Chapter Two

Bulletproof Wings

"Focus, Jungkook!"

Jungkook looked away from the barrier and nodded to the trainer, jogging a little faster to catch up with the rest of Bulletproof. After the jog, they were hurried back into their classroom as the other students were scheduled for their training session outside.

Defconn watched Bulletproof as they entered into their classroom on his computer screen. Seungho came running in, panting heavily as he tried to catch his breath. Defconn frowned, waiting for Seungho to speak up. "Im Yoonhye is missing...we cannot find her anywh-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Seungho was struck across his cheek. "Find her, now!"


Park Jimin, can you hear me?

Jimin looked up from his desk, looking out of the small window in the classroom door but no one was there. Once again, he was hearing a female voice but this time, it was a different one. As soon as Jimin looked away from his desk, a guard walking past as they monitored the class knocked on his desk, getting his attention back to the maths equations.

Park Jimin, please transfer this information on to Jeon Jungkook. I am Im Yoonhye and I am on your side. I know that both of you are interested in knowing what is going on in this academy. I have a group of people with me who share the same interest as you. We would like you to join us and bring down the academy. (Yoonhye)

I can't communicate without speaking. (Jimin)

You're doing it right now, Park Jimin. Get this information to everyone. We would love for more people to join us. Don't you want to know the outside world? (Yoonhye)

Jimin looked at Jungkook in the desk in front of him. He didn't know whether or not he should be trusting Yoonhye but he sure knew that something fishy was going on with the academy. With a few more moments of thinking, Jimin finally decided to pass the message on.

All of Bulletproof looked up simultaneously and looked at Jimin but they were all told to concentrate on their work instead. Jungkook, however, looked up once again. This time, he was staring at the trainer.

"Jeon Jungkook, get back to your work right now."


This shocked everyone more than anything. This was the first time ever 'no' had been said to an order.

"What did you just say, Jeon Jungkook?"


Jungkook stood up and the guards immediately got into defence position at the front of the class. Jungkook kicked his chair back and took a step forward. The guards stood closer together, keeping their defence tighter. Seeing that Jungkook wasn't going to back down, the trainer got a little nervous and ordered the rest of Bulletproof to stop Jungkook.

However, being a group, the boys had formed a bond much like brothers'. Instead of listening to the trainer, the other six got up, looking just as threatening as Jungkook did. "Stand down!" The guards took a step forward and Jungkook stopped them, pushing on their shield.

It didn't take Jungkook much effort to smash the guards into the wall. Alarms starting going off and red warning lights lit up the entire facility. 

"Bulletproof!" Seungho shouted, looking at Defconn from behind his computer screen. "Bulletproof is going awry! The guards cannot hold them back any longer. We have to stop them!"

"Have you found Yoonhye?" Defconn asked.

"No sir."

Seungho earned another slap across the face as Defconn growled a little, going back to his computer and watched the chaos going on. "It must have been Yoonhye. She made contact with the boys and compromised them."

"What are we going to do? We can't let them escape!"

"They are not going to escape," Defconn stated. "Let them go. Let them explore. They'll come back here soon on their own will."

"What are you talking about? We cannot let them go! Our research-"

"Who's the boss here? Let them go. He will bring them back."


It wasn't long before Bulletproof escaped from their classroom but they had no idea where they were going. Guards were coming their way so they decided to go with gut feeling to try and escape the facility. 

Not that way, Park Jimin. Turn around. Go down the corridor and turn left. You'll see me. (Yoonhye)

"Not that way," Jimin said, turning the other way. "Come on, follow me!"

Going in the direction given by Yoonhye, Bulletproof soon joined a small group of girls.

"Good, you're here," Yoonhye smiled. "Look, I have someone else to save. Please stay with them," she said, pointing to the two other girls. Without a second word, Yoonhye disappeared through the wall.

Save me.

Jimin frowned, shaking his head. The female voice was back again but it sounded more desperate and it seemed like she was scared, really scared. Jimin began walking towards the voice but Jin grabbed his elbow, stopping him. "Let's not separate from the group now, shall we?"

"You don't understand, she needs my help! Can't you hear her calling for help?"

