2nd meeting

unexpected meeting

Zed is back with the food.

You "What took you so long?

Zed "Geez women. The staff messed up with our order and I was waiting for Hyung's food as well"

Jiyong "Hahaha, You two are so funny"

You "Jiyong-ssi!"

Zed "Drink your tea, women! Look at your flushed cheek"

You "Yah! Zed's Oppa!

For some reason you were blabbering in your nation's language and mixed with english and korean with Zed's.

Jiyong look at you guys and just smile. He thinks your cute and interesting.

Zed "Oh! You can't eat this. your allergic to it!"

You "Oh! Thank god!"

Jiyong "Your allergic to shells? like seafood?"

You "Ah, just shells, Prawns are fine for me.  I will get itchy if i ate shells"

Jiyong "Oh, be careful then"

Zed "Hyung, did you just ended with your date in Gangnam? I heard your busy with dates?"

Jiyong "Haha, yeah. I feel like I need to be in love"

You "I'm sure lots of girls are crazy over you. How come your still looking?"

Jiyong keeps quiet for a while and answer "Most of them are interested in my money or looks. A few is interested in my music or myself"

Zed "Keep looking hyung. I'm sure you will find one. Oh look at the time. I gotta meet up with my girlfriend. Hyung , ____ I'l see you guys another time"

You "Oppa! Say hello to Belle for me"

Zed "Bye____. behave"

You "what the .... oppps!!!"

Jiyong were laughing at you like crazy.

You "Ah, this is so embrassing. Jiyong-ssi, please stop. -_-"

Jiyong "Call me oppa and I'll stop"

You "Jiyong...oppa please stop. This is so embarassing. I don't normally swear..."

Jiyong "Your funny. You have to go somewhere after this?"

You "Well It's 1AM now, the subway stops operating for now. Maybe I'll go home with taxi"

Jiyong "I can send you. It's dangerous at this hour. Where do you stay?"

You "Hongdae, I'll show you the place"

Jiyong "Alright, let's go then"

Jiyong brought you to his car, White Bentley.

Jiyong "So, let me input your hotel's address in my gps"

You "Alright, nice car by the way"

Jiyong "She's pretty right?"

You "Yup. Very pretty"

Alright, Let's go to your hotel then.

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Chapter 3: Why can't anything like this every happen to me???
