Thirteen: He looks like who?

Who Did I Pick Up?

~Jihae’s POV~

I woke up with a giddy feeling this morning and I was sure of the reason why. I did my daily routine and went downstairs to meet Kris’ back – he was facing the hob, cooking some breakfast for the both of us.

“Morning.” I said as I sat on the counter after pouring myself a cup of milk.

“Morning to you too.” He said. He turned his head for a brief second to smile at me to which I enjoyed. “Slept well?”

“How did you know?” I asked him.

“You seem happy.” He said and was scooping up whatever he was cooking in two bowls.

“I am happy.” I replied.

“Is it because of something or someone?” he placed the bowls of soup down and went to get the rice.

“Do you want me to say that it’s because of someone?” I asked back. I knew exactly what he wanted me to say.

“Depends on you, it’s your answer.” He said, not turning around to face me yet.

“Well, I could say that it’s because of someone but I’m not going to say who!” I hopped off the counter and sat down on a chair around the dining table.

“Whatever you say.” He said and finally sat down after getting the rice from the cooker.



“You have a visitor right after lunch today.” Soojung told me during the briefing right after I stepped into my office with Kris. “He didn’t leave his name or title though.”

“That’s alright, I know who it is.” I smiled and I saw Kris giving me a look. “Thank you Soojung, you may go now.”

Soojung bowed and exited the room. Right after she left, Kris came closer to me.

“Who’s coming today?” he asked curiously. “Do I know him?”

“No, you don’t know him, he’s a friend from China.” I answered. “I got to know him when I attended a conference with my father a while ago in Shanghai and he was the son of the person who held the conference.”

“Ah.” Was all he said after me explaining myself. “I’ll be in my office then.” And he left.

What was with him? He just left like that after I gave him an explanation. What more did he want from me?

I didn’t see Kris from that point onwards until lunch time. He came in and asked me what I wanted to eat but remembering him walking out of my office earlier, I told him that I wasn’t hungry and didn’t want to eat. He nodded and walked out of the room without another word. Seriously, what was up with him?

An hour passed and still no sign of Kris; maybe he was eating with the ladies from the lower floors and letting them flirt with him openly – I don’t give a muffin.

Soojung’s ringtone was heard from the internal phone line and picked it up almost immediately.

“Yes?” I spoke into the phone.

“Your visitor is here, Miss Moon.” She said. “Shall I send him up or shall I take him?”

“He can come up himself.” I said and hung up. I was very excited to see this visitor again after a long time.

I got impatient waiting for the person to come up and I was about to head downstairs myself to fetch him, a knock was heard from my door.

“Come in!” I called and the door opened, revealing a baby faced deer that I haven’t seen for ages.

“Luhan!” I smiled as I sped up towards him.

“Baby Jihae~” he cooed as he wrapped his arms around me, holding me in a tight hug.

“How have you been?” I squealed but didn’t let go of him.

“Today was the best so far.” He told me and let go. He looked at me from head to toe and smiled. “Still as beautiful as always.”

“Well, you’re still as baby faced as always.” I laughed. “And your Korean is still good.”

“Gotta practise before seeing you.” He smiled. “And correction, I’ve become manlier now.”

“Sure, whatever you say!” I laughed and before Luhan and I could say something else, someone coughed.

Luhan and I turned our heads in the direction of the cough and found that it was Kris. I wasn’t sure how long he had been standing there for; whether he saw the hug or not didn’t really bother me.

“May I know who this is?” he asked referring to Luhan.

“Ah, this is Luhan, my friend from China, the one I told you about this morning.” I said – I didn’t know if Kris even remembered what I told him in the morning. I turned to Luhan to introduce Kris. “This is Kris Wu, my assistant and also in charge of foreign documents.” I deliberately left out the boyfriend part – I wanted to see Kris’ reaction.

I saw Kris’ expression stiffen when I didn’t introduce him as my boyfriend; he deserved that from this morning’s thing.

“Ah, nice to meet you. I’m Luhan, Jihae’s close friend.” Luhan smiled and held out a hand – he didn’t know anything about me and Kris or our little ‘incident’ this very morning.

