Fifteen: Why did he lie?

Who Did I Pick Up?

~Narrator’s POV~

During the few weeks that Luhan was supposedly in China, Kris had an uneasy feeling inside him. What Luhan told him in the restaurant was bugging him but he couldn’t tell Jihae about it – he didn’t want her to think of anything weird about him.

Jihae on the other hand had been working on numerous projects and busying herself with work on top of work. The time she spent with Kris was decreasing but neither of them could have done anything to prevent it.

After having dinner with Luhan, before he left, Jihae went home to see Kris waiting for her patiently in the living room. He apologised for his actions and told her that he was simply jealous because she was close to another man other than himself. Jihae, being soft-hearted towards Kris, forgave him right away.

When Kris had his meeting with Luhan, she was worried. It was only a few days after she forgave him and he was out late and that was unusual for him since he didn’t have that many friends. Kris returned home afterwards with an unreadable expression on his face. Jihae asked him if he was alright but he brushed her off by telling her that he was just tired and then left her alone to go to his room by himself. The next morning, Jihae got up earlier than Kris and decided to make breakfast. When Kris came out of his room, he apologised to Jihae for not spending time with her the previous night and again, Jihae forgave him.

As for Luhan, he was actually back in China but he wasn’t there for business reasons as he told Jihae, he was there do find out more about Kris, or Wu Yifan. He had his assistant, Yixing to help him out and together, the both of them found quite a lot about the man named Wu Yifan.

Wu Yifan, being the only son in the Wu family, was given the best education that anyone could have asked for. He studied in places all over the world – he was in England for a few years and then in Canada and then Japan and various different places. He was back in Korea when he was 20 and started to work in his father’s company, Wu Entertainment – the largest entertainment company in the whole of China. The company was even bigger than Jihae’s company. They managed top celebrities, had the most successful TV shows and then became an independent TV channel shortly after their success. They were big and everyone in China knew who they were.

Yifan was trained to become the next heir to the company and he was doing very well – he managed the company all by himself up until when he disappeared. No one knew where he was or how he was gone. Not even his parents knew where he was, they had thoughts about him being kidnapped but the police found nothing. They thought about him getting into an accident but the police found nothing, again. His parents almost lost hope of finding their son until they heard about Luhan and his family.

Luhan’s family was well-known in the country for being detectives throughout their generations. Luhan himself was a part-time detective mainly due to the fact that he wanted to start a fashion brand as well as being a detective for the sake of his family tradition.

Yifan’s family contacted Luhan and requested for his help. Luhan agreed since he didn’t have much on his hands at that time. He was told about Yifan and his life by his parents and friends but when he came to do the actual research, nothing came up – the files containing Yifan’s personal details were gone, even the ones in the police station. It was as if someone knew that he was looking for Yifan and wanted to get rid of Yifan’s existence in China and perhaps, the world.

Luhan told Yifan’s parents about the news and apologised for not being able to do his job but Yifan’s parents simply told him that they weren’t expecting much anyway since the police couldn’t find anything to do with him. And soon, Luhan dropped the thought of searching for Yifan – that was until he saw Kris in Korea.

When Luhan realised that Kris could be Yifan, he looked again and again with Yixing. They didn’t use the Chinese database this time; they used the world international database instead. With his connections and his fame, he easily got the trust from the officials and gained access to Yifan’s information and details.

Bingo. Kris Wu was Wu Yifan and Wu Yifan was Kris Wu. They are the same person. But why?



Luhan returned to Korea after his ‘business conference’ and his main objective was to confront Kris again along with the information he got from the international database but he did want to see Jihae and be there for her in case she found out about Kris’ other identity the hard way.

He called Jihae out for a dinner to which Jihae happily accepted the offer to much of Kris’ discontent.

Luhan came and picked Jihae up in his car for their friendly dinner date. When he rang the doorbell, it was Kris who opened the door. Luhan wasn’t surprised that it was Kris since Jihae had told him before that she and Kris were living together.

Luhan smiled at Kris as if nothing ever happened and thanked him for opening the door. Kris nodded in a confused manner but moved aside to let Luhan into the house. Jihae came downstairs shortly after and gave Luhan a hug upon seeing him in her living room. Kris was standing near the bookshelf; trying not to give the two any attention and he didn’t want to feel jealous again.

Jihae told Kris that she would be out with Luhan and then stepped out of the house with Luhan after Kris nodded at her words.

“Good to see you again.” Luhan smiled as he was driving to the restaurant.

“Same here!” Jihae returned the smile with a wider one. “How was the conference?”

“It was good but boring – you know, with the people from the police station and that.” Luhan lied. “But there is good news.”

“Oohh~ What is it?” Jihae asked excitedly.

“My fashion brand is going to have a show soon!” Luhan said and this wasn’t a lie – his fashion brand was going to have its own fashion show.

“Are you serious?” Jihae was very excited. “When is it?”

“It’s not scheduled to be any time soon but we’re having a show for definite.” Luhan said proudly.

“I am so happy for you!” she squealed like a teenage girl. “I have to go and see it!”

“Maybe you can be a model as well!” Luhan suggested. “You have the requirements for it!”

