The legends of EXO



My life was very boring. I get up, then have breakfast, go to work, come back home, I eat, I spend time watching TV or surfing the net, have dinner, have a shower, go to sleep and then I start again.

But then, everything changed. I will never forget that day when I saw that astro passing above my head. It seem like it was made of some kind of glass, with shades of blue and purple. Since that day, everything in my life turned 180 degrees.

I don't know if I was ready for this change. All of sudden, my days stopped being boring, and my house was filled with laughs. But that wasn't the only thing it happened. I found out what have a difficult life really meant.





Park Sarang

Her parents died in a plane crash 3 years ago. Since then, her life had been monotone and boring. That was, of course, until the boys from EXO arrived. 


 -Her mum was spanish, and her dad was korean-chinese. 

 -She's very kind. It's difficult to make her angry.

 -She LOVES music.

 -Reason why she decided to help the boys from EXO: she doesn't even know

The EXO boys
These twelve guys came to the Earth to star over with their lives. But there was a small problem: not everybody arrived at the same Earth. 

They knew that in Planet EXO something happened, but they couldn't remember. They just wanted to be another human being. But, as usual, not everything goes the way you planned, and without noticing the boys found themselves involved in a war, wich would decide the destiny of the universe. Of all the universes.

They are completely different from each other. They don't even speak the same language. But there's one thing that unite them more than the fact that they're brothers: the music.


The can learn anything very quickly.

Each one has a power related with an element.



Ok, first of all... HI!! I decided to translate my fic into English, so more people can read it. 

I know that my english isn't very good, so there may be some things in the story that are bad written or something else. I just want you to know that I will give my best, and I will try to not screw up the story too much. Please, be patient with me.

This fic is inspired by the What is Love and MAMA MVs, because I love the concept SM gave to EXO, and I just felt that I had to write a fanfic. And because it's inspired by those MVs, there may be other fics with similarities. 

I hope you to enjoy the fic as much as I enjoy writting it. There will be love triangles, comedy, drama, but especially fantasy.

And well, the usual thing. Don't even thing about plagiarizing my fic because I will go to your house, and then I will smack your head against the wall, so the blood wil reach the sea, no matter how far you live from the sea. =>.<=


Have fun reading!!


If you want to read my fanfic in Spanish, here's the link:

Las Leyendas de EXO



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whiteprincess23 #1
Wow! I love that you're translating your story from spanish to english, I've also have been reading the original one and I wonder if you needed any help to actually translate your original story so more people could read it n.n because I simply love it :)