S.P.Y (Secretly. Passionately. Yours)

= = =

   Black Roses   

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He woke up groggily in a room he's unfamiliar with. He opened his eyes only to be greeted the blinding darkness.  As soon as he recalled what happened, his headache began to pound painfully inside his skull. Sure, the thing called alcohol is nothing new to him; it's like his second water. But for a heavy, veteran drinker like him, the pain that is called hangover still brings this sharp unpleasant sensation that makes you want to bang your head against a sturdy wall until the pain fades away, sometimes. He hates hangover. He hates this uneasy feeling. But he still thinks that alcohol is his best buddy to make him forget his uninvited past, even for a short while.


Feeling thirsty, he jumped off the bed and head for the door. He roamed around the trying to find the kitchen. It was so dark, he moved extra careful not to break anything or to wake her up. His step halted when he noticed a source of light coming from the living room. He saw Bom sprawled across the table with books scattered around her. She must've been reading then fell asleep. He grabbed the remote to shut the appliance off then spun around for a glass of water at the kitchen. After quenching his scarced throat, He then entered a room opposite to his, and eventually got out carrying a pillow and a comforter with him. One by one he closed the many books and put them aside; fixed Bom's position so she is now laid peacefully at the carpeted living room, tucked in comfortably. He yawned and was about to get up to continue his sleep, but her hand suddenly grab his wrist whispering some snarled words. Her hand is shaking but still kept a tight grip at him, her blurred words yearning for her deceased parents. Joonyoung noticed beads of sweat on her forehead. With that, he raised his hand and using his sweater's sleeve he gently wiped her forehead.

He hated seeing her suffering.

"Just when can you see me? I'm here. I'm just here. I'm always here."





Its another day. Another day for the young and restless. I got it all planned over the weekends. And by that I mean I just have to survive today, which is Friday. AYIEH~ I fist bumped myself mentally.

I found myself sleeping at the living room with a pillow and a duvet. I remembered reading last night while watching my favorite drama. I wonder if these just magically flown to the living room to accompany their master.

"Good morning!" it was Joony who burst my train of thoughts. "HEOL!" shocked, he gave me a disgusted face.

I scoffed and blew a strand of hair with my hands finding its way on my waist after I rose up. "Yah. Those things are only in movies." I said while freeing my eyes from morning stars and gently scrapping off deposits of kohl eyeliner on my under eye. "You should stop watching those sappy romantic dramas, huh. Try to live in reality sometimes. And by that, we're gonna be late." Seriously, his mind is so corrupted by those ideas that woman-kind always wake up beautifully, like those in dramas. Well, not in my case.

"EHEM! . Last time I checked you're the drama savvy between us two. And I only watched those movies because you forced me to." he retaliated.

"Arasso. I should shower first, since this apartment only have one functional shower room."

"Why? My room have one, is it broken?"

"Go check it, and let's buy replacement or something later. Neh?" I said inquiringly.

"So you mean you have three bathrooms with only one shower room working? Come here, let me check your brain. Who knows, the owner might not be functioning properly as well." 

"Get out of my apartment. Danjang. Jigeum. Right now!" I pretended to be pissed.

"Arasso." He hang his head low. I'm not buying it. "Let's go. Let's save water." He told me still with his head hung low.

Confused. Lost. What is he talking about. "Ehh? What are you saying?" I said quizically.

"To save water, let's take a bath together." He cracked his genuinely 4D joke while running for his life. I grabbed a pillow and started bashing him some sense. I bet mornings with him will go on like this. Oh god, give me strength, I begged in my thoughts.


I am almost done preparing but I still haven't heard from him coming out of the shower room, which is between our rooms. I grabbed my bag and blazer and decided to head out to look for him, only to find him gone missing in action.

I tried to call him but he's not in the bathroom anymore, perhaps he's not inside the apartment. I fiddle on my phone and was about to call him when the door suddenly opened, revealing my best friend. "Ready?" he asked and motioned me we have to go.





After we exit the parking lot of her apartment, I kept quite and I started to count in my head. Ten. Eleven. Twelve... We passed by a bakery just around the corner, near the apartment. Thirty four. Thirty five. Thirty six... We passed by a coffee shop. Fifty seven. Fifty eight. Fifty nine... We are nearing her favorite cafe. Back in states, we used to have breakfast at one near Stanford.

"Joony... brea- waaaaahhHHHHH!"

I abruptly pulled in front of the cafe', making my lovely passenger to react, somewhat in an unholy manner. Just in time, I thought.

"Okay, it's on you." I winked at her before getting off the car. "What took you so long to tell me you want to eat breakfast?" I yawned while she followed suite behind me as we enter the cafe'. "Same old." I shrugged and occupied a table before the glass windows.


