Chapter 1

He isn't yours, he never was.

"I see the way you look at him.. I know, Because you used to look at me that way.............."

Kris pov: "How about this?" Kris asked. "Kris this is the 8th outfit you've tried on and it's perfectly fine just like all the others" Chen sighed. " I don't need it to be fine, it needs to be PERFECT" Kris answered. "Kris you look perfect in everything, now you must go to your date or you're going to be late" Sehun said. "You think I look good in everything Sehun-ah?" Kris smirked.



Kris saw Lay on the phone trying to contact him, Kris chuckled and hugged him from behind. "Yah you scared me!" Lay screamed. Kris laughed because of his cute boyfriend. "Ah lay-ah don't be angry~" kris sang. Lay chuckled and held Kris hand. They were going to have a lovely dinner at a very beautiful and expensive restaurant.

They had been together in 3 years now. And every time kris looked at the perfect boy in front of him with chocolate brown eyes and kissable lips and not to forget his perfect dimple smile. He just couldn't help but to fall deeper in love with him. Kris didn't know that he had starred at him for a long time and that lay had starred to feel uncomfortable. " yah! What are you looking at?" Lay said with his face who had become pink. Kris couldn't help but to laugh a little "you're just to good to be true, I can't take my eyes of you" Kris smiled when he saw Lay's face go from pink to really really red. "Ah, Kris you're too cheesy"


Aurthor Note:Yeah sorry for this short chapter .. Its my first so yeah, but I promise the next chapter will be longer ! At least I'll try

Follow me on instagram if you want exo pics :3 BAOZI_LOVER hieuhieuhieu

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Chapter 4: Wowww, daebak,author nim c: Update soon ^^
Chapter 3: Omg poor tao! Okey I hate taoris and all the time the side of felling pain was yixing and now... I want to be taoxing! I dont know why but yeah I want it!
chiaka #3
Chapter 3: Laytaooooo T^T
TAORIS_shipper #4
Chapter 3: .....i dun really like taolay.but this story caught my attention.....just update soon.i want to know what'll happen
Chapter 3: awwwwwwwwww poor taotao... but hell idk who to root for in this story, i ship both couples!
Chapter 3: I think you need to fix the grammar mistake,author-nim
Chapter 3: awwww poor Tao~
Yixing you dense brick!
It's nice to see a Cheesy Kris^^
update soon~~
moonfairy #8
Chapter 1: I always see Tao is like they're younger brother than their lover hahaha but it isn't so bad to read this right? so I'll wait ur next chapter. hwaiting !