Chapter 5: FINALE

Back to Total Strangers

Hyun Seung can clearly see the pain that crossed his beloved’s face but even if he wants to hug her and shower with love and affection he must first explain things that were unclear for three years now, three years is a very long time and Hyun Seung know very well that it’s time to clear and patch things up.

Seeing Yuhee in her glorious pregnancy Hyun A can’t help but admire and be jealous of her at the same time, the girl looked radiant and beautiful with that bump on her stomach. Hyun A hates to admit but how she wishes she was the one who’s pregnant at that moment and was the one to be assisted by Hyun Seung in every move she makes.

“Long time no see Hyun A, it’s nice to see you again.” a weak and shy smile crossed Yuhee’s lips while caressing her baby bump with her soft hands.

“Sorry but I can’t tell you the same thing.” The voluptuous girl uttered directly.

Yuhee laughed dryly and gestured the guy that she can manage to move without his assistance, nodding to Yuhee Hyun Seung stepped a little away and looked intently to Hyun A.

“Well I can’t blame you why you don’t want to see me again.”

Hyun A really know she’s being mean with the preggy girl in front of her but she can’t make herself act at her when in fact she’s the reason why she went to the US and mend her hurting and broken heart. She can clearly remember the moment her mother and father fetched her in the airport and the pain she went through.

“Hyun A baby, I thought you’re not going here in the US because you told your mom you’re just going to spend the holiday in Korea.” Her father greeted her but was taken aback when he saw her daughter’s status.

Tears were falling each and Hyun A can’t hide the feeling of hurt, she closed the gap between her parents, hugging her mom who was alarmed by the actions of her one and only daughter. Hyun A was shivering from too much crying as she clutched her mom tightly.

“Baby what’s wrong?” Mrs. Kim can’t help but ask as she caressed her daughter’s back, soothing her with sympathy at the moment.

“Please….. ta-take me…home…” the beautiful girl managed to utter between her sobs.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim doesn’t know what to do at the moment and just looked at each other, at the end they granted their daughter’s plea and took her home. Reaching home Hyun A locked herself up in her own designated room and her parents can clearly hear how she vented her anger and feelings with crashing and breaking stuffs in her room.

It has been five days when she went out of her room, her foods were delivered to her room and when it’s time for the maids to collect her plate, just a little portion of it was touched. Her parents can’t help but look worriedly to their daughter because she looked horrible. Big black bags tugged at her once cheerful eyes, she looked pale and her hair was a mess.

“Hyun A my daughter, what happened?” Hyun A’s mom can’t help but reached for her daughter’s hand and softly led her to the sofa where Mr. Kim was silently waiting for her answer.

Looking slowly at her dad who’s sitting across her, the heart broken girl can’t help but brim with tears, her face once again displayed sorrow and hurt. Even if she doesn’t want to look weak in front of her old one’s she still can’t help but let the tears falls. She tried to wipe it but ended up trying for she was quivering, every part of her body seems weak and when his father strides towards her and enveloped her in a tight and warm embrace, Hyun A can’t hold it back any more and cried her heart out.

“Ohhh.. My poor daughter…” Mr. Kim cooed, his eyes teary too because it was the first time Hyun A looked so broken and in dump.

“Appa… Appa.. Why did he betray me? It hurts so much that I believe my heart was pulled out from me and ripped it apart.” Hyun A managed to say.

Even though Hyun A didn’t elaborate much further, her father and mother was kind enough to not ask questions any further. They just let Hyun A heal herself and support her in everything she did.

When Hyun A decided to move from their house and have alone time for herself in different state of the country, her parents didn’t say anything and just let her. All communications especially Hyun Seung was cut and even though the latter did his best to contact Hyun A, all efforts were thrown to trash.

As if memories of standing up from the dust three years ago made Hyun A remember the pain she went through and tried her best to hide it, afraid that her ex boyfriend would see it through her defenses.

“What are you doing here Hyun Seung? Dragging Yuhee with you? It’s not healthy for a pregnant woman to travel this far you nut head, you’re so irresponsible!”

Hyun Seung was about to retort back but was stopped by a soft tap of Yuhee in his arm and nodding as if it’s her turn to say something. Even though the guy wants to defend himself at that moment he just let a deep sigh out and with a defeated look he walked away, but before he walked away he looked helplessly to the girl who loved so deep.

“I hope when the two of you talked and you’ve been enlightened I’ll be waiting patiently for you at my house.” Hyun Seung muttered and walked away, leaving the two girls to talk.

“So, without Hyun Seung now, can we please talk?” Yuhee walked towards Hyun A who took a back step away from her as if she’s a threat, she can’t help but smile genuinely. “Don’t worry I won’t do anything to you.”

“What are we going to talk about? I believe there’s nothing to tackle between the two of us. The last time I remember the two of us are not that close and were not given the chance to know each other deeper and become friends.” Hyun A drifted her gaze to the sea, soft waves were crashing to the shore and sea wind was caressing her hair softly.

