The Wolf


Two pieces in one,

Cracked as a whole.

Each is a loner,

One sleeps, one growls.

What triggers the other?

A flip or a toll.

Whichever unstable,

stays put until told.


The way of the wild or the way of the man?

Time will choose.


Time will tell.



The hands were small, like of a child's – smooth and fair like the snow coating the gray soil and leaves. They were reaching out to me, like an invitation to a dance in the purple evening. Dusk cupped the horizon with its palm, casting curious colours onto the pure white snow. I stood there in the cold, frozen, mesmerized by the perfection of the outstretched hand. And yet I was not distracted about the fact that I could not see the figure's face, which stayed hidden in the shadows between the trees. Very slowly, my blue fingers twitched to life and I slowly raised it to touch the hand. Compared to them, my palms looked gigantic and coarse, like a bears' paw comparing with a rabbit's foot. Then, before making contact, I raised my eyes.

I saw her face.

The child was no taller than five feet, and her hair was covered with a woolly beanie. Her lips were white from cold, and her little nose twitched like a squirrel sniffing out nuts when snowflakes dropped from her eyelashes onto her bridge. Her boots had left shallow tracks behind her, and her hair fell over her shoulders like a thin waterfall, emitting an artificial sweet scent. But what caught my attention the most where her eyes. Unlike any human child I had ever seen, they stared into mine. They hid nothing, but what I made out was nothing but fear at my startling appearance.

She was not afraid of me.

Then, her tiny fingers latched onto my trembling ones.

I panicked.



- The Wolf :::Trailer -

  A/N ::: I'm sorry about the shakiness, the original video isn't shaky at all。 Youtube doesn't do it any justice.

It's my first trailer, I hope you like it... if you watch it.  

This fanfic is the EXO version of a novel I had been working since I was 12, and I gave up then because I lacked resources. But I dug it out recently and decided to resume it. I decided to share it with you guys since EXO's Wolf is a huge hit these days. However, this fic is not inspired by the song or music video, so do not expect any resemblance in storyline with the lyrics or MV plot. Thanks for all the encouragement so far in my other fics. For my subscribers, this may come as a surprise since I usually come up with crack fics. But don't worry, I'm kinda confident my fic won't disappoint you guys too much. I hope.



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Chapter 7: Look's like Kevin Carés about his brother in some extent. But seems that the internal relationship of the family is quite tense too.
I hope Kris is alright. And the italic texts are beginning to make some sense, I think. XD
But the whole thing about the ambush was just freaking wow!! oOo
Chapter 6: Whaaaaaaaaaaat!!!
Well, that's a good thing that's not Kris, but if there really is a murderer out there, things just got even more complicated!! >.<
And the italics confused me... But I know that some point in the sotory I will understand... xp
roserika #3
Chapter 5: Ohmaigosh. That was... Well that was cool. I mean wow. Really...i could actually imagine whatever tao was telling, i mean it was like i could smell the forest, feel the fear of the wolves, even smell them. Like super epic. The sehun incident was funny.hehe. I totally loved it.
Chapter 5: I kinda feel like i just had a huge dose of national geographic shot up my veins......

Take that as u will. XD
But. Nice update.
Chapter 5: Kevin's co-workers are kinda funny xD And... Luna called him 'Yifan'? (Seriously... Sehun was TALKING with the toaster? xD Chen outdone himself this time xD)
Holy mother what happened?! O.O'''''''The body- Can't be- right?! Because if it IS, than the end would not make sense and- aaaargh!!! >.< ç.ç this cliffhanger is killing me!
roserika #6
Chapter 2: Somewhere i was expecting kris to be like 'hare is not my style' if it was kris i mean :D that's awesome info on the wolf hierarchy. So cool.
roserika #7
Chapter 2: That O_O moment when i think of kris eating meat like some wild know like how carnivores eat with blood all over their nuzzle...okayyy that's enough animal planet for today. This is getting superbly interesting. So mysterious. But that guy saved by wolf was kris wasn't it? Hmm. Yeahh i kindof await this story's update more then your other stories, i mean its just starting and i already wanna know more. You have superp skills in writing mystery stuffs. Goodwork, yup.
Chapter 2: Um what. I feel like im missing something here....but anyways. Tao, u r an idiot. So i think it serves u right. Kris, ur being a weird cryptic duizhang.
Chapter 2: Two years already?! O.O Wow...
I didn't know about all this hierarchy between wolves x3 I just knew that the pack had a leader xD
Even that Kris was the Super Guy, seems that Tao could handle everything in his absence. And those twin wolves... I would be too crazy to say that they seem to know something about Kris? xD huahahahaha
And this scream... It's... fishy, I think xD
*w* This story is very interesting! \o/ <3
Halimalikesrice #10
Chapter 1: Loving the story so far but a bit confused. Who's the person at the beginning holding the gun? The animal is Kris right? Confuuuuuused!':/