You're too lovely for a pirate

Dealing with the love of one's life is so nerve-wracking


The middle of the next week has Tao walking into the cafe around noon. Again, he knows. But it's not a reason for the annoying waiter to laugh at him the moment he sees Tao.

Tao just glares at the guy, but walks over to his usual table and sits down. He takes out some papers out of his bag to look like he's working instead of staring at his waiter and waits for the love of his life to come and get his order.

(Tao thinks distantly that it's a bit silly he still doesn't know the love of his life's name. Especially with all the other stuff he knows. He counted on somebody calling his waiter, so he could overhear accidentally, but it seems like everybody at this cafe just wants to annoy him and keeps on naming his waiter various stuff. It confuses his waiter, of course, but Tao sees the smirks on the staff's faces when they would glance at Tao.)

While thinking how to place his papers on the table prettily, Tao actually gets distracted by one, by something he didn't notice before and he should've. He gets so into trying to figure the thing out that he's zoned out enough, so that, when he hears a voice, he thoughtlessly raises his head.

And then he chokes with nothing, starts coughing, his eyes starts tearing up and it's all a big chaos. And it's only because whom he's seeing is the love of his life, smiling.

But at the chaos his waiter panics a bit, too, and starts clapping Tao's back and hoping it helps. It both kind of does and doesn't, because it takes longer for Tao to calm down, but at least he stops coughing.

"Are you okay?" His waiter asks. Tao glances at him and feels a bit warm inside seeing him worried for Tao. So he takes a few more deep breaths and nods.

"Yeah." Tao's voice cracks a bit, so he coughs once again. "Yeah, I'm fine now." Better.

"Good." The waiter smiles and it's such a beautiful smile, with his eyes turning into crescents and the tip of tongue showing playfully and cheeks getting all cute and it takes Tao a lot not to choke again. The love of his love is simply too beautiful to be real and he still can't believe it.

"Anyway, I'm sorry for surprising you. The cake will be on me, okay?" His smile turns a bit sheepish and Tao feels his breath stopping at the cuteness.

"You- you don't have to." Tao feels like hitting the wall with his own head, because, seriously, he's been in Korea for years now, his Korean shouldn't fail this badly anymore.

"I insist." Tao's waiter makes a serious face and nods to himself. "I'll be right back."

Watching him walk away, Tao takes a few papers into his hand and starts fanning himself.

(Tao is so far gone that he doesn't even notice the annoying waiter literally crying because of how hard he is laughing. It's kind of shame for him, though, because if he did, he'd see the nice manager asking the waiter if he's fine and gushing all over him, which in turn has the waiter blushing and stuttering.)


Minseok sighs, starting another file on his computer. He's kind of feeling lazy and distracted today. It's not really surprising with how much overtime he's been doing for the past few weeks, but he really likes his work. It does have him glued to the computer for days and reading the ridiculous stuff some people write, but he likes it.

Though, the pay isn't that big.

Minseok is pretty sure it's why the adoption agency has been delaying their case. Because of him. So, yeah, it might have been why he started taking extra hours. And why he might have kept on doing it. And why he might have not mentioned that to Yifan.

Because Minseok knows Yifan would think of so many other reasons for the delay. He doesn't think there's one as likely as this one, though. He doesn't find anything else that would be wrong with them. A proper relationship of five years, they've lived together for three, they're not really temperamental, so they rarely fight; their friends and families have written letters and been interviewed as well; the psychological tests have gone splendidly, as he was told. So it's the only fault Minseok finds: his job.

And it , knowing it's his fault. He feels sorry for Yifan, knowing how much the other wants a kid, how much they both do.

Minseok sighs again. And he decides to take a break from thinking and looking at anything. Which is pretty much just him laying his head on the desk and not moving. He's learnt to calm down like this.

Except, obviously his relax time would be disturbed. Like always. By a phone. Like always.

Minseok doesn't really move besides putting his hand on the desk and trying to feel around for the phone. It doesn't take much time as he usually puts it in one place, so he quickly picks up, sighing once more before that.

