



It’s been three weeks since the kid got himself attached to her and just wouldn’t leave her alone. His reasons were unbeatable and nothing Minyeon said was plausible enough to make him go away. 

Other than being completely unreasonable about sudden invasion of her privacy, he was quite a charming little prince, she noticed. His parents had money, he was studying at prestigious business academy and apparently danced in his spare time. Which was now devoted to her. She got used to being pampered by him, but was still uncomfortable going outside with him. It was a Sunday afternoon when she finally gave into his pleads.

“Minyeonnie, please,” Jongin looked at her with the best puppy face he could pull off.

“Seriously, kid, do you ever give up?” she asked grabbing her head as if it was supposed to prevent a painful headache from happening.

“Then give me a good reason as to why not? We’ve been hanging out only in your apartment, it’s suffocating in here. Don’t you wanna go out on a date with me, huh?” he threw on a small pout and Minyeon couldn’t help but find it really adorable.

“Ok,” she sighed.

Jongin shoot up from his spot on the couch and immediately grabbed his stuff. He pushed her through the doors without a moment of hesitation, before she managed to change her mind.

This so called date consisted of three parts Jongin had planned. He decided to completely occupy her entire day and share his memorable moments, current thoughts and ambitions with her. 

For the first part of the date they went to his old elementary school. He showed her where he learned his first dance move, for the first time got into a fight defending his friend’s lunch money and also told her a little anecdote of getting himself in trouble with the principle.   

Minyeon patiently heard his stories and even chuckled when he would make humiliated expressions, as if he wasn’t so sure telling her that was a good idea.

“It’s your turn,” he finally concluded his previous story and took a glance at her.

“My turn?” she asked not quite sure what he meant.

“Yes. I shared some of the most embarrassing moments in my life with you, I expect something in return,” he clarified mischievously.

“I didn’t ask for any of it,” she mumbled under her breath, but started walking in direction opposite from where they came from.

“Where are we going?” Jongin asked impatient.

“Few blocks from here is a place I used to think of as my home,” she sighed. She tends to do that often in his presence.

After few minutes of walking and dead silence between them, she turned and stopped him pointing towards a three-story building in front of them.

“Orphanage?” he whispered.

“That is a place where I grew up,” she said shortly.

Jongin just looked at her, his eyes were unreadable.

She sighed again. “I’m sorry, but there is really not much to share.”

Maybe there was nothing, and maybe there was too much, he kept his thoughts for himself. She urged him to continue on to the next part of their outing.

Jongin gave her a warm smile and put one arm around her shoulders.

“You will love the part coming next,” he promised.

He took her to an art gallery that offered a preview of all of the Picasso’s most famous works. Jongin gently tugged her hand and pulled her inside once she stopped in front of the doors and wasn’t sure should she go in.

“It’s only here for less than a month before they move it back to that French museum or something,” he said trying hard to think of the name of that French building but gave up soon after.

She just stared at him confused, but with a hint of shine in her eyes.

“Well,” he started feeling a bit guilty. “I peeked into your study room and saw your art work. So, I thought you might like this...”

Minyeon’s blank expression told him she isn’t particularly happy about him snooping around her apartment, but moments later she got caught up in one of Picasso’s paintings. Jongin took it as a sign he was forgiven.

Determined to crush that hellish silence between them, Jongin asked her to explain the meaning of one of the paintings. Soon enough, he sort of regret it. It was for the first time since he met her, he heard Minyeon talk that much. In fact, he wasn’t able to ask anything else because she wouldn’t stop talking. After he realized that words coming from started making very little sense to him, he interrupted by asking if she’d like anything to drink. He then went to get them some refreshing beverages while she continued to tour the gallery.

He got back holding two cups of cranberry juice in his hands, but the sight of her was nowhere near expected. Instead of admiring paintings, she was squatting in the corner and drawing. The pad folded on her knees and the pencil moving ever so desperately over the clean white paper.

“Minnie?” he took a step closer. She didn’t answer to his calls. 

“What are you doing?” Jongin squatted next to her and putting aside their drinks, he gently put his hand over her shoulder. She didn’t even blink.

He then looked at her sketch and his jaw fell slightly open. A woman, probably in early 40s, laid on the floor in her own pool of blood.

“Minyeon, what is this?” he asked again this time serious. She finally regained her senses. She scanned over her work and stuttered, her face showing disgust.

“This... I felt it again,” she said tearing the page out of the pad and into the pieces.

“Will that woman die?” he whispered slowly.