“Come on Lu, you know I can’t model. I’ve been told that I walk like an elephant for all my life.” Jihae scoffed. “You better look for good models if you want the show to go well.”

Luhan laughed hard before controlling himself again so that he can drive properly. “I’m seriously considering that option, you know.”

“No you’re not.” Jihae said with a straight face. “You might as well be a model as well then.”

“We can go down the runway together!” Luhan joked and the two of them laughed.

Luhan pulled into a petrol station when he realised that the car was low in petrol. He told Jihae to stay in the car while he filled the tank up. Jihae gave him an ok sign and he got out of the car to fill his car up.

Whilst Luhan was outside, filling the car up, Jihae looked around the interior of his car. She has been in the car a number of times but she didn’t really get to see the car in detail. She shuffled around in her seat and turned to different directions to see the interior better. While shuffling around, she felt her feet brushing against something. She leaned down and used her hands to grab whatever was on the floor. When she was sure that she got a hold of the object, she pulled it and it was an A4 envelope. She wondered what was inside the envelope but she thought that it wasn’t polite to look into Luhan’s things even if Luhan was her close friend.

She was about to put the envelope back into its original position when something caught her eyes. In the corner of the envelope, there was some rubbed out writing. She guessed that someone rubbed out the original pencil writing. She tried to see what was written there before and she caught a glimpse of her name. She thought she was reading it wrong but the writing was in Korean and she was sure that the characters were her name. She held it in the light and squinted her eyes. Her eyes widened from their squinted state as soon as she read what was written.

Do not let Jihae see.

Knowing that she wasn’t supposed to see the contents made her more curious. She opened envelope and took out the small stack of paper inside and looked at them.

She shook her head as she flipped though the pieces of paper in front of her, telling herself that none of this was real and that she was just dreaming.

The information about Kris was on the bits of paper – everything about him was there; where he lived, where he studied and who he is.

Jihae turned to the last page of the report and her eyes started to water when she read what was on it; it was a note to Luhan, written by someone.


The information that I have gathered, I’ve summarised them up.

I’ve been to the relevant hospitals and police stations but I didn’t find anything that was to do with missing people. I’ve looked back at the statements that Mr and Mrs Wu gave and found nothing suspicious about it except for the fact that their son, Wu Yifan, disappeared suddenly.

I’ve done a pictorial scan of the pictures you’ve given me and the similarity between Kris Wu and Wu Yifan is 99% - this means that the chance of them being the same person is highly possible.

Also, the time at which Wu Yifan went missing matched the time when Kris Wu showed up at Miss Jihae’s house with a few weeks in between. I’ve checked with the customs and they confirmed that Wu Yifan left the country and went to Japan for a few weeks before arriving in Korea. I’ve checked with my acquaintances in Japan and they confirmed the stay of Wu Yifan.

From all this information, I can conclude that Kris Wu and Wu Yifan is the same person. To confirm it completely, his DNA is required. If you would like me to confirm it, please send something over that may have his hair, fingerprint or saliva.

Please do contact me if you wish to have more information.

Zhang Yixing.

Jihae’s tears fell from her eyes without stopping and soon, she was sobbing. Luhan came back to the car after paying for the petrol and was shocked to see Jihae crying. What surprised him more was the fact that she was holding the report that Yixing gave him – she was not supposed to see that.

“Jihae, I can explain…” Luhan said after going to Jihae’s side of the car.

“There’s nothing else you can say, it’s all written in here!” Jihae sobbed.

“I’m sorry.” Luhan said. “I really am.”

“Luhan… why….” She said in between her cries. “Why did he lie?”


Yay~ Double update! I’m not sure whether I can update tomorrow or not, it depends on my workload… Anyway, hope you have enjoyed this chapter and I hope that this cleared up any questions you guys might have had ^^

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@matchalatte  - Correction: Wu Yifan is the SON of the chairman and founder of Wu Entertainment, not the actual owner XD sorry if I didn’t make that clear enough :( So what is he doing with Jihae? You’ll have to find out~ :P Please do carry on reading even if you hate school~~~ ^^

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Guys, I think this is coming to an end soon if I keep on updating this often^^


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Chapter 22: I just fininished this story and i have to say it was fun reading it..... yeah i thought that soojung will fall for kris but thank goodness she didnt or else too mucj drama.... thanks for an awesome story authornim..
shinee3112 #2
Chapter 20: YAYAYAYAYUAUAYA!!!!!! They made uppp.
Chapter 22: This was perfect. I'm glad the story came out the way it did. It was a pleasure reading it. It felt pretty realistic in a way
Chapter 22: this was so good was really nice to see that the main characters weren't like...perfect people but they had their flaws too which made it so much more realistic!

thanks for such a nice fic!
Chapter 22: Hello there! I have read your story and i swear its the best story i had read! You have done a really good job! What about a sequel or another new story? Good job authornim! Hwaiting! ^^
ChiMarie #6
Chapter 22: Upvoted :D
Chapter 21: Uhhhh~ it ended already. One of the best stories I've read so far. Very straight to the point. I'll surely miss this. Hwaiting author-nim! :)
14 streak #8
Chapter 22: Kyyyyyaaaaaaa the ending is just to sweeet~~~~~ shes pregnant! That was mindblowing >.<