So I'll be hearing lots of cute "Tao-hyung" from now on? :D

Dealing with the love of one's life is so nerve-wracking


In the evening, Tao has been staring and giggling at his cellphone for a few hours now. He feels like he should text Sehun. Or call Sehun. But should he do so now? Maybe Sehun is still at work? Maybe he's busy? Tao has no idea and is ridiculously nervous.

He runs away from the kitchen, where Kyuhyun and Zhoumi had fun teasing him, because, yeah, this time he knows he's not being subtle at all, and sitting on his bed, Tao keeps staring at his phone.

So even if Sehun is still at work or busy, Tao might still text him. Probably.

He thinks some more and decides to try.

Sehun-sshi, hello. It's Tao.
I hope I'm not disturb

Tao frowns.

That's so not the way to go. Too stiff.

Sehun-ah. It's me, Tao.
Now you don't have to wait anymore.

Tao sighs.

Definitely not. Sehun would hate that.

He takes a deep breath and tries again.

Hello~ it's Tao here~
how was your day? did the rest
of your shift go well? well, have
a nice evening, too~ ^^

Tao facepalms. He sounds so ridiculous and lame.

He throws the cellphone on his bed and lies down next to the thing.

So, so ridiculously lame.

He hits the bed with his hands.

And then Tao hears a sound. One coming from his phone, one that shouldn't happen.

He takes the phone into his hand and glances at the screen.

And he screams.



A few minutes later Tao is freaking out. He has actually figured out a box of ice cream and is eating it in panic.

It's been a few minutes and Sehun hasn't answered. And answering takes very little time. So he must've thought Tao is a lame kid and regretted giving Tao his number.

On the other hand, Tao thinks, maybe Sehun is busy and hasn't seen the text yet. That'd be good. And then it wouldn't be, because it's not like Tao has a magic ability to unsend the lame text. Sehun will see it anyway.

"Taozi, you-" Zhoumi starts, opening the door, but quickly cuts off. He frowns, not sure what's going on.

Tao is sitting on one side of his bed, hugging a box of watermelon ice cream and staring in fear at his cellphone, which is laying on the other side of the bed.

"I'll come back later," Zhoumi says and quickly walks out.

Tao kind of just ignores the older, having something much more terrifying on his mind.

Like, the love of his life deciding Tao is lame and he better back away, because creepy.

Tao sighs.

And then he almost fall off the bed, hearing his phone make another sound.

He stares at the thing for a few more moments and then pretty much throws himself at his cellphone.

From: ✿Sehunnie
To: Tao
hey! :D my day was pretty
awesome, thanks for asking.
i hope yours was, too.
is it okay if i ask what year
are you?

Tao feels like he's pretty close to getting a seizure. Because, really, Sehun doesn't need to ask, his day just became as amazing as it is only possible.

My day was pretty cool, yeah. ^^
i'm '93. is it bad or good?

Tao grins, relaxing a bit and deciding to just go with the flow, especially as Sehun didn't seem to be bothered by the lameness, more like he was happy that Tao texted him.

From: ✿Sehunnie
To: Tao
it's fine. but it means you're
my hyung~

Immediately Tao's mind shows him a scene of Sehun calling him ge. Or that. Oh, that will be so perfect. Tao can't wait to convince the younger (yeah! hahaha) man to call him that instead of hyung. And maybe to teach him a little bit of useful Mandarin, too.

On the other hand, Sehun seems like a person to ignore all that formality at times, so Tao won't mind hearing his love's voice saying his name either.

But that's not really the right moment to get distracted by such things. Tao should leave those for the night.

so i'll be hearing lots of cute
"tao-hyung" from now on? :D

From: ✿Sehunnie
To: Tao
hahaha, that's a good one.
keep dreaming :P

Tao smirks at how cheeky Sehun is being. He likes that a lot.


Yifan is nervous. Like, so terribly nervous and he has no idea what to do with himself. He just keeps walking in circles in Nam Woohyun's office, waiting for the man to come back.

Minseok is just watching his husband. He's not as nervous, he's more amused by how cute Yifan is being. So stressed moments before meeting their potential son. Minseok smiles at the thought.

"Calm down, Yifannie," he says. Watching his husband freak out so much relaxed him for some reason.

"How do I calm down?" Yifan whines, staring at Minseok questioningly. "He's going to come here soon. Jonginnie, Minseok. Jonginnie!"

Minseok chuckles. It's so heart-warming to see Yifan like this, looking forward to see the boy so much.

He waits for Yifan to pass by him and when the man does, Minseok grabs his hand and pulls towards himself, catching the other hand as well.

"Do you want for Jongin to see you freaking out like this?" he asks.

Yifan frowns.

"I'm not."

"You kind of are."

