Chapter One

Bulletproof Wings

400 years ago, in 2013, a disease wiped out half the population of humans on Earth. The DNA of the half of those who survived allowed special abilities to surface. The government, however, saw them as a threat.

A law was passed. 

Those over the age of twenty-five who had mutated were to be executed while those below the age of twenty-five were taken away from their families to a specially built government facility. 

There, they were experimented on and blood samples taken from them everyday. Realising that there was no way to reverse the mutation, the government decided to use it to their advantage. 

~Present Day~

It had been 400 years but the disease was still killing, lowering the human population day by day. As a counter measure, those with the disease were quarantined and sent off into the middle of nowhere where they would slowly die of the disease while those without the disease lived blissfully and ignorantly without any idea of what was going on.

The special government facility had also turned into a world famous academy that every parent wished to send their child. Although glamorous to the outside world, a different story hid inside the academy.

"Kim Seokjin."

As each student entered into the classroom, they were to say their own name in order to be registered and were to take the red pill given to them by their instructors. 

Boys and girls had their lessons separately and trained at different times so they never interacted. Among the students, seven boys were named Bulletproof and they had a different schedule entirely to everyone else.

Being the only seven of level five, a lot was expected from the boys as they were the best of the best. Most of the time, they would be out on the field training. Like every other day, today was no exception.

Save me.

Jimin tilted his head, looking around to see who it was. What was really strange was that it was a female voice.

"Park Jimin!"

Jimin quickly looked back onto the field, straightening himself and stood on the spot.


Jimin nodded and went back to his training. 

After doing two hundred push-ups, Bulletproof was finished with their training for the day and was supposed to be on their way back to the classroom for more lessons. Jungkook stood in the field, staring at the blue sky. The only world he knew was inside the academy but he had always been curious about the outside world. He was beginning to wonder who his parents were and why they sent him to the academy.

As they entered the building, a blood sample was taken from each of them and were taken to the labs. There, they were tested over and over again and evaluated with their data from their training.

"Kim Seokjin, fitness is about 6. His combat skill is 7, there's an improvement. Blood sample shows that he's healthy,no further mutation. New discovery, his blood can heal others too.

"Min Yoongi, fitness is 7. His combat skill is 8, no improvement, still the same. Blood sample shows that he's healthy, no further mutation. We've found a match for him. Hormones are ready to be used once the documents are approved. 

"Jung Hoseok, fitness is 7. His combat skill is 7 as well, no improvement, still the same. Blood sample shows that he's healthy, no further mutation. He is still unable to control his ability as well as the others. Further training is required.

"Kim Namjoon, fitness is 8. His combat skill is 8, there's an improvement. Blood sample shows that he's healthy, no further mutation. He can control his ability the best. The higher authorities are considering making him the leader of Bulletproof.

"Park Jimin, fitness is 8. His combat skill is 6, no improvement, still the same. Blood sample shows that he's healthy, no further mutation. There is an improvement in his control of his ability but further training is required.

"Kim Taehyung, fitness is 7. His combat skill is 6, no improvement, still the same. Blood sample shows that he's healthy, no further mutation. It's hard to find him sometimes, rules should be enforced more strongly with him.

"Jeon Jungkook, fitness is 8. His combat skill is 9, highest of the group but no improvement. Blood sample shows that he's healthy but there are high levels of natural hormones shown. We will need to surpress them further."

Seungho closed his report file, looking at Defconn, who had no expression on his face as he stared at the computer screen with the profiles of Bulletproof updated.

"What about the girls?" Defconn asked. "Are they behaving?"

"Lee Haesung, fitness is 7. Her combat skill is 6, no improvement, still the same. Blood sample shows that she's healthy, no further mutation. Documents have been submitted, proposing for her to be a match for Kim Seokjin."

"Seokjin? No," Defconn wriggled his index finger. "With her abilities, she's a better match for Namjoon."

"Namjoon? But we're supposed to match them according to abilities, physical fitness and age. Haesung is closer in age to Seokjin than Namjoon. And the documents are already--"

"Are you arguing with me, Seungho? Documents can be changed. She's a match for Namjoon, not Seokjin."

"Understood, sir. Nam Bijeong, fitness is 8. Her combat skill is 9, highest of the group but no improvement. Blood sample shows that she's healthy, no further mutation. We're quite concerned about her intelligence though.

