New Students .

Could you be the one for me ?

No one's POV :

BEEP BEEP BEEP ! ______ alarm clock went off . Before getting up , she checked the clock to check what time it is . 

" OMO !  IT'S ALREADY 7 : 40 AM ?! AIIISH , I'M GONNA BE LATE ! "  _______ screamed . 

______ quickly got up to change her clothes . She didn't bother taking a shower . She just combed her hair neatly , put it up in a ponytail and put on perfume . 

When she ran out the door , she saw Lee Taemin , her best friend . 

" Why did you wait for me ? You're gonna be late also ! " _________ yelled

" You're my best friend . Of course I'd wait for you . " He smiled . 

" Come on ! We're gonna be more late if we just stand here " She laughed . 

Both Taemin and ________ rode their bikes to school . 

At School :

_________'s POV :

When we got to school , we both locked our bikes together . Taemin and I started looking for the rest of SHINee . 

" Annyeong ________ " Key called out . 

" Annyeong Key Oppa " I smiled . 

" You want to go shopping today ? I need new clothes and I need someone to accompany me also " Key pouted .

" Alright " I replied .

" Key ! You have enough clothes that you can give half to charity ! " Jonghyun complained .

They all laughed except for Key . 

" AIISH ! WAE ? It's none of your business if I buy new clothes or not ! " Key scolded .

" Enough you two " Onew said calmly . 


" There goes the bell , see you guys later ! " I said .

Taemin and Minho are in the same class as me so I'm more close to those two than the other three . 

In Class :

Still _______'s POV :

We finally got to class . I sit right beside Taemin while Minho sits right in front of him . 

" Good morning class , I would like to introduce you guys to our three new students " Mrs . Park announced .

" Annyeong . My name is No Minwoo " the cute one said . 

" Hey . I'm Youngmin . " the blond twin smiled .

" Hello . I'm Kwangmin " the brown-haired twin stated .

" Welcome . You guys can take a seat wherever you like " Mrs . Park suggested . 

Youngmin sat in front of _______ and the other two sat on the other side of Taemin and Minho . 

Youngmin turned around " Hi ! What's your name ? " he questioned .

" My name's ________ " I answered back with a smile .

" It's nice to meet you ______ " he winked .

He turned back around to face the front . I started blushing . 

* OMG ! He's so cute . Wait . NO _______ YOU JUST MET HIM TODAY ! YOU CAN'T LIKE HIM  * I thought to myself . 

I covered my face so no one would notice . 

End of POV 

Youngmin's POV :

I turned around . 

" Hi ! What's your name ? " I questioned .

" My name's _______ " She answered back with a smile .

* Awww , she's so cute * I thought . 

" It's nice to meet you _______ " I winked then turned back around to pay attention to the teacher . 

* Why is my heart beating so fast already ? It's just my first day here * I thought .

End of POV 

Taemin's POV :

The new student , Youngmin .. I think , started talking to _______ . 

Suddenly , I saw him wink at her . 


I glanced over at _______ . She started blushing . 

* No , it's not possible , is it ? Is she actually starting to .... like him ?! O.O NOOO ! ______'S MINE AND ONLY MINE ! * 

End of POV 


Author's Note : I see a jealous Taemin xD

Oh gawsh , I feel like this was a bad chapter d: it's my first time too OMG D: LOL .

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1say16 #1
plds pls update
1say16 #2
aww poor taemin i'm sad for him :'(
1say16 #3
aww poor youngmin .. pls update
wonder whats gonna happen when taemin comes over to youngmin~
noooooooooo hes with sulli! but being paired with youngmin isnt too bad unlike being paired up with kiseop
babols_princess #6
update please
lemons069 #7
i love Taemin so much, i love the idea of inserting my name in the freaking blanksssss haha :P love the ferris wheel part omg yeah its a cute story, those Boyfriend people just add spice to it. It's all good :) go go taeminnie~~!!
manly! haha hes manly i cant stop laughin at that
babols_princess #9
oh..p0or y0ungmin..update s0on
oh my god tis story is so cute!! i feel bad for youngmin though...:'(