"Hello?" he murmurs to the cellphone tiredly.



Yixing blinks, seeing the older sitting on the floor, his forehead bleeding. Except, Minseok only keeps staring at his cellphone.

"Hyung?" He tries again.

It gets no reaction, so Yixing pokes the older's head.

That seems to succeed as Minseok blinks and turns to look at Yixing.

"Xingie..." he whispers, his eyes big.

Yixing's heart kind of stops, because it totally sounds like something bad has happened. And Yixing doesn't like bad things happening. He doesn't want bad things to happen.

"Minnie-hyung?" Yixing tries carefully.

And what he doesn't really expect is the other jumping at him, embracing his neck almost tight enough to choke and squealing happily.

Either Minseok is in shock or it's not really a bad thing.

Yixing hesitantly puts his hands on the other's back, patting gently.

"They called!" Minseok lets go of his neck and Yixing finally can breath again.

"They?" he asks, his voice cracking a bit, while looking at the older, confused.

"The adoption agency! They called, they agreed, they wanted to meet!" Minseok starts jumping excitedly. "They asked when we can meet, so I might have convinced them that today is a good idea. That very soon is a good idea. That almost now is a good idea." He's turning around with his arms spread wide.

Yixing grins at the news, because it's totally awesome. If there was somebody who deserves to get a kid, who could make one happy and create a nice and loving environment for the kid, it'd definitely be Minseok and Yifan. And they wanted it so much.

Minseok quiets down for a moment, thinking and still jumping slightly. Then he nods to himself and hugs Yixing once more, except for a short moment this time.

"So I'm going. I'll call Yifannie on the way. Tell the manager."

And that's when Minseok pretty much runs out of the room, leaving chuckling Yixing behind.


When Minseok stops his car in the adoption agency's parking, he proceeds to stare at his cellphone for a moment. Then, as his eye twitches, he tries to call Yifan again.

Because, really, out of all times not to pick up, Yifan has chosen right now. The guy's timing sometimes happens to be terrible, but now it's just the worst.

After another failed try (and Minseok lacks fingers to count the times he's tried), he sighs and decides that it seems like he'll have to go alone.

But he doesn't want to go alone. He's too nervous. And what if he'll say something stupid and they'll change their minds again and there will be no baby for them? He might screw it up so badly.

Minseok hits his head on the steering wheel. Then he sighs again and decides he needs to go anyway. He can't suddenly call and say "Hey, on the other hand, let's meet some other day, okay?", not really.

He gets out of car and slowly moves towards the building. Well, he definitely is worried, going alone, but he's still excited, too. The time walking actually passes much faster than he would want it to and suddenly Minseok is standing in front of the door to the room of the person they've been assigned to.

Using his last moments, Minseok tries calling Yifan one more time. But as there's no answer again, he sighs and knocks. Then he walks in.

"Hello, Woohyun-sshi." He smiles gently at the guy, who grins back and stands up at his sight.

"That was fast, Minseok-sshi. It's nice to finally see you. Please, take a sit." He gestures at the chair. "Where's Yifan-sshi, though?"

"Stuck at work, unfortunately. Your call was so sudden he couldn't make it. But he's excited." Minseok might've not talked with his husband, but he knows that if he did, Yifan would definitely be excited. And most likely throw anything and come. If he was close enough to make it. Minseok frowns inwardly as he doesn't know Yifan's schedule for today.

"Oh, that's true. It's barely noon." Woohyun nods, but he doesn't seem sorry at all for calling so early.

Minseok shrugs.


"Soon," Minseok mumbles to himself quietly as he's walking back to his car. He's excited and happy and just can't wait to get home and tell Yifan everything.

"Yes, soon." Grinning Woohyun pats Minseok's shoulder, surprising him a little, as Minseok kind of zoned out enough to forget the guy's presence.

Minseok only grins back. And then he proceeds to zone out again.

