My Brother?

My Teacher's Boyfriend is My Brother

"Unnies, it is not a good idea, believe me," Suhyun said as they all walked in her bedroom to get away from Kyuhyun.

"Why not?" Hyojin asked.

"Yeah, it seems perfectly fine to me!" Yoonmi said, ever so joyful. "I mean, just think about it. A teacher, and her student's big brother... and they only met because of the student."

"Yes, and they have already met!" Suhyun interrupted Yoonmi's daydreaming. "And, I'm telling you now, it wasn't that good..."


"Oppa, I'm sorry that my teacher called you," Suhyun whispered. She looked up at Kyuhyun who was walking right next to her. His face was expressionless, and that was never a good sign. She was worried and reached for his hand. When she held it, she heard him sigh.

"I know..." he whispered. He looked down at her. "I'll talk to you about it later, but right now, I just need to get this done." He ruffled her hair, which was his way of saying everything was fine.

He held her hand as they walked down the hall to her homeroom. When they reached the door, Kyuhyun peeked inside and saw the teacher. Though, he would never admit it(this was his first time actually seeing her), she looked quite stunning.

He never realized how long he was staring, for Suhyun tapped his side, and he was broken out of his trance. He cleared his throat, making the teacher look up from her paperwork.

The teacher looked a bit confused, but when she saw Suhyun, she stood up. "You are Suhyun's guardian?"

Kyuhyun nodded and they both walked towards the teacher's desk. The teacher reached her hand out to Kyuhyun and they shook hands.

"I'm Ms. Seo, Suhyun's homeroom and algebra teacher," she greeted. Kyuhyun nodded.

"I'm Cho Kyuhyun," he replied and she nodded. She gestured at a chair.

"Please take a seat," she said and sat back down on her chair. Kyuhyun and Suhyun sat down on the chairs in front of Ms. Seo's desk. Ms. Seo looked up at Kyuhyun. "I understand you are her brother."

Kyuhyun nodded.

"And Suhyun has already told me why there are no parents in the household," she stated as she put some papers away. Kyuhyun glanced at her very organized desk. He can tell that this woman liked to keep life organized as well. "I'm sorry about that..."

He looked up at her. She had eyes full of sympathy, and he nodded. "It's okay..."

She put a folder in the drawer of her desk, then looked at the two of them. "Anyways, the reason why I called you here was because of Suhyun's grades and behavior. Are you aware that her grades are low and of her behavior?"

Kyuhyun nodded slowly, only remembering few remnants of a memory when Suhyun showed him her report card, which had made him unhappy at the time.

"May I ask what your job is?" she asked. "Is it a job where you cannot spend a lot of time with Suhyun and talk about her grades and behavior?"

Kyuhyun was trying to take everything in, piece by piece, but this woman wasn't going easy on him. "Well, I try to be home as much as I can..."

"That doesn't answer my question," she said, sternly.

He was surprised a bit. A moment before, she acted so tenderly, now she is very serious. But he did not allow the shock to show on his face. He just stared blankly at her.

"My job doesn't pay a whole lot for just one hour..." he answered, his voice low as if he regretted even coming here. "And with no one else helping with finance, except for a few friends, I have to work double time. So yes," - his voice sounded like he didn't like the person who ever asked - "I don't have a lot of time to talk to her about such things."

Ms. Seo nodded, taking everything in quickly. She was like a robot. "Okay. Well, I think it's important for her to have a grown-up around so that she can talk about things like that."

Nobody knew what happened, but something just snapped inside of Kyuhyun.

He jumped up, his eyes flaming with an outburst of rage. "Are you saying that I'm not grown-up enough to take care of my own sister?!"

Ms. Seo, obviously shocked, stood up. "Look, I didn't mean to offend you, I just want to help Suhyun with regards to her grades."

"And you're saying I'm not that good of a help?!" he yelled. "Look, I don't want, and I don't NEED any advice on how to take care of my own sister!" He grabbed Suhyun's hand, and she looked completely scared. "Good day to you!" He rushed out of the classroom, leaving Ms. Seo shocked, and feeling angry at the same time.


