Twilight: EXO Style

✿Our Crazy Days✿


Kai(Kim Jongin) x Lee Tia (OC) ft. Suho and Taerin (Sehun's girlfriend)





“Kim Jongin, what did you just say?” Tia looks at her boyfriend incredulously.

Kai sighs.

“I’m telling you…Suho is a vampire! Look at his skin color, its sickly pale,” he mumbles the last word and looks around to see if anyone else heard.

“You’re serious?” she raises an eyebrow, listening to Kai as she prepares dinner for their apartment party.

“It sounded more believable in my head, but yes. Sehun confirmed it too.” Tia rolls her eyes at his catch phrase.

Sighing she puts the knife down and places her hands on her hips.

“Okay. When did Oh Sehun become an expert on vampires?” Tia chuckles at his silly accusation.

Kai frowns.

“He’s very knowledgeable about these super natural things, you know! He calls it his ‘6th Sense’ to track down the supernatural.”

“That’s what you said the last time when Sehun claimed that you were a wolf.”

“But I am!” Kai pouts slapping his palms onto the kitchen counter.

“Jongin I thought we established the fact that you weren’t months ago.”

“Even if you keep denying, I can’t. It’s my nature Tia.  It calls for my inner wolf,” Kai places a hand on his heart.

‘He seriously believes he’s a wolf,’ Tia thinks.

Slapping her forehead she plays along, even though she didn’t believe him in anyway.

“So if you’re a wolf, and Suho’s a vampire does that make this situation like Twilight?”


“Yeah, the vampire movie with Kristen Stewart, and the werewolf Taylor Lautner/vampire Robert Pattinson trying to win her heart? The popular vampire/werewolf/human love story?”

“AHHHH, that.”

“Yes, that.”

“Yeah I guess. Wait…doesn’t the main character like BOTH guys?” Kai narrows his eyes at Tia.

She raises an eyebrow, “Yeah, and?”

Kai smirks and goes around the counter to hug her,“Hah, but you only love ME in this version!” He snakes his arms around her waist and watches her as she continues cooking.

“Hmmm are you sure? Lately, Suho has been looking quite charming. My heart fluttered when he helped me in lecture the other day. He has the brains, he’s rich, his personality is wonderful, AND he’s good looking!” Tia sighs dreamily.

“WHAT?! Lies!” Kai pulls back, appalled by his girlfriend’s sudden confession.

“Hey Jongin! Hello Tia!” Suho suddenly walks in greeting them while sending Tia a flirty wink.

Kai clenched his hands in suspicion.

“Speak of the vampire…” he mutters so only Tia could hear. She smacks him lightly on the shoulder and he yelps a little.

“Hi oppa! You made it!” Tia greets Suho. Kai grumbles some incoherent words and sits himself back down on the stool near the kitchen island.

 “Of course. I wouldn’t miss a chance to see my lovely Tia would I?” Suho pats her head in an affectionate way.

“Aww you’re too sweet!” Tia giggles, and it annoys Kai how close they were, especially after the claim that Tia had become attracted to Suho.

“Awwww you’re so sweet,” Kai mocks as he grabs an apple out of the fruit basket.

Suho looks at his dongsaeng, then at Tia.

“What’s with him?” he asks in a whisper.

“He thinks you’re a vampire, and then I told him if he was a wolf and you a vampire, then that makes our situation like Twilight.”

“Twilight?” Suho chuckles at the silliness.

She laughs along, “Yeah, you know Jongin. Sehun’s been putting stuff into his head.”

“Well shall we a bit?” Suho suggests as he glances at a grumpy Kai who was too busy devouring his apple.

“I’m in!” Tia agrees.

“Okay, just follow my lead.”

Suho turns to the plates of food on the counter and picks up a dish.

“Ugh, is that garlic I smell?” Suho frowns at the putrid ‘smell’.

“Yes, you don’t like it?” Tia plays along.

“I hate garlic!” Suho sets the plate down and distances himself.

Kai’s eyes perk up from that sentence.

“It’s a sign…”Kai whispers to himself with a grin. He knew he was right! Good job Supernatural hunter Sehun!

“Ah! I cut myself…” Tia faked and looked at her finger with a frown.

Kai jolted out of his seat, about to check on her but Suho beat him to it.

“Oh no, blood! Let me take care of that for you…mmmm smells delicious,” he his lips as he holds onto Tia’s hand.

“STOP!!!!!!” Kai slams his hands onto the table.

Suho and Tia turn to him in shock.

“Hyung! You’re coming with me!” Kai grabs Suho by his shirt and drag’s him out of the kitchen.

Suho shoots Tia a playful smile and she chuckles as her boyfriend drags his supposed ‘rival’ away.

A head pokes into the kitchen a little bit after.

“Hi unnie! What was Kai screaming about?” Taerin asks as she sits in Kai’s previous seat.

“You know. The usual stuff,” Tia shrugs as she garnishes the dishes she made.

Taerin helps her carry the food out to the dining area.

“Taerin.” Tia calls out. Taerin stops and turns around.

“Yes unnie?”

“Maybe you stop your boy Sehun from watching too many paranormal shows and movies,” Tia mentions as she carries plates past Taerin.

Taerin tilts her head in confusion, “Uh, okay?”

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Chapter 2: okay i love it the both stories ^^ hehehe