“Nice to meet you too, I’m Jihae’s boyfriend.” He said it himself and Luhan turned to me with a surprised look. “And you didn’t tell me about him when we spoke on the phone?”

“I guess I was too caught up in talking about other things that I forgot to mention it.” I scratched the back of my neck and smiled awkwardly – the situation was awkward after all.

“Anyway,” I said and turned to Kris. “Luhan is here to stay for a few days. And to be honest, I’m not sure of the reason why.”

“I had a few days of vacation so I thought it was the best opportunity to see my friend and to go around Seoul again.” Luhan answered. “I hope I’m not too much of a bother.”

“Nope, you’re not even staying in my house.” I chuckled. This was one of the things why Luhan was my friend – he was always humble and mindful about others and always afraid to bring trouble to someone else.

Luhan laughed along with me and Kris just stood there awkwardly – he couldn’t really join our conversation nor could he leave the room.

“Do you want a tour of the building?” I asked Luhan. “I’ve never shown you the office after I took over.”

“Sure why not? You did promise to after I gave you a tour around mine.” Luhan nodded. He tilted his head in Kris’ direction as if he was asking me what to do with Kris.

“Do you want to tag along?” I asked Kris after getting Luhan’s message.

“Nah, I have still have things to do.” He said. “You two enjoy yourselves.” And he walked out before I could say something to him.

“Is he ok?” Luhan asked. “You two had an argument, didn’t you?”

“It wasn’t even an argument.” I said. “I didn’t have lunch with him because I wasn’t happy with the fact that he just walked out of my office this morning.”

“Who knew a man could change the iron woman’s mood like this.” Luhan laughed.

“Who are you saying is an iron woman?” my brows twitched.

“No one~” he sung. “Can we start the tour now?”

“Yes, yes.” I said and we started on the tour around the building.

When I was finished with giving a tour to Luhan, he asked me if I wanted to have dinner with him since the working hours were already over. I gladly accepted his offer since it was a long time that we have met up. I told him that I had to go back up to my office to grab my belongings and he told me that he would wait in the lobby as he didn’t really feel like going all the way back up to the highest floor.

I opened the door to my office and found Kris sitting on the couch. He stood up when I walked in but his face told me that he wasn’t happy with something.

“Are you ok?” I asked him when I walked towards the hangers to grab my jacket and my handbag.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” he asked me back and for some reason, I was really pissed.

“That’s good to hear.” I said. “I’m going to have dinner with Luhan by the way, you can go home yourself, and Luhan will bring me back afterwards.”

I didn’t even bother to let him speak and I walked out of the office and into the elevator, closing the doors before Kris could follow me in. Honestly, I was pissed. I asked him whether he was alright or not and yet he answered me in the most sarcastic way ever and didn’t even bother to thank me for asking.

I came out of the elevator and walked towards Luhan, who was sitting down on the couch in the lobby.

“Ready?” he asked me and stood up.

“Yep.” I told him but his eyes were on something else, or rather someone else.

It was Kris; he came out of the other elevator shortly after I did and was in the lobby as well. He came towards us and stopped.

“Have a nice dinner.” He smiled and walked out of the building. I knew that was a fake smile and I couldn’t help but feeling more pissed and annoyed. What was up with that man?

“He looks familiar…” I heard Luhan said as he interrupted my chain of thoughts.

“Who does he look like?” I asked him curiously.

“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “Anyway, you told him that you’re coming with me right?”

“Yeah and he answered me in the most annoying way ever. I don’t even want to talk about it.” I said and headed out of the building with Luhan following right after me.

“Well, I guess food will make all the bad feelings go away.” He said and got into his car that the valet took out earlier when I went back upstairs.

I went into the passenger side and closed the door. I buckled the seatbelt and he drove off.

“You kept the car?” I asked him as he was driving.

“Yeah, never know when you need it, like today.” He replied. I remembered him getting this car when he was in Korea a while ago for a business course in one of the universities and I thought he would have either sold the car or transported it back to China when he returned.