"One hot espresso macchiato and one iced americano with four pumps of raspberry syrup." I heard her give our orders.

"Neh. Would you like anything to eat with that?" the cashier returned.

"Hmmm. From here to here, one piece each except red bean green tea roll and strawberry muffin. Make that two, please." she pointed at the entire third layer of the glass food stand. Talk about buying the entire menu. Ppang-Bom. If bread is an idol group, Bom will be their group president and number one fan! Aigoo.

The cashier seem to be astounded. But she delivered the orders nonetheless. "For whom should I name the orders, Miss..."

"Jenny." Jenny Park. She replied.


She used it again. Her english name. I know she didn't want strangers knowing her name. She used to have this impulsive trust issues from meeting total strangers. Can't believe she managed to cope up well. Little by little. She's even devoted to idol groups nowadays. Unlike back then, didn't ever dared to talk to someone besides me. I was her neighbor. Her schoolmate, classmate, seatmate. Her only friend.

"Yah Ppang-Bom. Are you having a death sentence later? Panic shopping? Why did you order soo much-"

"One caramel walnut scone for you." wiggled her eyebrows teasingly. "Eat up, it's your favorite." she gingerly handed me the plate. "It's been a while, right? I know you've missed this." I can't protest but digged on my food immediately. I wonder when did she start to be this good at bribing? Puzzling. My mouth is occupied so I just smiled her a thanks.

"Ah. Now that I remembered, what are you doing last time at the rooftop?" I recall she's trying to hack something about Samsung. But what for? I mean she's an employee and all, she could've just asked.

"Th-that... I'm just curious about something. What are you doing there by the way. Of all companies in Seoul, why Samsung?" I know that awkward smile. Oho! What is she afraid of? She's even stuttering. So unlikely of her. Liar.

"Let's say... they want me into their company. They are scouting me since college." Just think of it as a coincidence. Like you're just destined to see more of my face. It's better this way.

"Omo. Omo! And there he goes~" she scoffed. "Do you know someone named Lee Minho? I mean he's the company's CEO, but I haven't seen him even once and I'm wondering-"

"Ani. I don't know. Get up. Quick. We'll be late." I lost my appetite. Abruptly stood up with the cup of coffee in my hand. "Excuse me, wrap this up for take out please." I informed the staff.

"Why? We still have forty five to nine, sourpatch."  She said as she carry on with her strawberry muffin while I blankly stared at her. 

"Then you walk. I'm going." I coldly told her, dropped by the food pick-up counter and grabbed the rest of the pastries.

"Ehh? Why are chyou having mood schwings at chthis unholy hour. Ya ya ya! Wait up." She hurriedly chomped her muffin and ran foolishly with scrumps of food loiterring around her lips, like a child.





= = =


This device will self-destruct after the beep.


“Go to the Basement Boutique and buy a winter jacket. Here's the code: ‘Autumn is fast approaching isn't it?’ And what you should answer is: ‘I think need to buy a new winter jacket.’ I will need your report after this mission.” 




= = = 


I did what I was told and bought a black leather jacket. I got in the car and found a key from the jacket’s left pocket. Attached is a round plastic chain that read: 08 Samcheong-dong. It was a key to a subway locker station, I thought.


As soon as I reached my apartment, I opened the brown envelope that I got from the locker station. It contains some pictures of a man in his 40’s. There are photos of him going in and out his house at Cheongdamdong-gu. He’s the current CEO of Samsung Electronics, which explains his status quo, affluent and influential. His name read as: Yang Hyun Suk.


I’m trying to focus at my new target but got distracted by my buzzing phone…


“Neh hyung…”

“Did you receive your new target’s profile?”

“Yes. What about this man?”

“He has man from the NIS who’s trying to eliminate people like us. His mere existence is a threat.”

“Neh. Arasso, hyung.”

“Clean it well. Be careful.” He instructed before ending the call.


It’s an easy task, I must say. I have killed several people like them; People who’s trying to control the world because they can, using their money. People whose overly obsessed with the thing they call ‘power’. Indeed, lack of money is the root of all evil, but sometimes having much also has it's cons.





Two hours. I’ve been waiting for two friggin' annoying hours for him to come out of the building. But none with the face of my bestfriend came out so far. Ugh. This day is already tiring as it is... yet he's starting to be a pain in the as$ again.


"Aish! This won't do." I told myself and with all my determination decided to go in again and look for him.


I climbed up to the games programming's floor to start my search. But to no avail, not a single flesh can be seen. It's pitch dark and the only source of light is coming from computer monitor. He may have gone home already without telling me, I thought. But I remember, he doesn't have his own spare key for the apartment.


