Happy Days

I'm Not

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. 

Soyu listens to the tick tock of the clock as the seconds go by. She looks up at the clock that sits above the class' blackboard and watches as the hand continues its round around the 12 numbers. The professor is in front of the blackboard and continues his boring lecture on the history of books, and how they came to be. Although she was studying to become a writer, she wanted to learn more about writing, and not the random dates and years of when this or that came into existance and all that.

She preferred to, well, write. But not just that. She wanted to describe, to imagine, and to create, things with her words. Things that may happen often or things that may never happen. She wanted to write, fiction, non-fiction, romance, tragedy, and everything in between (well, maybe except crappy teen novels like Twilight). She wanted to inspire others just like other writers had inspired her when she was at a much younger age. 

Soyu was a sophomore at Seoul University, studying Literature. She loved everything about Literature and she hoped to become a writer in the future, which is a reason why she took up the course, but learning history wasn't exactly one of the top things on her list.

Although she liked learning (a lot) and was usually one of the top in her classes, it was usually just good memorization and note-taking that gave her those grades, and she was not really the one to think highly of her grades. She knew they were important, but to her, they were only numbers, testing how much a person can cram into their head with a short amount of time and grading it by how much they remembered, only to forget it the moment they finish their test.

To her, learning was like breathing. But she preferred to learn things in ways that made her interested, like videos, movies, music, and especially books. To many of her friends, she sounds like a typical "nerd" or bookworm. Which, in a way, she sort of is. But what could she do? Learning was like eating to her. She could practically die without it. 


She looks at her notebook and abandons taking notes for the rest of the lecture. She could care less about her grades anyway. 


Her eyes wander over to a seat that sits just a row to her right, and there. Right there. Is where he sits. She sighs as she takes in his handsome features. From his well-defined jawline, his high cheekbones, those thin, yet oh-so-kissable lips, his dirty blonde hair that hides under a dark green beanie. 'God.' she thinks, 'He's just so perfect.' she studies him a bit more. She notices his toned arms, due to his rather simple choice of clothing. A gray, short-sleeved t-shirt, a plain pair of jeans and sneakers. Simple, and yet, his features made him look like some supermodel wearing desinger labelled clothes. 

He looks up from his notes and catches Soyu staring at him. He smirks, and she blushes, hiding her face in her long dark brown hair, and staring at her notebook. She swears she can hear him chuckle, but she doesn't dare look up, since she didn't want him seeing her tomato red face. 

She hears the professor ending his lecture and scrawls the assignment that's due in two weeks and the moment she hears him finish saying, "Class over." she's already up and on her way out. But as she passes by his seat, he takes a hold of her wrist, and prevents her from leaving. 

"Where are you going babe?" he asks, his tone low, and he waits until everyone leaves, before standing up and towering over his girlfriend. "What were you looking at hm?" he teases, playing with a lock of her hair. 

"I-I wasn't l-looking at anything..." she stutters shyly. Unable to look him in the eye.

"Really? I was sure you were looking at something~" he whispers and plants a soft kiss on her cheek. 

She bites on her lower lip, feeling his lips make contact with her skin, "I-I've got to go meet with the girls. See you later. Bye." she says all too quickly for Kris to catch and he's about to ask her to repeat when she pulls her wrist from his hold and scurries out of the classroom.


'Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.' she runs towards the bench by her building and sits by it, her things at her side as she tries to even her breathing. There were butterfiles in her stomach and she couldn't take it. She squeals in happiness at her boyfriend's affection, "Oh my god~!" she exclaims. To think , that her day started out so boring, and with just one kiss from her boyfriend made it all better.

Soyu was always shy and coy around her boyfriend. Although it seemed to be the complete opposite when around her friends, she could never really contain her shyness when she was around Kris. Especially when he like that. She could just hear his low and y voice whispering into her ear again. She feels her heart thumping in her chest at the thought and she could also feel the heat pooling into her cheeks, "Omo~!" she squeals again.

"Yah! Kang Jihyun!" she turns around to see her three best friends walking towards her. She sees Bora waving happily and calling her out again, Dasom gave her the cutest smile and a small wave, while Hyorin nodded and waved at her too. She waves back and grabs her things and runs over to her three best friends. 


"He did!?" Bora exclaimed, her jaw dropping and her sandwich just sat there in her grasp, waiting to be eaten. 

Soyu nods. She and the three were sitting at a table in one of the university's many cafes and restaraunts, "Yeah..." is all she can say. She had told them of what had happened and of course, Bora was the first (and only) one to overreact. Now don't get Soyu wrong, she loved Bora, but she couldn't lie when she said that Bora could overreact a little too much too many times, but maybe that was one of the things that keeps the atmosphere lively ad happy in their little group.

"You know..." Hyorin sips on her tea quietly and then looks at Soyu, "I still don't like him. He doesn't seem like the best guy for you Soyu. I mean, I've seen him before he dated you. He's always out getting drunk with his friends, partying, I'm still surprised he's in the running to becoming a valedictorian in your batch. It seems completely unlikely." she discusses.

Soyu wanted to retort and tell Hyorin to back off and just start arguing, but she couldn't. Because, for one thing, she was pretty right.