Woohyun notices that and chuckles at how excited the other seems. It really seems like he's made the right choice. It's why he likes his job so much, Woohyun thinks, glancing at Minseok, only to see him suddenly falling down.

Minseok is just as shocked to feel something bumping into him and making him fall onto the floor. He closes his eyes at the sudden pain in his bum, his hands instinctively on whatever just fell down with him and on him.

He takes a deep breath or two before he opens his eyes and notices it's actually somebody who bumped into him. A little boy. A little, lovely boy, who's looking at him, obviously scared.

"Minseok-sshi, I'm so sorry." Woohyun kneels down next to the two. "Jongin, apologize to Minseok-sshi," he scolds the boy.

"It's okay." Minseok smiles gently and lets himself the boy's hair gently. "Nothing bad happened, fortunately," he assures both of the others, which seems kind of work as the boy doesn't seem as scared anymore. Minseok doesn't even notice the other man looking at him carefully, as if he's trying to figure out if he's right.

Minseok carefully helps the boy stand up, before he does so himself. He never stops smiling, even when the boy bows deeply to him and then it takes a moment for him to convince the boy to straighten up. 

"It's okay," he says again, ruffling the little one's hair. "Who is this lovely boy?" Finally Minseok acknowledges Woohyun again, who only chuckles, because, really, the other isn't being subtle at all.

"His name is Jongin. He's been around quite some time already and likes researching neighborhood places," Woohyun says, narrowing his eyes a little at the boy, who keeps looking at the floor while stepping closer to Minseok. The older just nods his head, getting what the other one means, as the building next to the agency is an orphanage and the two tend to work together at times.

"Do you think we...?" Minseok glances at Jongin and at Woohyun. He doesn't know if he should ask, but Jongin's presence next to him, his little hand on Minseok's hip, the way these feel right, he really wants to.

Woohyun smiles, because he was expecting that.

"Well, it could actually speed up the process," he says slowly, observing how Minseok's eyes kind of start sparkling now. "So I need to go back to work now. Jongin, how about showing Minseok-sshi the way out?" Woohyun speaks to the boy, smiling gently at him. Jongin nods and Minseok chuckles at how nice the man is.

"See you soon, Woohyun-sshi." Minseok bows slightly. Woohyun bows back and he's gone.

"So, are we going?" Minseok smiles at the boy. He only nods and the man squeals inwardly at how adorable and shy the little one is. Minseok hopes he'll open up a bit and he might just be as Minseok notices him glancing at the older's hand as if wondering whether he could hold it or not. So the man decides to help and raises his hand a little, towards the boy, who glances hesitantly at him, but takes his hand with his own little one.

They start walking, with both of them glancing at each other, Minseok all giggly and Jongin shy.

"So, Jongin, right?" Minseok asks, kind of to create some kind of conversation between them.

Jongin nods.

"Is it okay for me to call you that? Or should I go with Jongin-sshi or something else?"

Jongin nods again. Minseok thinks for a moment, but decides it's probably an agreement to the first question.

"So, Jonginnie. Is this okay, too?" Minseok isn't really surprised by a nod. "How old are you?"

Jongin shows his palm opened.


Jongin shows one finger.

"Oh, six."

They walk out of the building and Jongin gentlemanly seems to have decided to get Minseok to his car. But the older has a better idea.

"How about we sit down?" Minseok points at the nearest bench. "I'm old now, I get tired easily." He chuckles at his own reasoning.

"You do?" Jongin asks, frowning, and Minseok beams at the boy as it's the first thing the boy has said.

"Not really. I just feel like not going home yet."

"Oh." Jongin nods slowly, frown even more obvious now. He doesn't know why the man wouldn't want to go home, especially as the older seems like he has a very nice one.

But they sit down. Minseok is all happy and he's glancing at Jongin whose legs doesn't reach the ground, so he's moving them in the air cutely.

"What do you like?" Minseok asks, not liking how expressionless the boy seems when he zones out.

Jongin thinks for a moment.

"Pororo," he answer and there's a small smile on his face.