“Well, looks like you made a good decision.” I smiled.



“You know your boyfriend, Kris?” Luhan said when we were in a Chinese restaurant.

As much as I didn’t want to talk about the jerk, I had to answer Luhan since he was the type to choke the answers out of you if you don’t reply to him.

“Yeah, what about him?”

“Where did he come from?” Luhan asked. “He doesn’t seem Korean at all.”

“To tell you the truth, I don’t even know.” I said and he pulled a surprised face. “And to shock you even more, he doesn’t even know himself.”

“W-What do you mean?” he leaned more over the table.

“He has amnesia. He can’t remember his past.” I said and Luhan nodded, telling me to say more. “It was a few months ago that I found him in front of my house. It was raining that night and he had a massive fever so I had no choice but to take him in. When he woke up the next day, he told me that he doesn’t remember anything but his name and age. We’ve been to the police station to see if there were any missing person’s cases but there wasn’t and they could take him in. We’ve been to the hospital as well to scan his brain but they couldn’t find anything that could have potentially caused his amnesia. He’s been living with me since and I gave him a job in the company and then we naturally fell of each other, and yeah…”

“Wow.” Luhan said after a few seconds of silence as he was trying to let the information into his brain. “I would have never thought.”

“I know, it’s a bit of drama to be honest.” I chuckled.

“So you don’t know anything about him and he doesn’t know anything about himself either.” He summarised the whole story up.

“Yeah, basically.” I nodded as I took a sip of the oolong tea.



~Narrator’s POV~

After having dinner, Luhan took Jihae home. When they arrived, Jihae bid Luhan goodnight and told him to visit her whenever he wanted to since she wanted to hang out with him again.

Luhan drove away after seeing Jihae enter her house and on the way to his house on the other side of the neighbourhood, he took out his phone.

“It’s me, can you check out a man called Kris Wu for me?” he spoke into the phone in perfect mandarin.

“Yeah, I think he’s Chinese and the person we’ve been looking for.”


Hello~ I’ve been a very bad person and haven’t updated in a while (this fic and my Sungyeol fic as well T_T)

Anyway, Luhan is here!! \^0^/ I love this boy but Kris and Chanyeol can’t be overtaken ^^

Comment, subscribe and upvote will make my day very happy~!


@matchalatte 1. I’m sorry for not updating until now :(

                         2. I’ll feel so hurt if my mum cares more about my boyfriend than me! It’s like “mum, I thought I was your daughter?”

                         3. Why did Kris say sorry? 0.0

                         4. I usually say “yes! it’s matchalatte again with her awesome comments!”

                         5. Thank you for reading as always~

@cherish_dreamer  - Is Kris after her money? I shall write more chapters and you shall read to find out ^^ (I never really expect someone to remember the forewords after reading so many chapters! Well done for paying attention! XD)


~ Please do keep the comment’s coming guys! I’d love to reply to you guys like this~

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Guys, I think this is coming to an end soon if I keep on updating this often^^


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Chapter 22: I just fininished this story and i have to say it was fun reading it..... yeah i thought that soojung will fall for kris but thank goodness she didnt or else too mucj drama.... thanks for an awesome story authornim..
shinee3112 #2
Chapter 20: YAYAYAYAYUAUAYA!!!!!! They made uppp.
Chapter 22: This was perfect. I'm glad the story came out the way it did. It was a pleasure reading it. It felt pretty realistic in a way
Chapter 22: this was so good was really nice to see that the main characters weren't like...perfect people but they had their flaws too which made it so much more realistic!

thanks for such a nice fic!
Chapter 22: Hello there! I have read your story and i swear its the best story i had read! You have done a really good job! What about a sequel or another new story? Good job authornim! Hwaiting! ^^
ChiMarie #6
Chapter 22: Upvoted :D
Chapter 21: Uhhhh~ it ended already. One of the best stories I've read so far. Very straight to the point. I'll surely miss this. Hwaiting author-nim! :)
14 streak #8
Chapter 22: Kyyyyyaaaaaaa the ending is just to sweeet~~~~~ shes pregnant! That was mindblowing >.<