"Im Yoonhye, fitness is 7. Her combat skill is 7, there's an improvement. Blood sample shows that she's healthy, no further mutation. She's ready but we cannot find a match for her. Her ability is...unique.

"Yang Seungyong, fitness is 7. Her combat skill is 6, no improvement, still the same. Blood sample shows that she's healthy, no further mutation. Her ability is astounding. We are considering raising her to level 6.

"Park Hyeyeon, fitness is 8. Her combat skill is 7, there's an improvement. Blood sample shows that she's healthy, no further mutation. She is kept separately from the others because...she's a danger to them. Her ability is too powerful and she has yet learnt how to control it. However, she is the key to our research.

"Choi Minyoon, fitness is 8. Her combat skill is also 7, no improvement, still the same. Blood sample shows that she's healthy, no further mutation. She's contained in the capsule. Although she has excellent control, her ability is too powerful for her to be roaming freely.

"Lee Jooyong, fitness is 4. Her combat skill...there is no data for her because she has never been trained. Blood sample shows that she's healthy, no further mutation, but her heart is too weak. She is contained in the capsule as well. She has no control over her ability at all. Also, she's the match we found for Yoongi."

Defconn nodded, waving his hand to dismiss Seungho.


Save me.

Jimin rolled onto his side in his bed with his eyes closed but he knew fully well that he wasn't sleeping. The female voice was bothering him but he couldn't stop it. All he could do was try and go to sleep.

Save me.

Jimin sat up in his bed, ruffling his hair as he groaned softly. Jungkook, in the bed right next to Jimin's, tilted his head slightly, looking at Jimin. "Hyung?"

"Sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, I couldn't sleep," Jungkook stated, staring up at the ceiling. "I've been thinking."

Jimin was slightly surprised. Thinking was something that was discouraged in the academy because they were told that thinking would corrupt them and they would end up like those who were unable to enter the academy. However, Jimin himself had been thinking too. Thinking about the female voice.

"I can hear a voice. A girl asking someone to save her."

Jungkook looked at Jimin, pursing his lips together. "Hyung...would you like to join me on a little adventure?"

The duo snuck out of bed, sneaking into the corridor. Although the corridors were teeming with guards, Jungkook and Jimin still managed to sneak around without being detected. They arrived outside the one room they were told to never enter and Jimin frowned, moving closer to the door as he began reading someone's thoughts.

Lee Jooyong...Choi Minyoon...they're too dangerous. We have to get rid of them. We'll have to find another match for Yoongi.

Jimin whispered what he heard to Jungkook and they were both getting more and more curious. They ran down the corridor and hid around the corner as Defconn left the lab, locking it. After they were sure that Defconn had left, Jungkook and Jimin crept up to the door again, looking through the small window on the door to have a peek inside.

"What are you doing?"

Jungkook and Jimin got into defence position, clenching their fists at the person who snuck up behind them. They didn't relax at all when they saw a tall girl with long, wavy black hair. She smirked softly and looked at the door behind them. She reached out and Jungkook and Jimin stiffened. 

They blinked, looking confused when she reached further behind them, not attacking them at all. They stepped aside and saw that her hand was in the door when suddenly, there was a click. "You're welcome," she smiled, skipping down the corridor.

Jungkook opened the door, stepping into the mysterious room and Jimin followed behind, keeping an eye out for any guards that might come. Jungkook looked around the room, pulling out cabinets to check what was in them. However, there were too many documents and Jungkook didn't have time to go through them one by one.

He spotted a computer that was still on and went over, moving the mouse gently as the computer screen sprang to life. It was just about to shut down but Jungkook quickly cancelled it. Immediately, files popped up and each file was named after a person. Jungkook saw his name and clicked on it, frowning.

"Data?" he muttered softly. "Mutation?"

He typed in 'mutation' and another file popped up. This time, it wasn't a data file but scans of newspaper cutouts. Jungkook read through them and the frown on his forehead only deepened. "Hyung," he called to Jimin. Jimin looked around before closing the door carefully and joined Jungkook, reading what was on the screen. 

He frowned too, looking at Jungkook. "I think the others need to know about this," Jimin stated. "Print it out."

Jungkook nodded and pressed print. He then cleared everything and cleared the search history before going over to printer. "...I accidentally printed the other documents as well," he said, looking at the other documents. "But it's useful too..."