Yifan blinks. He sighs and decides to sit down.

"Take a few deep breaths and calm down a bit. Jonginnie must be pretty nervous as well, so let's not make it harder by acting like we don't know what to do with ourselves," Minseok explains and squeezes both of Yifan's hands.

"But I don't know," Yifan answers, staring at Minseok flatly.

"But I know. And I'm telling you. Try calming down and thinking it'll go well. Then it will."

Yifan doesn't answer, just looking to the side. Minseok sighs and pretends he doesn't see Yifan's leg shaking, as it's still better then the other running from one side of the room to the other in panic.

But Minseok still holds one of Yifan's hand in his own, which makes them both feel better.

Finally, they hear somebody opening the door. They glance at the door, at each other and back at the door.

The door opens and Nam Woohyun walks in first. Jongin follows.

Minseok stands up first, Yifan too busy staring at the boy to realize he probably should as well.

The other sighs and pokes his husband's arm, who breaks the eye contact with Jongin and glances at him. He gasps a little, realizing what's going on and stands up, bowing at Woohyun.

And then it's Jongin's turn to gasps, because the man is seriously huge. He's like the tallest person Jongin has ever seen.

"Jonginnie?" Minseok says hesitantly, wondering if the boy staring at his husband with a surprised expression is a good thing.

Jongin hears his name and looks at Minseok, feeling sorry for not greeting the man.

"Hello, Minseokkie-hyung." Jonginnie smiles shyly and waves his hands at Minseok.

"Let's all sit down," Woohyun says, observing the situation in amusement. So everybody sits down.

"Jonginnie," Minseok says again, wanting to get the boy's attention as he was looking around in curiosity. But it works and Jongin looks at Minseok.

"He's my husband, Yifan," Minseok introduces the other man and then looks at him.

Jongin hesitates what to do. Should he bow? Should he wave at the man? Should he greet him in some other way? But how? The man is looking at him. What if he does something wrong?

He spends a moment freaking out like that, but then Jongin notices the man holding out his hand. Part of Jongin is surprised and proud, because shaking hands is a grown up greeting and the man wants to shake hands with him. So quite awed Jongin takes out his own hand and slowly touches the man's.

Except, there's still the other part of Jongin that seeing both his own and Yifan's hands touch becomes even more awed, because...

"Big~" Jongin says thoughtlessly. And then he panics when he realizes what he did, but as he glances at the man, he's relieved when he sees a small smile on the adult's face.

"Yifan's hand does look even bigger when yours is so little, Jonginnie," Minseok chuckles.

Jongin pouts, because he's not that little.

"Don't worry," Yifan says and with his free hand he caresses the boy's hair. "I'm pretty sure you'll grow up to be bigger than Minseok." He grins fully and Jongin can't help but smile back at how nice the man is.

"Really? You think so?" Jongin's excited. He can't wait to be big.

But Minseok only narrows his eyes at Yifan, not exactly happy with his husband's words.

"Well, that's not exactly difficult, to be bigger than Minseok." Yifan starts laughing at his own joke.

Minseok snorts and hits Yifan's arms.

Jongin chuckles, covering his mouth, so Minseok doesn't get mad at him for laughing. But it doesn't seem like he needs to worry about that, so he only chuckles more as Minseok glances at him and sticks out his tongue and then goes back to slapping Yifan's arm, who's only laughing harder at his husband.

Watching the three, Woohyun is chuckling on his own, too. He's pleased a lot actually, because they already look like a family.



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aarushic_18 #1
Chapter 9: This is too cute ♥
kpopismaharmartia #2
Chapter 9: OHMYGOOODDDD THIS IS SO PRECIOUS I WANT TO HUG EVERYTHING. This makes me giddy and all smiley and I'm so happy with everything, my favorite in the beginning is chanyeol/luhan ++ the twins but jongin in the end breaks my heart he's so cute and precious I can't >_____< Thank you for this story! :D
Chapter 9: Oh my~ this story is just too cute.
There's so much fluff.
I like the twins and jongin. They're so cute /hug
taemluvva #5
Chapter 9: hiihihihi

i do love this story,,
adorable angels, the BaekSoo twins n Cutie Jonginnie ^^
MaknaeJongie #6
Chapter 9: OMYGOD
I am so sorry for the late comment though :_:
I. I'm really sad that it's over (??) but.
But OMYGOD that was the cutest thing and I just I can't ASDFGHJKL
Thank you so so so much for writing I have so many feels right now urgh
Chapter 9: This story gives me happy feelings omfg.
Thank you.
Jonginnie must be a cutie pie.<3
Veolette #8
Chapter 9: Awwww~ this story is so cute!!!! LOVE IT!!!! :)
Chapter 9: whooaaah.... it's so cute~ the family is so sweet~ love it~ <3