Before she and Kris had gotten together, Kris was like your typical fanfic bad-boy. It was, quite a surprise for him to have agreed to start going out with her, and it almost seemed unreal when he asked her to be his girlfriend. He was always seen with girls in his arms, drunk, and laughing out loudly with his just as rich (his family were business tycoons, so the guy's practically rolling in a bed of money) and just as crazy friends. It's a mystery to how he's even able to stay as one of the top in the entire course and batch, and it's even more mysterious how even if he's not present every day, he's still able to answer the questions flawlessly and without fail.

"Oh come on Hyorin-unnie!" the maknae, Dasom, cuts the awkward atmosphere with her energetic and bubbly tone, "They're still so cute together though! He's like, the sweetest bad boy that..." she squeals at the thoughts of how cute they were together, "They're so cute though! You shouldn't be over-thinking unnie~ Soyu-unnie knows how to take care of herself and she's strong~" she pats Soyu's back and Soyu can't help but feel a little embarassed by Dasom's compliments.

Hyorin can only smile at the maknae's cute statement and pokes her cheek, "You're right~" but then she turns over to Soyu with a concerned look, "But if anything, and I mean anything you can come to us okay? We're always waiting for ya Jibun~" Hyorin shows her the smile that she can only really show around the three of them, and Soyu feels assured.

"Of course unnie~" she replies fondly with a nod.

"Aww~" Bora cooes, "You guys are like, the bestest friends ever~!" Bora exclaims happily, "But don't forget me okay?!" she gives them a cute angry look.

Everyone else just laughs at Bora's joyful antics to lighten the atmosphere. And she definitely succeeds. It's usually times like these where Soyu's glad to have such great friends like them.


It was evening and Soyu and the others had decided to split up and meet the next day. Hyorin still had some classes, Bora was off to her dance practice, and Dasom was going out with some other friends from her course on some, "relaxation trip." (she doesn't bother asking futhur). For Soyu, she has her date with Kris. 

Before coming to the meet-up location, she had returned home to change from her jeans and blouse into a cute, frilly light pink dress. Her hair was in soft curls and her make up was simple and cute. She felt somewhat comfortable, but the only thing that held her back a bit were the heels that she was wearing. They were really cute, and although she felt like wearing flats she wanted to wear heels.

Soyu wasn't much of a "dressy" girl but ever since she started dating Kris, she's wanted to start dressing up for him. She sees the girls that he tends to hang out with, and well, she doesn't want them to beat her. She only wants to be number one girl in his eyes. It came to be quite a shock when she asked the girls if she could join them on their shopping spree. 

Dasom had thought she was possessed by some teen ghost that wants to hang out with them, Hyorin thought some alien had replaced her, and Bora almost fainted. She had to explain her side and as time went on, she'd definitely improved her appearance and she had begun to gain some more confidence as time had gone by. 


She checks for phone for any texts or calls that she might have missed and then scans the crowd for a familiar face and finally, she sees him.

"Kris!" she waves and calls out, jogging over the tall giant. 

He sees her and smiles, "Hey babe." 

She blushes at his nickname for her, "Hey~"

"Were you waiting for a while babe?" he asks.

"Um~ No." she shakes her head.

"Shall we go then?" he wraps his arm around her waist and they begin their date. 

"Yeah~!" she says with a smile. But that smile disappears as quickly as it appeared when Kris questions what she's wearing, "W-why? You don't like it?" 

"O-oh. No. I mean, I like it. It's just. Couldn't you have dressed a little more down? I mean, it's not some special occasion or anything. You didn't need to wear that. And plus, it doesn't look like it suits you. Your hips look much wider..." he starts going on about how it doesn't suit her, and how it makes her look fatter, and well, Soyu actually doesn't say a word. 

"O-Okay. I'll take note of that then." she fakes a smile, and Kris believes and doesn't even say sorry as he wraps his arm around her waist, "I hope you'll like my outfit for our next day~" she tries to say as joyfully as possible and all she gets is a nod and their night begins.


Author: Aaaaand I'm done~! Thank you very much for reading this first chapter. Sorry if it's a bit boring uwu;; Hopefully I'm going to be able to pace this well enough that some parts aren't just fillers and will actually have some sort of progression. But I guess this chapter is just a sort of introduction to show Soyu's friendships with her "sisters" and a sneak peek into what her and Kris' relationship is like. ^^ 

Please comment your critics and all those things and I hope you enjoyed it~! Thanks a lot guys for reading!

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Chapter 1: /waits for dis to continue bqs was looving "I just can't let yu go and weeping
LoL mian mian ^^;; im kinda a silent reader usually, rarely do I voice out my opinion but I really loved the first ff aka "I just can't let you go" and am I sad to see no updates orz
Author-nim thank you for the great fic and especially exo*sistar pairing lol ㅋㅋㅋ okay enough with nonsense blabber. . . I was wondering will you continue the plot or drop it all together?
Chapter 1: auh,that was adorable on how her reaction will be c:
omg..kris,don't be a jerk and telling a girl that they look fat -,-
l0l keep the great jobb <3
Chapter 1: This is a very interesting story.. I like the plot and the naughtyness of Kris and the innorcence of Soju
Im waiting for a new chapter =D good work Author (Y)