"Who's calling for help?" Yoonhye asked. 

She had returned but she was with somebody. Jungkook didn't like the fact that more people were joining them, people they didn't know. "Who is she?"

"Choi Minyoon. She's one of our aces," Yoonhye whispered, putting the unconscious Minyoon on the floor, leaning her against the wall and her hair. "She's weak at the moment, she's been in that tank for too long...Who were you talking about?"

"Don't listen to Jimin. He's always hearing voices," Jin stated.

"You have to believe me! Look, she's been asking for help and...there it is again! She's calling for help," Jimin said and started dashing off.

Jin looked at Yoongi who looked at Jimin, stopping him from running.

Yoonhye looked away from Minyoon, frowning at the boys. "Who's...she?" she asked.

"She's in...I don't know what she's in. But she's confined in a place."

"Confined? Is she in a tank? Is she in a suit with a helmet like thing on her head? Where is she?!" Yoonhye questioned, grabbing Jimin's shirt. "Where is she?!"

"I'll take you to her."

Before anyone else could stop them, the duo dashed off, going in search of the owner of the voice. Jimin stopped in front of the door he found before and pointed at it to Yoonhye. Yoonhye looked through the window and smiled happily. "Jooyong! It's Jooyong!" 

She walked through the door and Jimin watched as Yoonhye pressed buttons on the control next to the tank. Water drained from the tank as it slowly opened, releasing its prisoner. As soon as the girl was released, Yoonhye began working on taking the suit and oxygen mask, holding the girl.

She carried the girl out on her back but put her down on the floor quickly, pressing her ear against the girl's chest. "Oh no..." Yoonhye whispered. "Oh, Jooyong, please don't...please..."

Jimin didn't know what was going on but he knew it wasn't good when Yoonhye proceeded to perform CPR. 

Save me.

"She's alive," Jimin said to Yoonhye. "You don't need to do that, she's alive. I can hear her in my head."

"Then why isn't she waking up?" Yoonhye asked, on the brink of crying. "She has to wake up! Jooyong, can you hear me?"

"'Yoonhye-unnie...'" Jimin frowned, staring at the unconscious girl. "''Yoonhye-unnie, save unnie'...That's all she's saying, 'save me, save unnie.'"

Yoonhye pressed her ear to the girl's chest again and sighed in relief. "It's beating..." she whispered and hugged the unconscious girl. "Oh thank god...thank god..."


"What is this?" Jin asked.

Jimin and Yoonhye returned after they made sure that Jooyong was fine with Jimin carrying Jooyong in his arms. "She's one of us," Yoonhye said. "You're awake, Minyoon!" she gasped, running up to the other girl she rescued and hugged her tightly. "Oh thank god..."

"Is she unconscious?" Hoseok asked, looking at Jooyong up close. "She young."

"We cannot bring unconscious people with us on the road. We're running away, not going on a field trip," Jin stated.

"You don't have to come with us," Yoonhye stated. "But if you want me to leave Jooyong behind, that is impossible. We cannot leave her and her ability in this wretched place. We don't have time to talk now, we have to go. Are you okay with carrying Jooyong?" she asked, looking at Jimin who nodded in reply.

~Half an hour later~

"I think we need an explanation about what's going on right now," Jin demanded.

They were finally out of the academy, deep in the forest and headed for the city. When they were absolutely sure that they weren't being followed anymore and far enough away from the academy, they stopped for a little rest. 

Jimin put the still unconscious Jooyong down, leaning her against a tree and pushed her hair out of the way, staring at her. Seungyong helped Minyoon, sitting her down next to Jooyong before sitting down herself. Ellie plopped herself down next to Seungyong and leaned her head on her friend's shoulder.

Jin stared at the girls and shook his head. "This is a disaster. I never should have listened to you guys. Do you realise how much trouble we're in?"

"Shut up for a moment," Namjoon ordered and looked at Yoonhye. "We listened to you and we got out now. It's time we have a full explanation of what's going on."

Yoonhye reached behind herself and the boys got into defence position. She pulled out a stack of documents, throwing them on the floor. "These are our data profiles," she said, going through the documents and pulled a few out from the pile. "And these are what the academy is really about.

