Light House



Hired to protect the heir for one of Korea's largest companies, Yumi was up for a challenge. How can she stay professional when the heir is a playboy, that loves to toy with her emotions? How can she stay sane when her heart aches for a guy she's ment to protect, but her mind can only focus on keeping her secret hidden.

In a world of secrets, lies and conflictions is it possible for love to stay a float? Treading on waters that long to pull it beneath the surface and take a couples last breath of life or will they see the light house in the distance that can call the two souls home?

"Love makes your soul crawl out from it's hiding place"

                                                            -Zora Hurston








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NodobleyVVei #1
soo interesting so far... can't wait for the next chap..!
Foreverasian721 #2
Chapter 1: Ooh sounds really good so far! Keep up the good work :)