie with him and Lay tonight.”

            Jongin followed Kyungsoo out of the room, making sure to lock his office door behind him. 

            “I’m just wondering,” Jongin looked at the elevator door as they waited for one of the elevators to reach their floor, “Are we goin

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doksoo1201 #1
Chapter 7: i really really really love the ending. thank you so much for writing this fic. I loved it!!!!
doksoo1201 #2
Chapter 6: yesss, finallyyyyyyyy!!!!
doksoo1201 #3
Chapter 5: i think jongin's decision is right ㅠㅠ
doksoo1201 #4
Chapter 3: so cuteeeeee
doksoo1201 #5
Chapter 2: both of them is so selfless
Chapter 7: This story is so cute I just can't stop smiling. Both of them are so stupid in love
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 7: Oh my so cute...

Thanks for sharing this great story.. love it so much
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 6: Ohmy gash..
So nice of Kyungsoo asking Jongin's mom that he wants to marry Jongin... owwwwww
Nicole121314 #9
Chapter 5: Uh oh... the failed marriage of Kyungsoo's parents took a big toll on him... oh my... hope the lasr chapter is good with a nice ending hehe
Nicole121314 #10
Chapter 4: Jongin is having doubts about Kyungsoo's sincerity... just don't be too negative Jongin dear .. maybe Kyungsoo is thinoing something about how he'll go about the marriage