“Even the events three years ago?”

Yuhee knew she hit Hyun A spot right on, she can clearly see the pain that crossed the beautiful girl’s face for a second. She must say she admire Hyun A because she can still act strong despite the fact that her world was slowly crushing inside her.

Hyun A looked sharply to Yuhee, if the said girl was not pregnant at that moment she might have started a cat fight with her and pulled her hair until she’s bald. She must be thankful to the baby she was carrying inside her.

“I believe we don’t have to go back what happened three years ago Yuhee, what I saw is what I will believe.”

“So my assumptions are right, you were there that fateful night and saw things you shouldn’t have saw and hear what you shouldn’t hear.” Yuhee continued, studying Hyun A’s features.

“Yes I was there and I clearly saw you and my beloved ex boyfriend did nasty things on our very own bed!” Hyun A can’t help but yell, how this girl dare tell her face to face how she and Hyun Seung betrayed her when she was being a faithful girlfriend spending time with the Jang family.

“But what if I tell you that it wasn’t Hyun Seung who’s ing (sorry for my word!) me on your beloved apartment?” Yuhee calmly uttered catching Hyun A off guard; a surprise look was clearly painted on her face but hurriedly hides it once again.

“Don’t twist the events that happened in the past Yuhee, it won’t help. If I’ll tell you I heard you moan Hyun Seung’s name while doing it that time would you stop lying?”

“It wasn’t Hyun Seung Hyun A.” this time it was a statement, a statement which made Hyun A’s system shook. She doesn’t know why the girl in front of her is saying things like this at her. She doesn’t know anymore.

“Now will you listen to every detail I’ll tell you?” Yuhee said smiling softly and closed the distance between her and the y lady and softly pulled Hyun A’s hand and enveloped it with hers, squeezing it softly.


Hyun Seung safely arrived at their house and his parents welcomed him with open arms and he can’t help but confide with his parents about what’s happening right now between him and Hyun A  and tell everything when they reached their spacious living room. He was taken by shock when Mrs. Jang smacked him on his head.

“Omma!” Hyun Seung whined out while rubbing his poor head where his beautiful mother hit him spot on with magnificent power.

“Finally! You’ve got the balls to finally make a move to make my long lost daughter in law come back in your arms but the heck you idiot, instead of you explaining the things that happened three years ago, you let Yuhee whom you suspect was the reason why she walked away from you do the talk and work!”  She was about to give him another smack but Hyun Seung was wise enough to run away.

“Even if I want to explain everything at her its better that the one who made her assume things be the one to clear it up.” Hyun Seung explained sadly. “I’ll be in the garden if you want to see me.”

Mr. and Mrs. Jang can’t help but look at the retreating back of their son; they know what struggles and pain their second son went through.

“Come on son, you need to eat. You’ve been skipping meals for a few days now.” Mrs. Jang was holding the door’s knob of Hyun Seung’s room.

Piles of blanket were situated at the bed and under it was a huge bulge that was known to the earth as Jang Hyun Seung. Days passed by but the said boy didn’t give an effort to move on his bed since the day that it hit him that the girl who he love with all his life left him like a bubble who disappeared without a trace.

Mrs. Jang can’t help but let a deep sigh out and walked towards his son, reaching for his second son under those blankets and the sight tugged her heart. There Hyun Seung placed his mom’s soft hand to his face as his tears brimmed; he looked devastated and broken; his eyes were red and puffy due to crying, his nose and cheeks were also red as his soft lips trembled and tried to hide his sob by biting his lower lip.

“Omma, why did she leave me? I can’t figure it out and I don’t remember anything I might have done that might caused her to walk away.”

The old lady doesn’t know what to say to his desperate son, tears were also falling in her merciful eyes as she caressed her son’s face. She knew he was deeply hurt by the things that happened unto him.

“I even prepared an event for her when she came back from the Chuseok holiday.” Hyun Seung continued on as he pulled something from his pocket, it was a ring. A simple silver ring surrounded by silver stones on its sides and inside words was engrave “Forever yours Jagiya”.

At that moment a broken sob went out of Hyun Seung’s lips and she can’t help but just hug him tightly and rock him softly, she knew very well that at that moment her 2nd son needed her the most.

“I just hope that everything will fall into its place this time around and God would let the hearts of the past lovers meet and be together again.”  Mrs. Jang muttered.


Two glasses of juice were placed on the table by the server, Hyun A and Yuhee decided to have their serious talk on a nearby refreshment establishment located at the side of the sea too, a few meters where they were standing a while ago.

Yuhee sipped her cold drink and looked at the sea near them; Hyun A cleared which caught the pregnant girl’s attention.

“Start explaining Yuhee. You told me it wasn’t Hyun Seung who’s with you that night, who was it and where was Hyun Seung that time?”

