Angel Notes

Angel Notes

It's already 2 in the morning but you couldn't sleep, you aren't where you are supposed to be either - in the comforts of your countless pillows and stuff toys- instead you found yourself in the practice room, in front of the rarely used grand piano. You start playing a song that stuck to you when you were still a child, you didn't know the title or who composed it that time, just the notes that never failed to fill your heart with a kind of dread and sorrow that you could never explain. Your favorite part was the middle, because the notes start to sound a bit happy, it starts to lift your mood and fill you with the euphoria you've always enjoyed.


The first time you heard this composition it made you think of a story your mother told you, about a beautiful creature that could heal anyone and any illness in the world, the creature that fell in love with a mortal. She told you about how the gods were angered by the situation and how the tribes threw rocks at the human girl because they feared that she would take the creature far away and keep it for herself; they left her numb and lifeless body by the side of the river, when the creature saw this it- he- gave her the only thing it could –its – his- life, after that the creature was never seen again.


It was a tragedy yet it possessed the kind of beauty that you couldn't quite find in any other story or composition. You were pulled back to reality when you heard someone synchronize with a violin, you don't stop, you just look around and there, across the room is a creature that caught and imprisoned your heart just a year ago. The man who used to be a stranger, the man who used to be your neighbor, the man who composed the notes that greatly claimed your heart slowly -Zhang Yixing.


You finish the entire music score, communicating through the sounds and notes being played. Immersing yourselves in the wonder and beauty of the music that brought you two together, the music that could have been done by the angels.


After the music, he plays yet another composition, no doubt a new one. The violin was becoming louder - he's coming closer, you close your eyes and sway with the music. 20 steps was all it took for him to hold you in his arms, to make your heart dance with his and to make you forget all your troubles and doubts in this rotten world.


5 minutes later his head is rested on your lap while you played with tendrils of his tired hair.


"Why do you always play that score?" he asks you, eyes closed, lips partly open.


"It reminds me of you." is all you say to answer his question.


"Why is that?" he asks.


"Do you remember the story I told you about the creature that can heal anything and anyone?" You ask, drawing random circles on his arms.


"Yeap. You never told me the end of the story though. How does it end?" he asks, scrunching his nose in confusion.


"He lived... But only as a flower with a curse that whoever plucks it (him) will suffer the same as he did..." You answer your voice barely audible.


"How does that tragedy remind you of me?" he asks, holding your hand firmly.


"You remind me of the creature, how you can make me feel like there is nothing wicked in this world. It also serves as a reminder of how easily I can lose you." You tell him, holding back tears that were already threatening to spill.


A few minutes of silence follows, you've talked about this before. You told him about how you feared that one day, you'll wake up and he won't be there anymore, just like that. You feared that this moment -these moments with him, one of the few reasons that you're happy- would just disappear. 


"Yah, Chun Soo.  I already thought of a title for the score that you love so much." he says, changing the subject. He must have felt that you were about to cry.


You trace his features, his closed but obviously small eyes, his tall nose, his small lips, and every inch of his perfect face.


"Aren't you even curious of what it is?" he says, half opening one of his eyes. You smile then flick his forehead.


"Fine then, what is it?" you ask.


"Angel Notes." he said, grinning triumphantly.


You scrunch your nose, trying to know how he came up with that one when he sits up and faces you.


"Are you wondering how I came up with that?" he asks, looking excited and energized.


"No, not really." you answer, trying to be playful but then he pouts and stares into your eyes for far more than you were comfortable with.


"Fine, yes. How did you come upon that wonderful title?" you ask, trying to imitate an accent that is quite misplaced.


He laughs at your failed attempt at an accent and then smiles.


"Because that composition led me to someone I never thought I'd meet, to someone who I never thought would be the most significant part of my whole being, to someone who holds my whole heart. It led me to an angel, it led me to you." he finishes, looking at you through his lashes, drawing random circles on the palm your hand.


The tears you held back slowly started to spill; one by one it fell on your cheek then drops on your lap. He cupped your face with his hand, made you look at him then wiped your tears away.


"Stop crying, an angel's tears is as valuable as the earth's riches, as valuable as a siren's song and as valuable as the notes that enslave one's heart." he tells you while he wipes your tears away.


"I'm just scared that this is all just a dream or some kind of cruel joke that fate decided to play on me- on us. What if you suddenly disappear? Or what if you leave me? What if the story isn't just a myth? What if by some crazy circumstance my ancestor was the one who plucked the flower and we are all cursed, never to feel the happiness because he never did?“ Words come unbidden in your mouth, words you didn't think you would ever voice out. Crazy words that you never would have let out of your mouth if you were in your right mind, but you weren't - when you're with him, both of you are the only things that matter.


Before you knew it your face is already buried in his chest, his hands rubbing your back comforting you, he's already mumbling words that sooth your very soul. Even if you didn't say anything, he knew. He knew that you needed him and how you needed him.


"I won't let anything break us apart- be it an irrevocable circumstance or a curse, I won't let you go, I won't stop giving you time and understanding you. I won't let myself live the rest of my life without you by my side. I can't." he whispers, erasing all your doubts, all your questions and all your fears. Marking them all silly and non sense because you knew that what he just said is all true, that he won't leave you.


You hug him, relishing the smell of him, the feel of him. "I love you." is all you manage to say before he seals your lips with his, your heart beating in harmony. 


Here you go! Hope you like it! Comment, Subscribe! :*

xoxoxo Kyon Seul

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hunhanisreal_ot12 #1
Chapter 1: Now this was sweet!!! ;-; my Lay feelzzz huhuh