"The subscriber cannot be reached... Please try again later. The subscriber cannot be rea-", I tried to phone him. "Right... 'the subscriber cannot be reached... please try again never'!" I tried to mock the recorded voice. *sigh* "Just where on earth is he?!" And with that I stomped out the building, looking utterly displeased. I don't know what I did that I made him upset this morning. But this isn't right. He can't do this to me, right? The nerve of this jerk!


I walked... and walked. Rode a bus without looking where it's headed for. Got down at a crowded street in MyeongDong. I sure have a plan this weekend, but I haven't plan what to do tonight. So here I am, walking aimlessly, just going with the flow of where the swarm of strangers would take me. I watched the sparkling lights of the street; heard the loud music booming from an underground club; sniff the tempting aroma of food from a restaurant. I heaved a sigh.  Everyone is busy with there life, and me? Just spazzing about nothing in particular at a bustling place.


I stopped by a cafe for a breather. I sat by the glass window and watch the passing crowd as I wait for my order. Lovers.. hand in hand as they walk and occassionally steal a glance of each other. They look happy. Family... I watched as the cutesy toddler whine for not getting the doll she likes. The father smile at pull his daughter closer for a cheeky kiss. They look happy. Friends... as they crowd and cheer on the others playing in the arcade opposite the cafe'. They look happy.


"Aigooya~ What's wrong with me." face palmed myself. I felt a little bit envious from what I'm seeing. Last time I checked, there is nothing wrong with me, but why am I this miserable? "Me time should not be about self-pity." I took a deep breath and confidently downed my iced coffee. Too late to regret my dumbest move in history when my brain started to freeze and my face contorted into many expressions, mostly unholy.


I walked inside the arcade and stopped at a specific game, Time Crisis 2. With a deadly glare and a boisterous smirk plastered on my face, I pulled out my game card inside my wallet. *crack crack crack* Like those gangster movies I watched, the sound when I snap and stretch my fingers forcibly. I often in arcades only playing this game to relieve my stress. Target shooting, in particular, this game. I never leave without finishing this whole game, solo.


Composed of chapters from least difficult to extreme. You have a partner beside you, though you can choose not to have and go solo in your mission. I prefer the latter. Piece of cake, all you have to do is to eliminate your enemies by simply shooting them dead. Have four lives per game. As for me playing this game for years, I usually lose up to 2 lives when I let my guard down and the enemies shot me dead.


All the while I felt a bunch of strangers watching me play. Until a few seconds ago... I noticed a man staring at me, as if he's trying to bore a hole at the back of my head. At first I thought he's just one of my many fanboys thinking I was so cool on so many levels playing this game. But nah. His entire focus is on me. Why? I wish I can turn and give him an eyebrow, but there is something stopping me not to turn and look at him.


I tried my hardest to concentrate with the game, though I can't help but to occassionally have a glimpse of his reflection from the screen. He's obviously taller than me, wearing a black leather jacket and rocking sunglasses at night(?). He's not an idol okay. Or else fangirls would be hounding near him. 


I'm almost finished, but the aching muscles on my arms are slowing me down. I tried to focus and keep my stance as steady as possible. But my subconcious failed me. I lured myself to the idea that I'm 100% focused on what I'm doing, but in reality, I was just checking him out through his reflections on the screen. Way to go for making a fool out of me. GHAD! Otteokhe?! Eish!


I heaved a sigh. Looking defeated, I turned and ready to leave. But what I saw glued me on that spot. He's the least expected person I never realized I could meet at a place like this.


"Choi Seunghyun." I muttered to myself.


"Need backup?" he replied as he inch towards me, that sly smile never leaving his face.


It happened fast. So fast I didn't even had a chance to object. Holy @#$%^&*(_*)~! Jesus Christ Superstar! Define PER!SO!NAL SPACE!  My eyes fluttered close as my heart erupt in somersaults. I don't know what he's doing err what he's doing to me. But all I know is that he have this hypnotic scent. So y. So manly. It suits him just right.


Being enclosed in his arms, I can feel his warmth. But it doesn't stop the anxiety coming from my wildly throbbing heart to buildup inside me, resulting from cold hands + feet and cold sweat combo. He defy personal space. And I think I'm gonna pass out from a third degree heart attack anytime soon. Someone please do me a favor and call 911~ 


I slowly opened my eyes only to be greeted by the closing remarks. WHUT? Wait, did he just finished the game for me? I thought... I thought he's hugging me or whatnot, but apparently~ *sigh* How about I do Hara-kiri as self-punishment for expecting too much(?). ㅠ.ㅠ


I'm so ashamed of myself that I can only hang my head low and avoid his gaze.


