Lover boy

"I'm silently breaking"

"did you hear? there's a new transfer student" jungkook exclaimed, Speed stood in a group at the front of the school observing every passing student until their eyes landed on you.

Staring up at the massive school in awe, you walked forward, taewoon approached you, you tripped. closing your eyes you waites for the pain of fall instead strong arms caught you and stood you back up "are you okay?" taewoon asked with worry in his eyes, you straightened yourself up and dusted of your clothes, leaning down to pick up your books "yes, thank you " you said said trying to avoid eye contact as you bowed and caught a glimpsed of taewoon you stared for a spilt second then hurried off to the front office.

Taewoon rubbed the back of his neck and grinned to himself, the rest of speed walked over "must be the tranfer student, youve got a thing for her already? huh? taewoon? yuhwan sang, taewoon just continued staring in the direction you left "yah!" sungmin hit taewoon "school's staring now now... lover boy" sungmin giggled and headed toward his locked with the  rest of the group in tow.

Taewoon walked around in search for you, no luck so her headed to class. reaching for the classroon door he saw you walking in his way, he openedthe door and held it open for you, only that you wlaked straight past him and into the next classroom. Ten minutes into class a teacher brought you into taewoon's class annoucing that you had the wrong class. taewoon whispered to himself "score" 

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ilabya15 #1
Chapter 1: That was really cute. ^^
But the chapter was a bit short.