3 - Play Something For Me

You Make Me Want To Live Again

     The light streaming from the curtains seeped through Kyungsoo’s closed eyes. It felt as if he did not move an inch the night before, dreaming about ____’s smiling face. Until the minute he fell asleep, the memories from that afternoon replayed through his mind. She was the first person he mentioned his father too and because of it, he second guessed himself a hundred times over. Yet Kyungsoo knew he could trust her, even after knowing her for a week.

     He continued to lie in bed, enjoying the feeling of a quiet morning but was disturbed by his bedroom door opening. Waking up instantly Kyungsoo turned his away from his pillow and craned his head up at his mother who stood at the entryway.

     “Happy Monday morning Kyungsoo,” she chirped. “It’s time to get up.”

     Groaning, Kyungsoo dropped his head face first into the soft pillow and tucked himself further into the blankets. Kyungsoo’s mother shook her head as she closed the door, he always did this on a Monday, and it was his routine. He was so engrossed in comfort that he didn’t notice his bedroom door open slightly, and a small figure tip toed in. The mystery person moved towards Kyungsoo’s side, kneeling down beside his hidden figure.

     “Kyungsoo-,” they spoke softly. He didn’t budge.

     “Kyungsoo, it’s time to get up.” Kyungsoo shuffled the slightest in his bed, puzzled because it was unlike his mother to wake him up in this manner.

     “Mum,” he grumbled. “Go away.”

     “It’s not me,” Kyungsoo pulled the blankets off, sat up straight and saw his mother standing in the door way. If she was there, who was beside him? Slowly, he turned his head, only to get the shock of his life. ____ was not even three inches away from his own face.

     “You awake now?” ____ grinned.

     Still in shock, his eyes widened. He completely forgot about the piano session that morning. Sighing, he dropped back into bed without adjusting his t-shirt which started to ride up his stomach.

     ____ cheekily glanced down to take a peek of Kyungsoo’s exposed stomach. Her eyebrows rose, impressed by the slight definition imbedded in his skin and muscle.

     Kyungsoo caught her staring and quickly flipped onto his stomach again, but the shirt rode even higher giving ____ a good view of his .

     “I’ll let you get changed; I’ll meet you down stairs.” ____ laughed and followed behind Kyungsoo’s mother and the room and down the stairs. Kyungsoo breathed a sigh of relief. He stood up and trod over to the bathroom, yawning as he went. Stopping in front of the mirror, he greeted himself with his cheeks bright red. ‘I really hope she didn’t notice,’ Kyungsoo thought.


     After a few minutes of getting ready, he made his way downstairs to the shop. It was still locked up ready for the 9:00am opening with the morning dew seeping on the windows of the store. Kyungsoo walked over to his mother, who stood behind the counter checking the emails on the computer.

     “She’s in there,” she pointed to the practice room which held the piano inside. He nodded and walked towards the door, taking in a deep breath before he opened the door.

     Inside, ____ sat on the bench and let her fingers dance over the keys. Kyungsoo leaned in the door way, mesmerised by the sight in front of him. He noticed the slightest smile appear on ____’s face when she played, and he could see the happiness emitting from her. While she played, Kyungsoo continued to stare lovingly at her.

     My angel…

     “I know your there,” Kyungsoo jumped at the sound of ____’s voice echoing through the sound proof walls. He was so engrossed that he didn’t notice that she had already finished playing.

     “Good morning sleeping beauty,” she beamed. “Your mother let me sneak in, just so you know your eyes get really big when your surprised.” Kyungsoo blushed at her observation.

     “It’s ok though, they’re cute. Full of wonder.” She made a twinkling motion with her fingertips, her eyes gleaming in amusement. Kyungsoo, oblivious to the fact that she just called him cute, shook his head and closed the door behind him. It was just them now in the practice room, the rest of the world didn’t matter anymore, just them in that moment which Kyungsoo didn’t want to end.

     ____ shuffled over in the seat, patting down on the space next to her mentioning for Kyungsoo to sit down. Kyungsoo gladly accepted the offer and sat beside her. She moved across the slightest amount so the small space between the two of them closed, which made heat rise onto Kyungsoo’s face. He brushed it off and relaxed in the hard seat.

     “What were you playing?” he asked her.

     “Something I was working on for a while now. I started a few days ago and it’s almost finished.” She said as she placed the single sheet of music on the chair beside her.

     “That’s good,” Kyungsoo kept his hands closed in his lap, not wanting to touch the keys in front of him. “You practice everyday?”

     “You have to keep your skills fresh,” she pressed into some of the keys, creating a little melody. “Especially when you have to teach children how to play.”

     Kyungsoo laughed, he could imagine some of ____’s students pestering her to show her how to play a song once more. He didn’t see her to be the type of person to be mad at them though, they’re only beginners like everyone else.

     “Does it have a name?” Kyungsoo questioned about the piece.