After everything was printed, Jungkook replaced paper into the printer to make it look like nothing happened and left the room with Jimin.

They went down the corridor but stopped in their tracks when the saw guards coming around the corner. They quickly ran down the other side and made their way back to their room that way instead. 

Save me.

Jimin tugged on Jungkook's elbow, frowning slightly. The voice was louder than before which meant that whoever the voice belonged to was close.

"What, Hyung? We have to go now or else they'll find out."

Save me.

"Can you hear that?" Jimin asked, looking around. A door was especially attracting Jimin as he slowly inched toward it. Jungkook tried to pull Jimin back but his hyung wasn't listening to him. 

Following behind Jimin to keep an eye out for him, Jungkook urged Jimin to hurry up. Jimin tried opening the door but it was locked so instead, he looked through the small window on the door. Inside was a dark room with a small light illuminating a large capsule container. Inside was someone suspended in water, wearing what looked like an astronomer's suit with an oxygen mask on.

Save me.

"It's her," Jimin whispered and tugged on Jungkook's shirt. "Jungkook, come and see."

Jungkook looked through the window and frowned. "Her? It could be a he. Let's go Hyung."

"No, it's a her. I can hear her voice. She's asking me to save her," Jimin stated and tried the door again but like before, it was locked and was not budging. "We have to get her out of there, Jungkook."

"We don't even know who she is, Hyung. She's in here for a reason. We have to go now. We'll get into a lot of trouble if anyone sees us."

Reluctantly, Jimin left with Jungkook, going back to their room. However, the second they stepped in, the light and the other members of Bulletproof were awake, staring at the two.

"Where did you go?" Jin asked. "You know when curfew is."

"We went to get this," Jungkook said, showing them the documents they printed off. He showed them the newspaper cutouts first before giving them the data profiles.

"They've been lying to us," Jimin said. "They said we're special but we're here because the government wants to use us, not train us to our full potential. They want to build an army with us."

"Jeon Jungkook...high levels of hormones...need to surpress them further..." Namjoon read Jungkook's profile and frowned. "Hormones? What are they? Why do they need to be surpressed? How come that's not written here?"

Yoongi picked up his own profile, reading through. "A match?" he asked. "What's a match? Who's a match with me?" he asked. "Wait a minute, why are there girls' names?" he frowned. "Lee Haesung...Choi Minyoon...Lee Jooyong? We have girls in the academy?"

"I thought girls were a myth," Hoseok mumbled, staring at the profiles.

"What are we going to do about these?" Jimin asked.

"Nothing, that's what. Now get back to sleep," Jin ordered.

"No," Jungkook stated. "We're going to say no. We're not going to be chess pieces and allow them to plan our lives. We have to say no."

"Is this what hormones does to you?" Namjoon asked and frowned. "Why are you rebelling, Jungkook?"

"Because it's about time we say no."

~At the same moment~

Yoonhye looked left and right, entering into the corridor and moved against the wall until she came up to the door. She looked through the small window to confirm that she was in the right place before slipping in, walking through the solid door. "Minyoon..." she whispered, staring at the capsule container. 

Like in the capsule container Jimin saw, Minyoon was suspended in liquid in an astronomer's suit with an oxygen mask over her face. Minyoon blinked, staring at Yoonhye but she couldn't move her body at all.

"Don't worry, we'll get you out of there soon," Yoonhye muttered. "We still have to find Jooyong first...we're scared that her heart might...No, we cannot think like that. Endure this just for a while longer, Minyoon. We're coming for you."

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Please update soon!
Author-nim Hwaiting!!!! (^_^)
BiiBroadcast #2
Chapter 2: Oh my bajeesus! Things just got real! Update soon~ super excited!
Chapter 1: HOLY CRAP THIS IS SO INTERESTING. And honestly I screamed WHAT THE F- when I saw who the bad guys were xD
Chapter 1: OOH THIS IS SO COOOOOOOL lol Seungho and Defconn? Are bad guys? Hahahaha!
OlinCarolyn #6
Chapter 1: wow nice and interesting
OlinCarolyn #7
wow interesting plot
i'm looking forward to this story
Wheeeee futuristic dystopia let's go let's go let's go!
Omg this looks so interestingggg ^^
I'm really looking forward to this <3
Namjoon looks so good without glasses *^*
*goes off into corner and fangirls*