Chapter 12

Found Lost Love
“Unnie, I don't want to see Dr. Song anymore, all she tells me is go and find something that would trigger my memories back, it's useless, plus I never liked her anyways.”
“Are you sure you don't want to see her anymore?” 
“Alright, I'll cancel the appointment then.”
They sat down in the office of SuNi's eye doctor, Dr. Lee, a tall slim woman with long black silky hair. She greeted the Kim sisters and started typing stuff onto her computer. “How are you feeling these day? Is your eyes bothering you at all?” She asked. 
SuNi shook her head and stared at a pink heart shaped sticky note on the side of her computer. 
“You shine brighter than the twinkling stars.”
A weak smile formed on her face. Her doctor was lucky to have a boyfriend who writes her sticky notes, well, she assume it's her boyfriend, who else writes such romantic thing to a girl?
“I'm afraid to say this, but from what I've see on the few test results, your condition is getting worse, even though you're feeling fine,” Dr. Lee frowned and flip through the files in front of her. “We have a few different surgery choice, if you would like to do it,” she passed a few files to EunJoo to look at while she explain.
“I personally don't recommend any of these, because the chances of fixing her eye problem isn't really that high.” 
SuNi looked up from her hands, “And it costs a lot, right?” Dr. Lee smiled painfully and nodded. 
The only thing SuNi is worried about right now is money. They couldn't even pay their rent, how is it possible to pay for some surgery that probably won't fix her messed up eyes since birth? 
“Welcome to my beautiful home!” BoRa opened the front door and went in, SuNi and EunJoo followed her, both carrying a small box. 
Everything was neatly organized and the whole house smelled like fresh flowers. The polished dark brown console table stood beside a long framed art work down the hall, SuNi bit her tongue, everything looked so expensive.
“L. Joe!” BoRa screamed. “Come help us carry these boxes.” SuNi looked up and saw a teenage boy wearing an old soft looking t-shirt with grey sweats. 
“What boxes?” He asked and ruffled his hair. 
“The boxes outside, in my car. My friend, EunJoo, and her sister, SuNi, are going to live here until they find a new place,” BoRa dropped her bag and tilt her head at the sisters that stood there awkwardly. L. Joe nodded his head quickly and headed out the front door. 
“Sorry about my brother, he's just really stressed out, but he's a pretty nice guy,” BoRa continued on as she walk the two sisters into the empty room upstairs. “He's smart, good at basketball, and he's most of the good things you can think of, but my parents just stress him out too much, I don't even know how he handles it. Anyways, here's your room.”
They dropped their stuff and headed downstairs to carry the boxes to their room. They went back and forth a few times before bring all the boxes upstairs in their room. 
SuNi let out a deep breath and collapsed onto the clean bed. “I hate moving, it's so much work and it makes my arm sore,” she complained as she massage her own arm. “Can we unpack them later?”
EunJoo flipped open a box and looked at her sister, “Well, I'm unpacking mine right now.” SuNi sighed and tied her hair into a pony tail and started to unpack as well.
SuNi picked up a few books, scratching her nails on a hard surface. She looked at her nails and saw blue glitters. She paused and stared at the blue box, she didn't know why she brought the box with her, it wasn't worth bringing, but a voice inside her head forced her to. She picked the box up and placed it on the table. 
The unpacking process went on till dinner. EunBi wiped down the mirror and placed it beside the well-organized closet, the room was finally tidied and looked more like a room.
They went down stairs as their stomachs cried for food. SuNi slide into the chair at the dinning table and watched L. Joe playing some kind of combat game on his Xbox in the family room. Her eyebrows furrowed when she realize he wasn't siting on the couch but on the weak looking wooden table in front of it. Why is he siting on a table? She thought. 
“Run! Run, stupid person! Run!” He screamed aggressively at the tv. “L. Joe pause the game, dinner’s ready.” BoRa said and placed a few delicious looking dishes onto the dinning table. 
