
The Dark Side of Love.


Part I

Black Out

Chapter V



Sehun looked up at the clouds that floated in the large, annoyingly bright sky. “I wish I was a cloud.” He whispered. Yes, Sehun talked—whispered to himself but don’t worry, he only talked to himself when he was alone.

But then again, he was nearly always alone.

He loved cloud gazing—stargazing’s overrated. He loved the way the clouds drifted and constantly moved, on the go. He loved how the pure whiteness looked so innocent and fluffy, as if it felt like Cotton Candy.

Though he loved how easily influenced it was. How the beautiful pureness could turn a dark purple as the sun set, or turn a bloody red as it rose. He loved how it could turn a dark, dark grey and wipe the blueness from the sky and make a vast blanket that looked like it would never go away.

He loved how it could trap the sun and separate it from the Earth and he loved how it could make so much destruction in one country yet look like a kid’s pillow on the other side.

He mostly loved how it was always moving—always changing..

Never stopping, not for anyone.

Unlike Sehun who was going round in circles, day after day.

Even being part of the illegal realm his life was still pretty boring. The most exciting thing of the year was the Chinese exchange student and it had already been a few weekd since the students came and the excitement has died down, yet Sehun never met any of them.

Except for Tao, whom he shares a class with and coincidentally, met this guy’s boyfriend, Kris, through Suho though. Suho and Kris were in the same year in University and so Suho hanged out with Kris and Sehun since Sehun was feeling bored.

Sehun didn’t even know the others names, though apparently one of them is called Han. He thought that was a weird name—but who was he to judge?

He heard some movement beside him and heard a figure sit down on the opposite side of the tree, rendering him unable to see this person’s face.

He sighed and rubbed his temple.

No one comes here but him—he doesn’t even know why he still comes here. It’s the tree, the tree. You know... the one that he brought Luhan to once.

Yeah, it was that tree.

But it was also his tree. He had once beaten up a boy for carving something into it and punched someone for sitting under it.

He can do it again.

In his thoughts though, he hadn’t noticed the boy stand up in front of him.

But when he had, he didn’t react. It surprised him—but he still expected it, somewhere deep inside of him he knew that this was going to happen.

China, Han, pink hair, near-perfect Korean.

Luhan had always wanted pink hair like Sehun had always wanted rainbow hair.



He watched Luhan sit down beside him and flinched as his hand came in contact with his cheek. The older pink-haired boy however, either did not notice or ignored his reclusiveness and his hand through his hair.

Sehun clenched his fist and shivered in surprise when he found he was holding a knife.

He quickly let go of it and put his hand out of his pocket.

“You remember me?”

Sehun raised an eyebrow, why wouldn’t he? Luhan was his first kiss—he was also the only boy he’s kissed.

“Of course.”

He saw the boy’s mouth open and he stood up quickly, not caring as he watched the older boy tumble over on the ground.

“I’m not the boy you met for a day. You didn’t know me then, you don’t know me now.”

Sehun didn’t have any ill tension for the boy, but he didn’t want to get Luhan mixed up in his life.

Luhan was just someone he met for a day, he wasn’t meant to come back. He wasn’t meant to see Sehun and greet Sehun.

Sehun wanted to stay the little boy Luhan met and be part of a memory. He wanted to at least leave one good impression on somebody.

Luhan didn’t know who Sehun was or what he was like, he only knew Sehun as the cute boy he met one day and kissed and Sehun had planned on keeping it that way—but it was too late now.

At least this way Luhan would only know Sehun as the cold, mean boy, not Sehun—the murderer.

Sehun tensed as he felt arms wrap around his waist. He had never been hugged in months—or years, he didn’t really know, but it felt nice.

It felt nice to be hugged by someone and he felt a strange warmth fill his body.

He had never realised how cold he was and he felt empty as the embrace ended.

But it didn’t matter—he had lived with the cold his entire life, he could deal with it now. He can’t up Luhan’s life like he ed up his own.

He won’t.

He already had five friends, which was more than enough. He didn’t need another friend, he didn’t need someone to hold him or to talk to him.

He didn’t need cute, lovable, pink-haired innocence in his life.

He only needed a crow bar and money and his gang.

He pushed the boy away and only showed indifference as he fell onto the tree. He looked down on Luhan and his eyes showed nothing.

He gave away nothing.

No grief, resentment, contempt nor regret. Nothing

Luhan looked up at him with tears in his eyes and all Sehun wanted to do was hug him, because Sehun found that he liked hugging.

But it didn’t matter.

He couldn’t get Luhan involved.

Not like this. Not at all.

Sehun sighed.

He was truly sick of this. Maybe Sehun really was a cloud.

Just an evil storm cloud that brings destruction and death and kills anybody that comes close to it. A  storm cloud that people should fear but don't because their stupid.

Maybe he was an evil storm cloud. But don't storm clouds eventually turn into happy white ones?

Doubt it. Sehun was an evil storm cloud that kills people. If he got Luhan involved in this Luhan would become just another victim.

“Don’t get involved with me. I’m dangerous. I don’t want you to die because of me—I’ve had enough deaths happen because of me, I think it would be better if you didn't join the list.”
Yes. Sehun was an evil storm cloud that was going to kill Luhan if Luhan didn't shy away.
Danger is easy to get into and Love is a pit easy to fall into.
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LeeJuLian #1
Chapter 6: I'm happy you use what I wrote T.T
Makes me feel less useless x)
hunhan_chunjoe #2
Chapter 6: Don't be inlove with me :C sad
Btw I liked it keep the good work
Update soon!
hunhan_chunjoe #3
Chapter 5: Omg why so serious sehun I want hunhan!
And u can do it so I am counting on you
I like this chapter and the way you write it it's soo unique!>.<
Hope to see more from you:D
Update soon fighting!
Chapter 2: u have to update quickly
hunhan_chunjoe #5
Chapter 2: Wow that's a I don't know what to say story it's amazing I love hunhan and the kiss its just asdfghkl keep fighting for the next chapter!!!