"Pororo is cute, yeah." Minseok grins. "Something else?" Jongin looks hesitatingly at the older, as if he's not sure if he should say that, but Minseok smiles encouragingly.

"I like watching people dance," Jongin confesses shyly. Minseok beams at that.

"It's cool that you do. Maybe one day you will be an awesome dancer, too," Minseok says. Jongin smiles gently at the words, because he'd like that very much.

"You know, I used to dance a lot when I was younger," Minseok admits as he notices the boy's adorably pleased expression, which then turns surprised as Jongin looks at him wide-eyed.

"Really?" Jongin is too delighted to even try to hide that. It's the first time he's ever met somebody who is a dancer. "Are you good? And why don't you dance anymore?" he asks excitedly, and then realized he might've sounded a bit too informal. "Minseok-sshi," he adds, hoping the man won't scold him.

"Call me hyung." Minseok ruffles the younger's hair and the younger chuckles at that, adorably, happy with how cool the man is. "And, yeah, I was pretty good. I often performed. I liked that a lot." He smiles to his memories from those times. "But I liked other things, too. Like taekwondo. Kendo. And I liked literature. And then I liked my husband and he tends to be distracting. And, you know, college and work and things somehow work out in a way you didn't expect before." Minseok doesn't say anything for a moment. "And however much he likes pretending he's awesome at dancing, my hubby really isn't, so I'm not that big on dragging him to clubs."

Jongin takes a moment for everything to sink in, as he finds himself really awed by Minseok.

"Performing..." He kind of gets hooked on that thought, trying to imagine the Minseok sitting next to him dancing on a stage with lots of people watching him. Then Minseok on the stage turns into himself.

He bits on his lower lip, loving the vision so much.

"Do you think you could be a dancer?" Jongin asks after a moment.

"You mean, like a professional dancer? I don't know." Minseok himself still wonders at times. "I think I'm kind of too shy for that, I think."

"You can't be shy to be a dancer?" It worries Jongin.

"Oh, you can. Definitely. But just, I wasn't the one to go for the spotlight. I rather pushed others to the center." Minseok smiles softly.

"Do you regret it, hyung?"Jongin asks, staring at Minseok attentively.

Minseok doesn't answer for a while, thinking.

"No," he finally says, confident. "I don't regret anything. Things I've done, however dumb or unnecessary they were, got me where I am today. And I really like where I am." He beams at Jongin. "And I think that's the point. To be fine with whatever happened, because it makes you what you are and to be happy with the person you've become."

Jongin nods, thinking about the older's words. The man seems to be like the smartest man Jongin has ever met. And Jongin met many lawyers and doctors and while one would think they should be the smartest, they just weren't as awesome as Minseok.

They sit in silence for a while, Minseok just enjoying himself and Jongin thinking. But after a few minutes like that Jongin glances at the older.

"Why are you talking with me, hyung?" he asks carefully. The man is definitely awesome in Jongin's opinion, so he doesn't want to cross a line.

"I wanted to," Minseok answer after a while.

"Why?" Jongin doesn't understand. Adults usually don't pay him that much attention, unless they're scolding him.

Minseok is quiet for a moment.

"Do you know why people come here?" He points at the adoption agency.

"They want a baby," Jongin answers.

"Or a child. A baby means a tiny one," Minseok explains.

Jongin shakes his head.

"But people prefer tiny ones." He's always seen adults choosing the youngest or heard them say they want the youngest.

"Well, not everybody does." Minseok frowns a bit at Jongin's words.

"Do you?" Jongin turns to look at the man.

"We want a child that would complete our family. One to call our own. It doesn't have to be a tiny baby." He smiles gently.

"Oh." Jongin looks away, the closed expression back on his face. "Will you find one for you?" He doesn't really understand why, but he thinks he's feeling disappointed. It might be because he had a nice time talking with the man, finally somebody really payed attention to him, acted like he matters. He thinks he might be jealous of the man and his husband's future kid.