     ____ responded his question with a sigh, “not yet. Hopefully soon though.” She turned to him and smiled, squinting her eyes a bit. Kyungsoo grinned back, acknowledging her in return.


     “Kyungsoo,” ____ spoke up in the quiet room. “There’s another reason that I’m here you remember?”

     Kyungsoo looked puzzled and furrowed his eyebrows. “What’s that?”

     She didn’t speak as she shuffled away from him. “Play something for me.” She said.

     Kyungsoo fell silent. It had been years since he had even touched a piano, let alone played one. Timid, he moved into the centre of the chair and took in a deep breath. The last time he played was when his father was still alive, but Kyungsoo didn’t feel scared. He could feel warmth arising from inside him that made him place his hands on the piano keys. He closed his eyes, and began to play.


     It was as if he had only played the day before. The melody was one his father used to play frequently to him. The first time Kyungsoo heard his father play was in the very room he sat at that moment. He remembered the look on his father’s face when he played it for Kyungsoo the first time; he also remembered his own look when the music played. Much like ____’s face at that moment.

     She watched Kyungsoo intently as he lost himself in playing. His fingers moved swiftly and smoothly across the keys like a professional. ____ was in awe, she presumed that Kyungsoo was good, but not that good. She let out a few gasps in admiration, but Kyungsoo continued to play with ease.

     He couldn’t believe it either, the way he played. Although he showed no emotion, on the inside Kyungsoo was ecstatic and overcome with joy. He missed the feeling of the cool ivory keys underneath his fingertips. The warmth flowed through his being and transmitted to the piano keys as he played. At the same time, he could imagine his father. Not as the bed ridden man with the sunken face, but as his true self looking down proudly at his son as he played.

     As he finished, Kyungsoo let out a sigh in relief. He turned to see ____, who still had the look of respect. Kyungsoo smiled shyly and placed his hands back on his lap like an innocent child.

     “How long has it been since you played?” ____ asked.

     “Seven years,” Kyungsoo chuckled in amusement, although his eyes started to water as he smiled.

     ____ saw this and daringly reached over to pull Kyungsoo into a hug. Kyungsoo didn’t freeze that time, but melted into her arms and relaxed at the feeling. He felt pressure against his right shoulder, and saw ____ resting her head against him.

     “Thank you,” she whispered to him. “It took a lot of courage to do that.”

     “Yeah,” Kyungsoo breathed. He was confused about his own feelings at this point. He couldn’t decide if he was relieved to have played again, or if he was scared because he played. With everything blurring his brain, he absent-mindedly began to play the piano once more. ____ loosened her hold on Kyungsoo and watched him play an unknown melody once more. She could tell that he was in his own world and couldn’t bear to break him out. A small knock from the door caused ____ to jump slightly. Kyungsoo mother poked her head in and told them that the shop was about to open.

    “I guess that’s my cue to go.”

     “I guess it is,” Kyungsoo said. His mother nodded in agreement and kept the door open slightly before walking away.

     Kyungsoo and ____ both stood together instantaneously and made their way to the door.

     “I’ll walk you out,” Kyungsoo said as he held the door open. He looked around for his mother, but assumed she had retreated upstairs.

     “I want to say thank you again, Kyungsoo.” He turned to her.

     “For the song, I don’t think I will ever forget that moment.”

     “You’re welcome, ____.” Kyungsoo replied.

     In the spur of the moment, ____ leaned in and pressed her lips against Kyungsoo’s cheek softly. Kyungsoo froze and felt the heat rush into his cheeks. She pulled back and giggled at Kyungsoo’s wide eyes.

     “I’ll uh-,” ____ paused and kept her eyes locked on Kyungsoo’s face. ‘He does have pretty eyes…’ “I’ll see you later.” She quickly covered herself and stepped out the door without another word.

     “Bye,” Kyungsoo whispered, but she was already gone. Flustered, he quickly rushed back up the stair to his room, unknowing that his mother had witness the whole thing from the office.

New Chapter!!!

Sorry for the late update, right now I've been helping renovate the house and it has been so hectic! It's almost finished so I'll be able to update more often now :)

Hope you like it!


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Chapter 10: Wow..i love this..thank you so much
Chapter 10: Aaww!! This was so cuteee, thanks a lot ♡ !
Chapter 10: A decent Kyungsoo fic I weep. Huhuhu thank you for writing this. ♡
Chapter 8: Omg! I finally found a good D.O fan fiction! The feels! waha!
Chapter 7: There is something will happen between them before ____ go! I know it..update soon!
Chapter 7: There is something will happen between them before ____ go! I know it..update soon!
ShawolMBLFT #7
Chapter 7: Omg I currai
Chapter 4: pp mog fg yO kyungsoo rlly cute i mean,.... dan g.........
XOaddictedXO #9
I like your story : D
i'm looking forward to the next chapters :)