
ZE:A and The mysteries of the Sea

The day had arrived and the boys sat on the small boat that held 11 people on crossing the sea to the large pirate ship that drifted off the coast of the bay. Siwan held his breathe as he was the closest to the driver and he smelt of fish and rot, Kwang Hee let out a smirk as the smell drifted near him sending his face green.

"So how far is it" Jun Young asked as the man turned to the red haired boy

" Not far the captain knows where it is, so he has to lead the way besides your our witnesses"

"Winesses....for what?"

"Our marriage of course...tonight is the night we become immortal for another 900 years...mermaids are so dumb they always get caught" The other snickered as Tae Hun looked over at Dong Jun worriedly as Heechul started to laugh out loud

"Haha mermaids...jeez you guys crack me up!"

"Heechul sushhh!" Dong Jun said as the pirates rolled their eyes.

"How do you know they're mermaids?" Tae Hun asked smugly gaining a glare off the other members expecially Dong Jun.

"Their eyes.."

Moments that seemed like hours passed as they finally reached the piece of land and ZE:A walking behind the pirates and some more lagging behind  so they didn't try to escape. Min Woo was wispering something to Jun Young and Kevin, further into the jungle type area a body was laid on the floor, soaked through and lifeless.

"Look at this someone who couldn't escape the currents!" A pirate cackled as the boys pushed their way through to see a familiar looking figure. Kwang Hee ran over to check to see if she was ok

"Kianna...wake up!...come on...Kwang Hee is here now!" He said but she said nothing not even a reply.

"Is she...."

"She's ALIVE!!! She's just un consious i think.." Kwang Hee yelled as he picked her up bridal style and walked with her in his arms. Minutes after walking her eyes fluttered open and her sight was blurry

"Kwang Hee look..." Kevin said nudging him as his eyes wondered from the distance to her face

"What's going on...why are you here...why are you even being nice..." She said babbling as the ZE:A boys laughed and Kwang Hee just flashed a smile.

"You just rest, i've got you..." Kianna looked around to see the ZE:A boys and men she didn't know. Siwan turining around to see the other pirates carrying 2 large boxes that was covered and 3 people walking with their faces and boy covered aswell Min Woo pulled a face finally approching the cavern in the cliff top.

"Whoa! Scary!" Siwan said as Kianna nodded her head in agreement,while Kwang Hee recived glares off Heechul for standing so close to Kianna. Hyung Shik and Dong Jun kept quiet the while time as the taller men pushed the figures down to the ground infront of the captain and took off their covers to reveal

"Ji Hye!" Tae Hun said trying to get through the guards but they stopped him with force and the next was Hannah, which made Jun Young gulp in horror. Ji Hye looked over a small smile came across her face once she saw him

"Tae Hun...why'd you come! You'll get hurt..."She whimpered as Tae Hun shrugged and gave her a warm smile of reassurance

" I'll get you out of here" He mimed as then they heard a large crash! Turning around to see the 2 boxes being dropped, the pirates rushed over but the 3 figures legged it quickly but one had got caught. Dong Jun ran over to see what was in it and unveiled the sheet that covered it to see Joaen gasping for air and coughing, putting the sheet around her he gave her a hug and smiled which made her smile back weakly.

"Hey..." He said trying to make covosation before getting hit by the pirates and they dragged her off to Ji Hye and Hannah. 2 more men carried the figure kicking and screaming then throwing them down to the floor and taking off the hood.

"Kenzie!" Hannah said gasping as Min Woo watched in horror

"Urmmm....Hey...LET ME GO SLUGBREATHE!" She shouted as they tried to grab her again but she ran behind the ZE:A boys, she was shaking slightly and her hair was a little damp.

"What happened to quite shy Kenzie we knew?" Min Woo joked as she shot a glare over to him but gave a small smirk before blushing. The stronger men pushed passed and grabbed her by the arm and glared into her eyes

"Well...what is she...." The capatin ordered as the men shifted his gaze into both of her eyes

"Human....she's not one..." he said leaving her with the boys and Tae Hun turned to her with a suprised look on his face


"Contacts..." She replied happily with a smile on her face

"Smart!" Dong Jun said nodding his head

"Emma my love what have they done to you!" The cabin boy shreiked as he leant up against the glass box where Emma was laid in the puddle of water gasping for air and held her hand up against the side.

"LET HER GO!" Hannah yelled

"She needs air too moron!" Tae Hun yelled aswell as the pirates glared at them evially and turned to the box yet again, but the boy didnt get chance to say anything and smashed the box with a large stone and Emma slipped out her tail turning into legs as he rushed over to her.

"Thomas!'re....alive!" She stuttered with tears forming in her eyes before they reached the others. Jun Young glanced over at Hannah who hugged Kenzie tightly and Tae Hun kissed Ji Hye on the top of her head.


At the exact same time

"That was close!" Soo Jin said un covering her face from her jumper as the other did the same before looking around

"Hey Soo..where's Kenzie..." Bella asked as they both looked around and Hani appeared from the mangrowth with something in her hand.

" She's got caught...i;ve just past them and she's got away with it" Hani said as the others nodded knowing their contacts had done the trick and fooled the pirates.

"So how we going to get the others out of there?" Bella asked

" We'll think of something...." Yoo Jin said

"Wait we know the cave better then why dont we...get caught" Hani said

"Yeah your right..." Bella said running out of the trees and toward the group

"Hey guys...i heard there was a party mind if we crash!" Bella joked as Soo Jin and HANI came out too and headed straight over to Kenzie and the rest before they started heading into the cave. Heechul glared over at Bella whom kept herself to herself

"Your weird!" He said

"Right back at cha!" She said not giving a care in the world

"Listen this is what we're gonna do...once it's dark we're going to hide in the slits in the cave walls and escape trough the water way" Soo Jin said as they all nodded their heads in undertandment.

"Emma your ok!" Joean said hugging the princess

"Yes thanks to Thomas..."

"Where's Mi Young!" Hyung Shik said loudly as he could making Hani jump...the others looked around Kenzie backing into Min Woo without noticing and nearly falling on the floor but he grabbed her in time.

"Sorry!" She said blushing deeper red.

" She'll be fine..." Kevin said walking over to soo Jin who walked off away from him with Hani and Joean. As they entered the cave the light had strted dissapearing and was suddenly engulfed by darkness

"let's split up..and we'll meet on the shore..." Bella whispered as the others nodded their heads, one by one pushing one of the ZE:A boys ito the cracks of the caves and watching the pirates walk by not even noticing. Hyung Shik being alone was pulled to one side and he nearly screamed in horror but then reconized the soft voice

"You don't have to be such a wuss!" She giggled

"Mi Young that wasn't funny!" He said ......

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Great story!
Chapter 26: OMG YAY!!! Welcome back! Can't wait for updates!!
JoJongHaeFantasy #3
Chapter 26: YAY!! Author-nim!!! <3 We missed you! <3 I miss ur updates! I'm looking forward for upcoming chapters :D
Chapter 26: Omg!! You're back author-nim!! I missed you!!! :) <3
just reread a few chapters and i miss this so much!!!
JoJongHaeFantasy #6
xD i reread all the chapters 2day... im weird like that but i dont care :3
i really miss this :( i really want to no what happens nxt
hope u could upload a new chp. i will wait till u do xD
JoJongHaeFantasy #7
i do too!... nothings-over
i miss this... </3
gah this is so much drama! i don't even know!
Uh oh.<br />
Ship wreck.<br />
I wonder if all the boys will find out about the girls now....