"The government wants the ultimate army. They are using a mutation from many years ago to their advantage. Our parents' genes mutated and now we carry those genes and that's why we have these special abilities. There are fourteen of us with abilities that the government thinks is suitable for the ultimate army that they are creating.

"I, for example, have the ability to change the density of my cells so I can walk through walls and so that nothing can go through me. They consider me to be a level five. Lee Haesung is the older sister of Jooyong and she has the ability to make you experience physical, emotional and psychological pain. She is a level five too. Nam Bijeong is our other comrade and her ability is her overwhelming stamina and extraordinary physical fitness. She is a level five and our best soldier. Unfortunately...they don't believe in the conspiracy and have decided to stay with the academy..."

Yoonhye looked at Seungyong and nodded to her, passing over to the other girl. "I'm Seungyong and I have the ability to do anything after seeing it once. This is due to my enhanced muscle memory. I'm a level five but they were about to promote me to a level six."

"That's not possible, level six doesn't exist," Namjoon frowned.

Seungyong smiled softly and shook her head. "That's what the academy wants you to think. We have three level six girls right here. Ellie Park or better known by the name the academy gave her, Hyeyeon, has the ability to eliminate other special abilities. The academy was using her genes to try and find a formula in which they can adminster to others with a mutation they deem worthless. 

"Choi Minyoon has the ability to enhance or eliminate your senses. The academy kept her in the tank because she has yet to learn how to control her ability properly so it is dangerous to be around her. Don't worry though, we have Ellie with us so we're safe. She's a level six too. And our last level six..."

Seungyong looked at Jooyong and shook her head, sighing softly.

"They wanted to get rid of her but they cannot let go of her fantastic ability. The first level six to ever exist, Lee Jooyong. She has the ability of telekinesis. However, this ability is too much for her body and her to control. They keep her in the tank to contain her ability but at the same time, they are only making her heart condition worsen. She's the only reason Haesung stayed with the academy. They told Haesung they would kill Jooyong if she didn't stay."

"I didn't get a chance to tell Haesung that we've got her now," Yoonhye sighed, closing her eyes. "Now the siblings are separated..."

"What are your abilities?" Ellie asked, staring at the boys.

"I'd rather not say," Jin mumbled.

"You don't have to," Yoonhye smirked and picked up their data profiles, flipping through. "Kim Namjoon, ability to make others see what he wants them to see. You're a level five. Jung Hoseok, ability to take life, level five. Kim Seokjin, ability to heal himself and can heal?" Yoonhye asked, looking at Jin. "Why didn't you say so before? Can you fix Jooyong's heart then?"

Jin rolled his eyes at her. "I don't remember making you the leader of this group which means I don't have to report anything to you. But yes, I can heal. However, I can't do anything if she was born with it. I can't change someone's genes."

"Well you're useless then," Yoonhye mumbled and Hoseok had to hold Jin back from attacking Yoonhye. "Min Yoongi, ability to stop any momentum, level five. Park Jimin, ability to read and control minds, level five. Kim Taehyung, ability to copy anyone, level five. Jeon Jungkook, ability of great strength, level five."

"Since you're the leader of this rebellion, what's our next step?" Hoseok asked, looking at Yoonhye. 

"Obviously, we need a place to stay. I know someone we can trust. We will rest for tonight. Tomorrow, we will be making our way there."

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Please update soon!
Author-nim Hwaiting!!!! (^_^)
BiiBroadcast #2
Chapter 2: Oh my bajeesus! Things just got real! Update soon~ super excited!
Chapter 1: HOLY CRAP THIS IS SO INTERESTING. And honestly I screamed WHAT THE F- when I saw who the bad guys were xD
Chapter 1: OOH THIS IS SO COOOOOOOL lol Seungho and Defconn? Are bad guys? Hahahaha!
OlinCarolyn #6
Chapter 1: wow nice and interesting
OlinCarolyn #7
wow interesting plot
i'm looking forward to this story
Wheeeee futuristic dystopia let's go let's go let's go!
Omg this looks so interestingggg ^^
I'm really looking forward to this <3
Namjoon looks so good without glasses *^*
*goes off into corner and fangirls*