Without rebelling against BoRa’s order, like what usual teenagers would do, L. Joe immediately paused the game and walked towards the dinning table. “Oh! I've seen you before,” he said pointing at SuNi's face as he walked by her. “Where you at the park when it first snowed?” 
SuNi paused and opened into an ‘o’ shape. “Were you one of the crazy people that was having a snowball fight?” 
L. Joe nodded and sat down at his seat. “You never know who you'll meet.” SuNi shrugged at the two sisters that stared at them weirdly, and munched down her dinner. 
The four of them sat around in the family room after dinner, L. Joe continued his game while EunJoo and BoRa talked. 
“Where's your parents?” EunJoo asked and took a piece of apple. 
“Vacation. Thank god,” BoRa rolled her eyes. “Or else this kid would be locked in his room,” she whispered and pointed at L. Joe’s back.
SuNi looked at him, he was so concentrated on his game he could ignore everything, she envied him. No matter how hard she tried to ignore the blue box it still stayed on her mind, and no matter how hard she tried to ignore the fact she was just a normal friend to JungKook, it still stayed on her mind, never leaving. 
Her phone started to vibrate in her hand. Speak of the devil. She sighed when she saw ‘Window’ on her screen. She stared at it wondering what kind of ‘friendly’ conversation they were going to have. 
“Who is it?” EunJoo asked from the other end of the couch. 
SuNi stood up. “JungKook.” She walked out the front door and into the cold. “What?” She answered tiredly. 
“Aw, why are you talking to me like that? I was just calling to ask you how you're feeling, cause I heard you went to the hospital today,” he said softly into the phone.
“I'm fine, it's just a normal monthly checkup. Thank god I only went to one doctor, I hated the other one, she's useless,” SuNi mentally slapped herself when the words she just said finally got to her brain. What's the point of telling him this? He doesn't care. 
“Oh really?” He answered, short and emotionless. He didn't care. “Anyways, so, remember how I promised you that I would take you to a concert?” 
“Technically, I said you're going to take me to any concert I wanted to go, but whatever.” Al she wants to do right now is to end this phone call and go back into the house. 
“I bought two tickets to this year's year end concert that we're going to attended, and I thought maybe you would like to go with EunBi.”
SuNi's little tiny hope of being happily enjoying the concert disappeared right away. “What?”
“I bought two tickets for you and EunBi to go to the concert together,” he repeated. Come on, SuNi! I know you want to go. Just go with her.”
SuNi wanted to tell JungKook to shut up about EunBi, he was making her hate that girl even more. Of course SuNi wanted to go, just not with that girl. “Why should I go with her?” 
“Because,” he sighed. “She never really had any friends at school before, and I just want her to at least have someone she knows with her. And I can't be with her, so I thought you guys probably got to know each other at the fan sign, and she might feel like she belong here if you go with her.”
SuNi clenched onto her teeth, he cared about EunBi’s happiness but not hers? But at the mean time, her heart ached, he was completely tricked. 
“Jeon JungKook,” SuNi said quietly. 
“Never mind. I'll go.” She said and hung up right away. Unwilling to hear him cheer and thank her, unwilling to pretend she knew nothing.
Was she ever important to him? 
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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 27: Omg! This is so cute! I love this author-nim. DAEBAKKKK
Chapter 27: Aww cute hehe goodjob authornim . Daebak
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 27: So sweet...ahhh..if it was will be the sweetest experience..
kdramalover1 #4
Chapter 27: Wow. This story is so awesome author-nim!! Great job :)
Mickeyyy #5
Chapter 27: is it the end? I hope isn't the end ^-^
Chapter 25: yyyyyyyyah~ you know how much i was waiting for another chapter! >< i know you busy i just kidding :) thanks for this amazing chapter , i felt sad for jungkook too~ thanks thanks thanks!
shinilzu #7
Chapter 23: this is just too cool