"How about a bowl of jjajangmyun?" he asked and I nodded, still with my head hung low. "O-kay." he answered, by the sound of his voice I can feel him contemplating. Then I felt someone tugging my right hand. HEOL!




You are invited to Samsung's 40th anniversary party this coming 18th December  2009... 


I threw the invitation letter beside me as I lay down the bed with an arm over my forehead. I almost forgot about the party if not for this letter. Why do I need to go where all the higher will gather, bore myself to death with some petty pep talk over a wine or champagne. I'm sociable, okay. But not to those pretentious mustards type people. I'm more of the 'cool' and real kind of thing. Speaking of this party, i wonder if Bommie will be going.


I heard the door open, signalizing the arrival of someone. Err. I mean Bom.

And it starts in 3... wait for it. 2... 1...


"YAH! Jung JoonYoung! Do you have a death wish? How do you like it done? I know you're pretending to be asleep. OH NO NO NO! You can't fool me. Get up and answer me before I friggin grill your sorry ARSE!"


WOOH! I mentally exhaled before robotically getting up and sitting straight on the couch. My face blank, as I stared ahead at the empty wall. From the side of my eyes, I can see her frantically pacing back and forth as she chugged her glass of water. She's gone ballistic since I totally forgot about her earlier, and I left my phone inside the car too, unfortunately. She seriously looks like a ferocious bunny right now. Her eyebrows narrowed down, eyes wide open, lips thinned and tensed together, her cheeks all puffy and red. In short, she's too cute to scare the hell out of me. He he.


"I have to meet someone." I answered. "And I left my phone into the car," as drew my killer move: begging-for-your-forgiveness puppy eyes. I kept batting my eyelashes as I wait for her to speak.


"Heol. Did you just dissed your best friend to meet your lover?!" she face palmed herself pretending to be agonized.


"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'M.NOT.GAY." I reminded her. "You should know better." I said as I squinted and glared towards her.


"Tch." she scoffed. I threateningly stared at her while she tried hard to mock me. Without her knowing, I went to her back and whispered a seductively disgusting "Bommie, I'm not gay. And I... towards you... right now... can do something that normal guys would do... meow~" I teased.


*cricket... crickets... crickets*


But her reaction is way beyond my expectation. UGH. Isn't she supposed to feel something a normal female human specie should feel in this kind of situation? I exerted much effort to pull that y voice. And now she's all cracked up, holding her stomach and wailing like a dying seal, laughing. Hilarious. Anyone please do me a favor and please, kindly tell her to take me seriously next time. Do I look like a clown to her that she can laugh at my words?


"Omo, you might die laughing like a pig right now." my face blank, I monotoned. I can't believe this girl. She's now even crying from her heavy laughter extravaganza.



Meanwhile, afront Yang Hyun Suk's mansion...


*ding dong... ding dong...*


"Flower delivery." shouted the man, in a rather scary than friendly tone. He's wearing a black cap and a mask that covers most of his face. While his piercing eyes grazes on a bunch of roses sitting beside him. It was planted firmly in a container. Flower bulbs are slightly opened, but not fully. But the thing that makes it distinct from all the other variety of rose out there is the color. It has this very deep, dark blood-like red color, almost black.


Included is a card that read out:

"To Mr. Yang Hyun Suk: Farewell."


It's a black rose...


And it represents death.



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I'm very inspired to write, 지금. Chapter6~ Hey guys..


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when I see the casts....
I really love Joonyoung so much and YG family of course~ Thank you for making this. Hehe *subcribe*
swttwnkl #2
Chapter 4: he's adorable!
xxxusername #3
Chapter 3: ~dies!~
Is it perhaps the one I saw at We Got Married; married to Jung Yoomi? He debuted with The Sense of An Ending at MCD.???

no way. [pass me the oxygen mask!]
Chapter 3: new reader here! :D
who's that guy? omo please update asap author-nim!!
Chapter 3: who is that mysterious person????????? wuaaaaaaa
ttotapbi2080 #6
Chapter 3: Who is it?? Update soon please ^.^
Chapter 2: aisshhh, you make me gettin soooooo curious! please update sooonnn!! looking for this story!:)))
fayelfrida #8
Chapter 2: omoghad did i read something hahahaha.. authornim you keep getting better and better!! i love it!! ghaadd finally their first encounter. i love Bom's personality here and the corn lol.. hahahaha im excited for the next chap!
angelin #9
Chapter 1: nice keep writing... Cant wait for next update :-)
xxxusername #10
Authornim please write a clearer description. So your story will have some flow. Btw~ the prologue is fantastic! Fighting! update soon. Kekeke