Hyojin and Yoonmi gasped in shock.

"And now, whenever they see each other, they have this far away look and just say, hello in an awkward way," Suhyun sighed. Hyojin sighed as well and sat on the bed, giving up on the thought of Kyuhyun and their teacher being together.

But Yoonmi just squealed. "That makes things even MORE interesting! They were angry with each other, but when a certain incident happens, their relationship gets better, and then, they'll be lovers!"

Suhyun and Hyojin stared at Yoonmi. Unbelievable. She still had hopes. HIGH hopes, and they were getting even higher.

Suhyun jumped up. "You know what? I think that might actually work!"

"What do you mean?" Hyojin asked. "Your brother hates Ms. Seo and she, well she isn't someone to hate so, she dislikes him. How can this work?"

Yoonmi and Suhyun looked at each other, then back at Hyojin.

"We don't expect you to know this..." Suhyun started. "Because you only watch dramas when no one over the age of eighteen is watching us... but... don't you know that in most dramas, the boy and girl don't get along at first? Then, they start liking each other after many episodes, it sometimes takes half the season for them to confess?"

"Really?" Hyojin exclaimed. "Well, that's weird..."

Yoonmi nodded. "It's the drama world."

"Hey, don't tell me you girls already have drama in your lives," Kyuhyun said as he walked in with a painting in his hands. "You girls want to see my painting of Han River?"

The three girls nodded, a bit surprised that the guy they were going to hook up with their lonely teacher just came in.

He showed it to them, and they gasped in awe.

"Oppa, it's amazing," Yoonmi exclaimed, having the most dramatic voice of all.

He had painted Han River at night and the lights were shining brightly. But there was a woman standing there, her back turned to them.

"Oppa, who is that?" Suhyun asked.

Kyuhyun looked at the painting and smiled. "It's a woman I saw there. She was really beautiful. After painting her, she noticed me and we had a nice chat. If I knew her more, I'd go for her."

But strangely, the woman looked like their lonely teacher.

The woman's face was seen just a little, and staring at it more, they became sure it was her.

"Oppa," Hyojin said, "you know Ms. Seo, right?"

"Yeah, but I don't really remember how she looks, to be honest," he said, scratching his head.

The three girls looked at each other, shocked. They were sure it was their teacher, now. And Kyuhyun called her beautiful!

Well, Suhyun thought, this will be weird to pair my own brother up with my teacher... but I think this can work.



whooo~! second one is done~!

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sincerelydannie2 #1
Chapter 1: "Hyojin only stared at her weirdly, wondering why she still hangs out with Yoonmi" HAHAHAHAHAHA, I almost died laughing! much like her mother, B-).
Cuatas4ever #2
Chapter 3: This is such a great story I do hope you continue it :) :D cuz its really good :) :D
SwiftSwiftSwift #3
Chapter 3: You finally posted after a long time :) yaaaay seokyu finally had a fresh start! And omg they're now friends aaahhh!! Omg this is really cute :) please update soon :)
jungkookismyhubby #4
Chapter 3: AHHHHHHHHH MY FEELSSSSSSS!!!! Whooo... That was daebak! So glad they are friends!
Chapter 3: They start a new relationship!! Hihihihihi, it'll be cute><

Update soon authornim!
Stand4SeoKyu #6
Chapter 3: Finallyyyyyyyyy!!!
Thanks God they start over they relationship!!!?
Can't wait what happen authornim, Kyaa Kyaa!!!
Chapter 3: Yaaaaaaaay update!!!! Happy Valentines Day!! :) Seo and Kyu are finally friends! :) but i wonder who the painting is of. Hmm...anyways Thanks for the update! Please update soon!!! :D
jeefie107 #8
I really love your story authournim....I am a fan of, this story is really interesting...I hope you can update soon....hwaiting.... :)