

Do you know how hurt it is when somebody left you with a very deep memory and you are unable to forget anything about it, not a single thing about it?

Memories is like scars, once it's there, it would never fade away. 


Short synopsis: 

Soojung and Jongin are best friends since diapers and they have been always together. How would Soojung felt once Jongin is not in this world anymore?





Soojung or Krystal Jung Soojung as the main character. 94 liners. A few months younger than Jongin. She's a very gorgeous and friendly girl. She often gets bullied by other people. She loves Jongin so much but would she able to be strong when Jongin is not at this world anymore? 

Kim Jongin or Kai as the second main character. 94 liners, the same as Soojung and a few months older than Soojung. He's a brave and strong boy. He would do anything to protect Soojung and he even promised Soojung that they would get marry one day. But sadly, he suffered an unknown sickness which made him died at the end. 


Author's note:

*drumroll* This is my first fanfic. I hope I'm doing good enough for it. Thank you for supporting! Heh. 


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