There he was again.

Kris Wu, elite Chinese super model sitting comfortably at a lone table in the very corner of the room and sipping casually on his latte.

Youngjae sighed disheartened and turned back to his previous task of wiping the kitchen utensils of the coffee house, hoping that the blonde male hadn’t noticed him staring at him like some hungry lovelorn puppy.

Ever since the day the man had set foot in the shop, which was weeks ago Youngjae had developed a secret crush on the other. Just like many who had encountered Kris, he was entranced by his beauty and pose, completely understanding why the other was deemed as a modern day Adonis.

Initially he was surprised to see Kris in the shop believing that a high class person as himself would never bother to grace such a small humble café with his presence.

But after having a few short conversations with the blonde he understood why his work place was chosen as the man’s escapade.

Due to his trending popular the model found it necessary to have some alone time to himself, away from his fans and the press thus leading him to the café, which is as he kindly put it, not among the popular bunch. Hence it being the ideal place for him to relax and unwind from all the stress his job gave him.

Through those conversations Youngjae also found out more about him as well. He found that Kris was more than just a pretty face and was very intelligent, much more than he thought a person with his type of career would be. They both shared similar interest of books that ranged from different types of genre and as for Kris’s musically taste, though different from his RnB genre, Youngjae found that he could still appreciate it.

He also learnt that the blonde was much kinder than he let on to be. With is constant stoic expression and intimating demeanor, Youngjae wouldn’t for one second thought that the elder had such a soft spot for kids as he once let show when a pair of toddlers stumbled their way to his table unnoticed by the mother who was busy ordering at the time. He actually played with them, laughing and all and genuinely enjoying their company rather than brushing them off or calling the mother instantly like what most would expect of him.

Nor he would have guessed that the man would secretly sneak away from his busy photo shoots and schedules to help the less experienced models with their own photo shoots and even be as kind as to take them out to lunch.

In Younjae’s eyes he was basically a living contradiction and in way that Youngjae liked. When he expected the other to be snobbish or cold shouldered to his peers, he was quite friendly and interactive. When he thought he would have been the type to like glamour life and indulge in superficial and material things, he turned to be a guy that preferred deep conversations that listed from a variety of things and not much of a fan of the fast pace life.

Something which he proved just by visiting and eating in the café.

All of these things were probably the reason why Youngjae felt the way he did whenever Kris stepped into the coffee house. The reasons why his heart would gave an extra thump when the latter unraveled that unexpected dorky smile whenever a funny joke was shared between them.

Those were the exact reasons that made him excited to go to work every day just to see the man’s face and have those small but precious talks with him.

It was the reason why he was beginning to fall for the model.

But alas even with all those lovely traits, those intriguing facts and surprising interest, Youngjae could never bring himself to imagine himself to be up to spar with the older. Because in his eyes the fact remains that Kris was a celebrity, that near to perfect being that everyone either loved to bits or envied while he was nothing but an average Joe.

Unlike how he saw Kris, Youngjae saw himself as a dull, timid not particularly attractive person and his baby fat didn’t help boost his confidence. For years he’d always been teased for being that chubby, nerdy kid who ran from any form of unexpected attention and preferred the company of computers and books over the kids who played merrily in the school court or hung out afterschool.

He figured no matter how utterly awesome someone like Kris was, who broke society’s label of the clique he belonged to, he never phantom the idea of being with someone like him. It was just too unreal and only something Youngjae could see in his dreams.

“Because I mean would he even want to be with someone as boring as me?” he whined quietly to himself but jumped when a deep velvety voice interrupted his thoughts.

“Who’s boring?”

“Oh Kris; I-erhmm…i-it’s nothing,” he stuttered, reddening at the thought that the blonde heard him in mid-thought.

“Okay~,” the model said in an unsure tone before switching back to his normal voice, “I want to make an order and I kinda need to go so if you could do it quickly that would be great.

“Sure,” Youngjae said sensing the urgency in his voice, “What would you like to have?”

“Two vanilla petite fours, a cinnamon crepe along with a strawberry one and a tall chocolate milkshake,” he finished his request to which Youngjae’s eyes widened. Kris wasn’t one to eat a lot and when he did things like this would never be on his list.

“Are these for someone?” he asked after writing down the order and began preparing them.

“Yes, actually I’m going on a date and the person has a tight schedule so I have to hurry,” Kris explained quite bluntly in Youngjae’s opinion for his heart sank after the word date.

A minute of silence settled between them as he hurried to get the blonde’s request done.

“Here you go, everything you need,” he said in a forcefully happy tone, his smile not quite feeling right on his face as he faced the other.

However Kris took no notice and smiled at him before picking up the customized plastic bag with his meal. He was just about ready to head out when he stopped and went back to the counter where Youngjae was already sinking into silent disappointment and heartbreak.

“I almost forgot, I’d also like to have a cup of hot chocolate with a hint of you,” he said cornily and smiled when Youngjae actually began to carry out the order.

That smile turned into a full out grin when the younger stopped and looked up at him with shocked doe eyes.

“What?” Youngjae asked, his mind fighting down his emotions with the logic that he misheard the man.

“Hot chocolate with a hint of you,” Kris repeated happily, “I don’t know if you figured this out or not but I like you. I like you a lot.”

Youngjae stood there stunned and speechless at the other’s confession, drifting his eyes anyway but to the blonde’s beautifully sculpted face, doubt shadowing his features as he did so.

‘Is he serious? What if he’s just playing with me?’ he thought, his emotions getting the better of him as his mind tried to grasp what was really happening.

With all the thoughts going through his mind, Youngjae failed to notice that Kris was observing him all this time and had picked up on what was going on in the boy’s head.

“I’m not joking Youngjae,” he said breaking the other’s train of thought, “I really do like you. You’re funny, cute and I could actually have a decent conversation with you unlike my previous associates who either faked their interest or just have no idea of what I’m talking about. I could hang around you without cringing because you don’t squeal like everyone else who comes around me. You’re smart and not afraid to voice your opinion even though it’s not in sync with mine and that’s something I really appreciate. Plus you make really good lattes,” Kris smiled after he finished causing the younger to smile shyly.

“But what would your friends say? You’re workers? The public?” Youngjae tried to argue his mind still in doubt despite his heart swelling with happiness.

“My friends won’t care because their positions are no different and even though they understand and accept me. They won’t be my friends if they didn’t. My staff won’t dare say a word in the fear of getting fired and as for the press? Let them talk, that’s all they’re good for anyway; might as well give them something to talk about,” he grinned and with that restoring Youngjae’s faith in him.

“By the way why did you say the other person has a tight schedule?” he asked remembering what Kris had said earlier, “What did you mean by that?”

Another one of those goofy yet charming smiles came across the male’s lips before answering.

“Well you have lunch in the next five minutes and I want to have as much time with you before you have to get back to work,” he explained.

“Well then we should get going don’t you think?” Youngjae smiled before taking off his apron and leaving the café, mirroring the bright smile that had dawned on Kris’s face as he did so.

The End

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jindaebutt #1
Chapter 1: Aww that's cute <3
Chapter 1: haha awh adorable!