Minseok is silent for a while on his own, wondering whether he should say it. But he really wants to. And Jongin's unhappy face only makes him want to say that more.

"What if I think we found one already? One I know is the right one for us?" Minseok asks quietly.

"You did?" The disappointment grows as Jongin turns back to Minseok in surprise, making his tummy ache.

Minseok only nods.

"Who?" Jongin decides to ask. He most likely doesn't know the kid, doesn't even want to, but he wants to know the answer.

Minseok bits on his lower lip, hesitating only slightly. Then he takes a deep breath.

"You," he says softly and to make the mood less serious, he pokes the boy's forehead.

"What?" is all Jongin manages to mumble after a moment of staring at Minseok. Minseok only smiles hesitatingly.

"Is it okay? That we want you? That I asked Woohyun-sshi about you?"

Jongin only keeps blinking, too shocked by a possibility that he might be wanted.

"Really?" He doesn't even notice that his voice squeaks a bit.

Minseok nods happily. As little hands grip on his own, he can only smile wider, feeling absolutely sure about Jongin.

"How about hyung's husband?" Jongin asks. Because even if Minseok likes him, what if the other man doesn't? What if he'll be unhappy with him?

"He wants a child just as much as I do. And I know he'll adore you a lot." He caresses the boy's hair gently. Then he gets an idea and takes out his phone. He unblocks it and shows the boy.

"Here. Yifannie, my husband," Minseok says, smiling widely. He's long since he stopped caring that he has his husband as the wallpaper on his phone.

"Looks scary," Jongin whispers, hoping it won't offend Minseok.

Minseok glances at the picture and thinks for a moment.

"Yeah, he might. I tend to forget that," he murmurs. Jongin blinks at that. Like, how can anybody forget something like that?

"But however scary he looks at times, Yifannie is like the most precious person I've ever met." Minseok grins.

Jongin narrows his eyes at the adult, because it doesn't sound right. The man doesn't look like he's precious. On the other hand, Minseok looks cute and Jongin finds him cool.

But as the boy's looking at Minseok smiling and glancing at the picture of his husband, he can see the love in the man's eyes, the confidence for the other and their relationship.

Jongin smiles softly seeing this. That Yifan person must be a really awesome person, if he can make Minseok this happy at the thought of him alone.

And now Minseok, who's been so, so happy with his husband, wants Jongin to join their family. Jongin isn't sure how is that possible.

"How did you meet?" he allows himself to ask, curious.

"Well, that's a funny story." Minseok coughs a bit, because it really is, with lots of awkward Yifan and oblivious Minseok, who needed the former's friends to keep on teasing them for weeks to figure out that maybe they were doing so for a reason.

So he starts with how he went to college and all and it's only at the moment with Yifan pouring yogurt all over himself at Tao's, um, weird comment (one full of handcuffs and chocolate lube and similar things, but Minseok isn't going to tell that little detail to a six year old boy) and he said it in Chinese, not knowing Minseok understood the language pretty well, when Yifan did know, so he panicked quite funnily; it's that moment when he notices that he feels something on his lap. He looks down and sees Jongin.

Minseok stops the story, smiling at the adorable boy who fell asleep with his head on his lap.


Some time later, having brought Jongin back where he belongs (for now), Minseok is coming back home. It's still pretty early, so he's not surprised when Yifan isn't home. It's not nice, though, as he really wants Yifan now, but it seems like he needs to figure out something to do for the time being.

So Minseok cleans up a bit and finds out there's hardly any food in the fridge, and what is in there is pretty confusing and doesn't really fit together. Which, yeah, might mean Yifan went shopping one day. So he goes out to the market, too, and gets quite a few confused looks as he's practically skipping. But he doesn't mind and doesn't care, he's too excited.

And when Minseok comes back and notices Yifan's shoes and realizes it means that his husband is back home, the skipping gets kind of worse.

So he happily skips into the kitchen, to leave the shopping bags on the table and put the stuff that belong to the fridge to the fridge, and then he skips to the bedroom where he thinks he'll find Yifan.

