Project 2

Could you be the one for me ?

a/n : Sorry i haven't updated for awhile . i've been really busy d: but i'll keep updating now (:


Taemin's POV : 

School was over already . I heard someone shouting my name .

" TAEMIN ! " I turned to see Sulli . 

" Yes , Sulli ? " I asked . 

" When do you wanna start the project ? " she questioned back . 

" Hmm , it doesn't matter , whenever you're free " i replied . 

" Let's start tomorrow okay ? I'm busy today . Well see you ! " she ran off . 

I continued to walk my way . Suddenly , I saw Youngmin with _______ . Aigoo , why are they together ? 

I quickly walked up to them . " Hi , Jagi " I smiled , completely ignoring the presence of Youngmin . 

" Oh , hi Oppa " she smiled back . 

" What are you up to ? " I questioned . 

" Ah , Youngmin and I have to go start our project " she replied . 

" Is it okay if I come over ? I promise I won't disturb you guys " I asked again ,

She nodded with smile , " Of course "

I smiled . 


Youngmin's POV :

Aiiish , why does he have to tag along ?

" Taemin-ssi , don't you have to do your project with Sulli ? " I asked .

" Ah , she said we're going to start it tomorrow . " he smiled .

Aigoo , wae ? I wanted alone time with _______ 

Then I noticed they were holding hands . This hurt me . I wish I was the one holding her hand . I frowned .

" Is there something wrong ? " ________ questioned .

" Oh , no , there's nothing wrong " I replied quickly .

" Are you sure ? " she asked again . I nodded .

While walking to _______'s house , we all walked in silence . 

" We're here ! " she announced . " I'll go cook now . "

I just nodded . Taemin stayed with _______ while I waited in the living room .

When I was in the living room , I saw pictures of ______ when she was young .

" She was so cute when she was young and she is still cute . " I whispered to myself . 


_________'s POV :

I started cooking macaroni and cheese . Youngmin was alone while Taemin was with me . 

" Oppa , can you chill with Youngmin first ? He seems so lonely . " I asked . 

At first he didn't answer . I pouted . 

" Oh alright " He gave in . 

I smiled , " Thank you " 

He smiled back and kissed my cheek .


Taemin's POV : 

Oh great , I have to go to Youngmin to keep him company , but she's my girlfriend and I'll listen to her . 

I walked over to the living room , I saw Youngmin looking at the pictures . Youngmin said something but I didn't really hear it .

" So what's up ? " I asked . 

He jumped , " Oh , nothing , nothing , just looking at _______'s picture . " he answered .

" I know you like her . " I said quietly . 

" What was that ? " Youngmin asked . 

" I said I know you like ______ " I repeated .

He looked shocked . " H-how ? " he stuttered . 

" It's obvious , the way you look at her , its the same way I look at her . " I replied . 

He looked down . 

" Just give up . She already has me . She's known me longer and she'll never like you ." I said . 

* Eeek , that seemed pretty harsh * I thought to myself .

He just kept looking down , not saying anything . Then _______ came in .

" What are you guys talking about ? " she asked .

" I just asked Youngmin how it is at our school " I lied . 

" Oh , it's a really nice school . " he answered , going along with it . 

" _______ , let's work on the project tomorrow , okay ? I just remembered that I have an appointment today . I'm really sorry . "  Youngmin said and he walked out the door . 

" Oh okay ! " she yelled out . 

" So I guess its just you and me now " she smiled . 

I nodded , " Yes " 

" Come on , let's go eat . " she suggested . 

" Okay " I agreed . 


Youngmin's POV : 

I walked out the door without saying good bye . 

" Oh okay ! " ______'s shouted . 

" Youngmin , you can't get affected . You'll get her to be yours somehow . " I said to myself . 

When I got to the dorm , all the hyungs were gone and only Kwangmin and Minwoo were at home . 

" Where are the hyungs ? " I asked .

" They went to go buy food " Minwoo answered . 

" Oh okay " I said . 

I went straight to my room , closing the door behind me .

I heard a knock on the door . 

" Who is it ? " I yelled . 

" Can I come in ? " Kwangmin asked . 

" Go ahead . " I answered .

" But I can't ... It's locked . " he said .

I unlocked the door . Kwangmin opened the door . 

" Hyung , are you okay ? " he asked . 

I nodded . " Are you sure ? " he questioned again . 

This time I didn't answer . " What's wrong ? " 

Minwoo came in . " What are you guys talking about ? " he asked . 

" I think something happened . "  Kwangmin answered . 

" Well , what exactly did happen ? " Minwoo questioned . 

" I really think I have no chance with _______ " I answered . 

" How can you say that hyung ? " Minwoo questioned . 

" Well , Taemin and _______ have known each other for a long time , she wouldn't like me , she just met me a few weeks ago . " I answered .

" But hyung , you can't give up . Try to let her see who you really are since she barely knows anything about you " Kwangmin suggested . Minwoo agreed . 

" She's your partner for the project right ? " Minwoo asked . I nodded .

" Show her who you really are when you guys work on it . Like you know what i mean . " Minwoo suggested . 

" You guys are right , I shouldn't give up just yet . I'll show her what she's missing " I smiled slightly . 

" Now , that's the spirit hyung " Kwangmin smiled . 


" It's probably the hyungs . Coming ! " Minwoo shouted . 

* That's right , I shouldn't give up . * I thought to myself . 


a/n : this wasn't a really good chapter haha , i don't know . Sorry , i haven't updated lately , i've been really busy these past few days ! 

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1say16 #1
plds pls update
1say16 #2
aww poor taemin i'm sad for him :'(
1say16 #3
aww poor youngmin .. pls update
wonder whats gonna happen when taemin comes over to youngmin~
noooooooooo hes with sulli! but being paired with youngmin isnt too bad unlike being paired up with kiseop
babols_princess #6
update please
lemons069 #7
i love Taemin so much, i love the idea of inserting my name in the freaking blanksssss haha :P love the ferris wheel part omg yeah its a cute story, those Boyfriend people just add spice to it. It's all good :) go go taeminnie~~!!
manly! haha hes manly i cant stop laughin at that
babols_princess #9
oh..p0or y0ungmin..update s0on
oh my god tis story is so cute!! i feel bad for youngmin though...:'(