She just nodded and picked herself of the ground, feeling the burning numbness in her legs.

“Minyeon, she was shot in that store,” he said still dead serious. He looked around in search for that woman. He realized that she must have been here if Minyeon felt death approaching her.

“It’s none of my business,” she answered her voice shaken up more than she’d like him to hear.

“How is it not? You can see it coming, therefore you have the responsibility to prevent it! We should warn her,” his tone turned to anger and Minyeon flinched at his words. With swift moves she packed the pad back to her bag and left the gallery.

Jongin didn’t follow her this time around. She suddenly felt empty again and a hot stream of tears slid down her cheeks.

She tried to save them so many times. When she drew something she knew exactly what was about to happen, and she would search for a solution. She would warn them, but nobody believed her. Every time it was in vain. Every time they would die. And every time she would be left heart broken. When she realized it was taking its toll on her, she already couldn’t stop it. So she locked herself away. For months she saw no one and just laid in her bed while sleep avoided her.

It was their time, she was helpless about it.

Feeling furious at the kid who got under her skin, she wiped her tears away and dialled his number. It rang twice and he answered.

“Calling to say I was right?” he said cheekily.

“How dare you?” she yelled mad. “How dare you say it’s my responsibility? You of all people know how it feels to be told out of nowhere not to do something, not to go somewhere, because otherwise you’ll meet your end. You didn’t believe it when I warned you. So, I’m asking you, how the hell dare you say something like that to me?”

“I’m sorry,” he said and his voice slightly trembled. She felt another stream of tears threatening to spill, so she quickly hung up. She kept walking to her apartment not noticing Jongin stood there frozen just few steps behind her.



She took a short nap when the pounding headache overwhelmed her after crying too much. It took her a ten minute shower and giant cup of coffee to feel good as new. She then decided to go look for Jongin and properly apologize for her outburst earlier, and also to continue that date he had waited on for so long.

The moment she stepped out of her building a cold breeze tangled into her long dark hair and she started walking while sending him a message to meet her.

There were some groceries she needed to pick up along the way and before she knew it she found herself on front doors of a store that woman was supposed to die at. Maybe it was a coincidence and maybe she subconsciously wanted to try and do something about it. Either way, she was there. She grabbed stuff she needed and was about to check out, when she noticed strands of silver hair pop behind one of the lines in cleaning products section. She gasped as she came closer and noticed Jongin talking to the same woman from her drawing. The woman suddenly laughed and walked away from him.

“What are you doing?” she hissed behind his back. Jongin turned around surprised. “Didn’t you get my text?”

“Umm... Sorry, I forgot my phone at home,” he apologized.

“Never mind,” she sighed. “What did she say?”

“Nothing, she laughed it off as expected,” he clicked his tongue in annoyance.

“Yeah, I told you so,” she said indifferent. “Now, let’s leave.”

“I can’t just let a woman die, Minyeon,” he didn’t move an inch.

“There is nothing you can do!” she hissed through her gritted teeth.

“Look, I get you have people issues, but I will still not have her death on my conscience,” he stood his ground.

“Fine, what are you going to do then? Take a bullet for her?” she provoked him.

“If necessary,” he spat back out.

Minyeon couldn’t believe her ears. Before she said something she’d regret, she turned around on her heels and proceeded to the cashier.

At the same time, two thugs with black masks on their faces and guns in their hands entered through front doors.

All they wanted was the money, so Minyeon immediately told the cashier to take it out. If they have the money quickly, maybe nothing bad would happen after all. But of course, the woman had to screw up. Instead of hiding and being quiet, she took her phone out and what seemed like called the police.

“You, with the phone,” one of the thugs yelled and pointed to her. Minyeon rolled her eyes. She was warned already, how dumb can she be?

“Give me that,” he pointed at the phone, but woman refused to hand it over. That’s when Jongin jumped in front of her shielding her with his entire body, Minyeon noticed thugs were getting restless.

“Take the money and leave,” she shouted, but was ignored. The one having a gun pointed at Jongin pulled the safety off. Minyeon dropped her stuff and ran to protect the kid, bullet hitting her right shoulder. The speed of it caught her by surprise and losing her balance she fell on the ground.

For a moment she felt sharp pain and something hot dripping down her arm, before it all went numb and she lost conscience. 



It's sort of a cliffhanger, hmm hmm... =]

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minniscule #1
Chapter 3: Omg waiting for the epilogue because the last chapter seemed to happen rather fast hihi
crazymonkeygurl #2
Chapter 1: Cute Kai. Cooking for her what gentilmen.