Who are you?

Puzzle of my heart.

Who are you?



Tao was hidden in the bushes as he saw the shadow clumsily climbing the tree with a drawing book and a pencil in hand.

The girl was back. As Tao looked at the girl every move he thought of all the time he had spied on her. It wasn’t the first time, far from it! He loved to be with his pack but he also loved to go alone in the woods from time to time even though he knew it wasn’t safe for him to be a loner in a wood even as a werewolf…

He had seen the girl alone in this tree before. She was also a loner. She was almost always alone when they were at school.

She was a year older than him but he didn’t care. He was somehow fascinated by her. She knew the rumors about wolves. She knew it wasn’t safe. But she had come there anyway just to draw…

Was drawing that important for her? He laid on the moss as he watched over her for a while. When he felt tired and bored he went away not making any noise but with the image of the cheeky and focused girl.

He was now far from the tree but he heard when the girl made a branch crack as she had jumped from the tree. Tao swore, howling because he was still under his wolf appearance. If he had heard it, it probably meant that he wasn’t the only one. All the beasts around here must have heard it.

He didn’t want to betray the pack by revealing what he was but he couldn’t bear the idea of letting the girl alone with no help as she would probably need some.

He was maybe a werewolf but he was also a human and he couldn’t let the girl being hurt or killed by a creature of the forest. He run as he could hear her breath becoming heavier each second. Now that he was focused on her, as he would have been for a prey, he could feel her stress and panic.

Something was already facing her and she wasn’t near the tree. She had already run to escape it. He run even faster than before and growled at the plain wolf that was looking at his prey.  The girl had tried to climb the tree but she had failed hearing another wolf.

Tao felt her heart beating even faster than before if it was only possible, as she met his eyes. She saw her eyes widening as she realized that the rumors were true and she was facing a werewolf.

Turning his muzzle, Tao howled at the wolf to make it go away. But the wolf was determined to eat the easy prey and didn’t move an inch. It only turned its body to face the werewolf and attack him right away. But the human part that was in control of Tao’s action even as a werewolf made him evade the attack and bite the regular wolf neck.

Tao howled once more. But it wasn’t the usual howl he would have done usually. He was calling for his brothers. He could handle the wolf but he was afraid that the wolf wasn’t alone either and he feared for the girl’s safety. Almost instantly he felt warm in his heart as well as he felt it by his sides.

Sure the pack had been divided for years but his five brothers were now with him and he was almost invincible that way.

However Kris turned him muzzle, sniffing the scent of the girl and let escape a loud growl as he prepared his wolf-self to attack the girl.

Tao interposed himself as the biggest werewolf titled his head before smirking (if that was even possible with a werewolf muzzle^^).

Tao approached the girl and felt on the ground as he let the girl climb on his back. The girl hesitantly put a hand on the crimson werewolf fur as Tao felt tingles all over his wolf body. He wasn’t used to people gently touching his fur. He looked at the others sending them home. He still had something to do.

Going to the edges of the forest he helped the girl go home. If only she could understand him… But he couldn’t change into a human or else he would be .

The girl began to walk away.

Then she turned her head, looking at Tao.

She came back and sat in front of him as she took her pencil and draw the werewolf.

She finally finished it and signed before holding out the drawing to the wolf.

“It is for you. Thank you for saving me.”

Tao lowered his muzzle and read the artistic signature and read her name. Yina. The girl’s name was Yina.

He turned his head toward her and growled “Tao” before putting his muzzle in her hand and finally turned his back on the girl, entering the woods.



So here is today's update! Sorry I update it later tahn usual... But on mondays and Friday I won't be able to update sooner... :/

But I'll update anyway evne if it is later than the usual time...^^

For those who had been reading the beginning of the wolf serie this chapter should remember Beauty and the beast first chapter ;) (and you also know who Yina is^^)


Thanks to my subscibers the one who take time to post a comment and thanks to you for reading the story :D


The next chapter will be here tomorrow :p

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I'm sorry for not updating... I'm having a really hard time and I don't want to do a crappy update so I'll update tomorrow... I promise!


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Chapter 25: IM READY FOR THE NEXT ONE! *Determined look*
Chapter 23: I'm ready! :)
Chapter 19: Be calm on the exam and...

Good luck on your exam :)
Chapter 8: Update! I LOVE THE STORY
Chapter 3: Love the story!
Its really interesting! :)