And Minseok does find him in there, sitting on the bed and changing his clothes.

Minseok beams at his beloved husband.

Though, the husband's confusion and shock at his sight does lower his excitation a little bit.

"What are you-" is kind of as far as Yifan gets, before he gets jumped by Minseok and kissed excitedly.

As confused as Yifan is at the moment, he really likes the surprise, he thinks distantly, laying on the bed, with Minseok on his lap, kissing him like they haven't kissed lately.

The kiss takes a few moments and when it ends, Yifan is left breathless and blinking at his husband in confusion.

Minseok doesn't stop smiling, though, and keeps pecking Yifan's lips every few seconds.

"Why didn't you pick up your phone?" he whines cutely, when he decides he probably should tell now.

"I was busy," Yifan explains, his happiness at his husband jumping at him lowering quite a lot at the topic. "I didn't call back later, because I thought you called to tell me you would be late." Yifan coughs at that awkwardly, because, yeah, it seems like he was wrong.

Minseok frowns a bit at that, not liking how Yifan only expected that of him. Though he can't say it was without a reason, therefore he decides to ignore that matter.

"I only texted to do that. Never called."

Yifan raises his brow at the use of past tense.

"That's not the point anyway." Minseok waves his hand, because that shouldn't really matter. "They called, Yifannie! Woohyun-sshi called!" he announces excitedly, pecking Yifan's lips again.

Yifan sits up in shock. He does it so fast that only his hands around Minseok's waist stop the older from falling down onto the floor.

"He did?" Yifan smiles widely, embracing his husband closer and tighter.

Minseok nods.

"He wanted to meet and say we've got approved and we'll be parents soon." A kiss. "But you didn't pick up, so I went alone." Another one.

Yifan kisses back at that, feeling so horrible about not having picked up.

"I'm sorry," he murmurs into Minseok's lips. "You shouldn't have to go by yourself."

"It's okay, Woohyun-sshi understood how sudden it was." Some more kissing.

"I met a boy, too." Minseok adds after a few minutes. "And Woohyun-sshi was there, too. And I might have mentioned that he could be the one for us."

Yifan pulls away from Minseok at that, looking at the man in surprise. Hearing that they've been accepted is one thing, but Minseok telling him about an actual child and how the man's eyes are sparkling at the mention of the boy, those hit Yifan in totally different way.

Minseok takes his cellphone out of his pocket and searches of the pictures he took.

"Here." He shows Yifan the picture of Jongin smiling shyly at Minseok, just moments before they said their goodbyes.

"Minseokkie..." Yifan whispers. He almost feels like crying. He doesn't move that easily, but somehow the boy's lovely smile, the possibility that one day he could smile like this at them, at home, makes Yifan feels really vulnerable and soft.

Yifan embraces Minseok tight, but as he does he notices that because of the movement the picture switched to another one.

"Why do you have..." Yifan cuts off and blinks.


"Why do you have a picture of little Jongin sleeping in your lap?" Yifan raises his brow, glancing from the picture to Minseok and back.

"He kind of fell asleep while I was telling him how we met." Minseok shrugs. "And he looked cute."

Yifan stares at the picture for a few more moments to glance at Minseok.

"But the story of how we met is awesome..." Yifan frowns a bit. "But why would you tell a kid something like that!" He slaps Minseok's arm.

"I wouldn't say everything," Minseok slaps back. "I know better than to tell how Tao kept saying you liked honey so much and in what ways." Yifan sighs at the memory. "Thank lord you really don't, though," Minseok decides.

Yifan nods, because Tao's imagination was really insane back then. Though, it might not be that much better these days either.

Minseok cuddles into Yifan, the younger laying back down and embracing his husband tight. They spend a few moments like that, just enjoying the other's presence and warmth.

Minseok glances at his phone, looking at the picture again.

"Jonginnie is six," he says softly.

"Hm, it means he's five in normal years, right?" Yifan murmurs. Minseok frowns at the normal, but ignores it.

