Back in time


A one sided love is tearing him apart and after a series of events, he decides to leave. But what happens when after 5 years said friend shows up outside his workplace and turns his life upside down in a couple of minutes?


Hello, this is my first fanfic but I'll do my best! Please comment about what I could do better and if you like the story over all.


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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 6: so amazing authornim!!!
please update again soon!!!! :D :D :D
Chapter 6: Ji Yong, Seunghyun here, is just madly in love with you. Or already was madly in love with you at the time, but never realized his own feelings. Proof is that you don't say:

"I'm just gonna check if it feels the same.(The kiss)."

To someone who you have absolutely no feelings for. And you don't lose 5 years of your precious life searching for your friend who you know is gay,(when you are a homophobe.) Now he's acting on impulse, rage and longing. He probably doesn't want you to be over him since he is so into you.

And you, my dearest Ji Yong, are crying because you don't want to go back to that pain of baring an unrequited love. You just settled and managed to 'definitely' forget Seunghyun and go on with living your life. Maybe even finding a nice guy and living happily ever after.

Yes, Seunghyun is a complete , but don't let him ruin your life. Make him pay, because he clearly thinks that he did nothing wrong and that he's the innocent victim in this story. (Yes, I like read psychological books.)
Chapter 5: I don't know what to think about this situation. One side of me is hating and cursing Seunghyun for being such an insensitive and dense . But the other side of me is kind of sad for him because maybe he really missed Ji Yong and maybe, just maybe has a crush on him? Althought this doesn't justify in any say his immature and stalkerish behaviour. Hope it clears up, and Seunghyun gets a taste of his own medicine, if he didn't already. (Yes, I have slightly masochistic tendencies.)
hobuttlover #4
Chapter 4: jiyong.. i feel for yah..
hobuttlover #5
Chapter 3: stupid hyunnie! poor jiyong.. T^T
Chapter 3: Unnie, this is sooo good! I love it ^3^ Please update soon cause I can't wait
Chapter 3: stupid seunghyun~
jiyong-ah find someone not like seunghyun!
Mii-yoh #8
Chapter 3: brave Jiyongie~ but poor him :< Seunghyun is really an ...
Chapter 2: aww! i pity jiyong!
babo seunghyun tch >.<

please update :)