Live For The Applause


It was Key's big day competing in Seoul's biggest dance contest. He was lucky to have his very loyal number 1 fanboy and boyfriend of many years in the audience cheering him on and supporting him.


Soon the light's went down again and he saw a very familiar figure walking to his spot on stage and Jonghyun felt nervous and excitement flow through his veins, sitting up right in his chair. Wide grin on his face already wanting to see his lover show and destroy everyone else in the room. The host introduced him and that he was going to free style to Lady Gaga's Telephone.
Slight teaser ><
Random Idea I had while planning my 30 day challange fic.
Comment and Subscribe lovelies :D <3<3<3<3


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Chapter 1: If you wanted my soul you could have just asked! This was a great story and I can tell this will be one of my most favorite stories ever! ^_^ I hope you continue writing because I love all your stories! *Jongkey2012 Fighting*
Chapter 1: Haha, that was super adorable. I love fanboy Jjong!!! I can totally imagine him being crazy and not caring what people around him thought. Awesome story and writing =].