"He likes Pororo. He likes dancing and wants to be a dancer one day," he continues.

"Seems just right for us two," Yifan decides, kissing his husband's head softly. "Though, at five I wanted to be a pirate."

Minseok blinks and pulls himself up a bit, to look at the younger's face.

"You'd make a terrible pirate," he says and doesn't even seem sorry for crashing his husband's childhood dream.

Yifan pouts.

"You're too lovely for a pirate." Minseok chuckles and kisses Yifan.

Yifan doesn't mind nor care anymore and as he deepens the kiss, he doesn't think they'll be letting go of each other anytime soon.


Tao takes a deep breath, observing his waiter taking a girl's order. He's not happy, because she's very clearly flirting with the love of Tao's life. And he's Tao's. And Tao doesn't have much time to keep the guard, because he needs to go.

He hates it. He wants to stay with his sweet waiter.

It's not like he's got a choice, though. Work is work.

Therefore Tao starts cleaning up his papers while sulking terribly and glaring at the annoying girl that dares to flirt with his waiter. He's taking his time, though, because he kind of hopes for him to say something to Tao. Or Tao should just coolly pass by his waiter and thank him again for the cake, looking handsome. Yeah, he should do that.

So he takes another deep breath to clam down, except it doesn't really work as he sees his waiter moving away from the girl's table.

Tao quickly grabs his bag and walks forward, to make it seem like he's accidentally passing by his waiter.

"Thank you," Tao mumbles awkwardly, when the other is a step away from him.

"Uh?" The waiter looks at Tao surprised.

"F-for the cake. Wanted to thank you again,' he explain, cursing how cool he's not being.

"Oh, right. But no need to. I'm glad you liked it." His waiter smiles and Tao feels something break inside him.

"I'm Tao", he suddenly finds himself saying and holding out his hand, which so wasn't the plan. But on the other hand, it sounds reasonable to introduce himself. Finally.

"I'm Sehun", the love of Tao's life says, his smile widening and Tao can't believe his luck and the preciousness he's seeing and the beautiful name kind of makes his waiter's lisp a bit more obvious. Sehun, and Tao is on the cloud nine finally knowing the name, is the most perfect being he's ever seen or heard or been around.

"So... See you around?" Sehun continues, when Tao doesn't say anything more and just keeps blinking and smiling at him.

Tao jerks slightly, coming back to the reality.

"Oh, yeah," he says and starts making hesitant steps towards the door, still glancing at Sehun. He sighs at how weird he must look in the other's eyes, like a freak or something.

Except, then Sehun waves at him, smiling cheerfully, as Tao's about to walk out.

So maybe he hasn't lost yet, he thinks as Sehun's smile makes everything better.


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aarushic_18 #1
Chapter 9: This is too cute ♥
kpopismaharmartia #2
Chapter 9: OHMYGOOODDDD THIS IS SO PRECIOUS I WANT TO HUG EVERYTHING. This makes me giddy and all smiley and I'm so happy with everything, my favorite in the beginning is chanyeol/luhan ++ the twins but jongin in the end breaks my heart he's so cute and precious I can't >_____< Thank you for this story! :D
Chapter 9: Oh my~ this story is just too cute.
There's so much fluff.
I like the twins and jongin. They're so cute /hug
taemluvva #5
Chapter 9: hiihihihi

i do love this story,,
adorable angels, the BaekSoo twins n Cutie Jonginnie ^^
MaknaeJongie #6
Chapter 9: OMYGOD
I am so sorry for the late comment though :_:
I. I'm really sad that it's over (??) but.
But OMYGOD that was the cutest thing and I just I can't ASDFGHJKL
Thank you so so so much for writing I have so many feels right now urgh
Chapter 9: This story gives me happy feelings omfg.
Thank you.
Jonginnie must be a cutie pie.<3
Veolette #8
Chapter 9: Awwww~ this story is so cute!!!! LOVE IT!!!! :)
Chapter 9: whooaaah.... it's so cute~ the family is so sweet~ love it~ <3