A soft smile can’t help but flash in Yuhee’s  lips as she looked intently looking at the girl whom she’s jealous of three years ago until now, after having a deep breath she started to explain what really happened….

Hyun Seung and the rest of the trainees were practicing their butts off to perfect their routine, everyone was clearly exhausted after hours of practicing really hard. Everyone was lying on the cold floor of the practice room when their dance instructor gave them a break for a few minutes.

Yuhee was also present that time and was kind enough to get some bottle of water to give it to the exhausted co-trainees, she was about to enter the room again hugging the bottles closely to her chest when she heard Hyun Seung on the phone. She could clearly hear that he was talking with his girlfriend on the other line, after making sure that she won’t longer interrupt Hyun Seung she made herself known to the guy.

“Oh! You’re here.” Hyun Seung was clearly surprised but smile warmly towards her when she gave him a bottle of water.

“Was that your girlfriend?”

The handsome lad can’t help but flash a sad smile after having some water down his thirsty throat, “Yeah, we were planning to spend the holiday with my family but this pain in the practice hindered me on doing that.” A deep sigh escaped at him, “But I told her that she should go with our plan without me and she agreed saying that she’ll come visit me the moment she came back here in Seoul.”

Yuhee stayed silent for a couple of moments, she’s studying Hyun Seung’s features and she can clearly saw how much he really loves his girlfriend. How lucky of her she must admit. She might not act one but she really admire Hyun Seung because he’s really a nice guy and how she wish that it was her that is in the position of that Hyun A girl and savors the honest and sweet love of Jang Hyun Seung.

“You really love her don’t you?”

Hyun Seung was caught off guard by the question thrown at him by his fellow trainee and a blush can’t help but tint his cheeks as he shyly scratched the back of his head, “Am I that transparent?”

Yuhee can’t help but laugh because the guy was acting like a freaking high school that’s caught having a crush with someone. “Yeah dude you’re that obvious.”

The two trainees laughed and was having fun teasing each other letting the minutes pass by.


At last! The vigorous practice was finally over and the instructor finally let go of them, Yuhee was waiting patiently for the other trainees to come out of the practice room but seconds passed by but the boys were not coming out. Taking hold of her bag she went inside the practice room and saw the boys gathered as if they were currently in a meeting.

“Yo! It’s time to go home you guys!” Yuhee called out making the guys dismantle and walked on their respective lockers.

As the guys were slowly dispersing Yuhee can clearly heard the words see you later and good luck with what you’re planning Hyun Seung…

Hyun Seung was having the happiest smile plastered on his luscious lips as he grabbed his training bag and was on his way out when he saw Yuhee standing near the door.

“Ohhhh? Yuhee, you’re still here?”

“What’s with meeting with the other boys?” the girl can’t help but ask, curiosity kicked it and she knows something is up because every trainee was grinning happily while making their way out of the room.

Instead of answering the question, Hyun Seung just grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the exit, “You have a time to spare right? Can you help me on something?”

Yuhee had a lot of questions popping on her head but was set aside for a moment when she felt the guy’s warmth through his hand gripping her arm, a blush crept on her cheeks but she hurriedly hide it when Hyun Seung looked at her for a second.

“Yeah sure.”

After a few minutes of just walking aimlessly on a street near their company Yuhee noticed they were now striding in the elite side of the street where brand names were plastered on each establishments. Hyun Sung’s smile widened when he finally saw what he’s searching for and pulled the girl towards an establishment which screams class and money.

“A ring shop?” Yuhee’s forehead creased at the sight of the establishment they went in, he looked around and her eyes darted on an overly excited Hyun Seung who’s looking carefully at the displays. Her eyes went wide and went agape when something finally struck her..

“Don’t tell me….”

Hyun Seung smiled ecstatically to Yuhee and rubbed his hands together, “Yeah, I’m proposing to my girl when she comes back. You expect it didn’t you?”

Yuhee was petrified on her spot and she could feel her heart sank at the bottom, she knew perfectly why she’s feeling that way because she might deny it or not Hyun Seung creeped its way on her heart.

A large lump blocked and tried her best to swallow it as she flashed a smile that is convincing to the guys.

“I’m happy for you!”

Hyun Seung grinned and once again looked at the display not noticing the pain that passed by at Yuhee’s eyes.


Loud laughter and clinks of bottle engulfed Hyun Seung and Hyun A’s apartment; everybody was in a great mood for they are celebrating earlier for Hyun Seung’s engagement. Hyun Seung was just sitting at a sofa with a bottle of beer on his hand as he smiled at the sight of his friends getting drunk as minutes passed by.

Yuhee who came out from the kitchen swayed its way towards the apple of her eye that night, she was obviously drunk after drinking a few bottles of beer thinking that it might drown the hurtful feeling blossoming in her heart and might give her enough courage to tell Hyun Seung how she felt about him.

The perfectionist guy was caught off guard when all of a sudden Yuhee sat at his lap and flashed her milky skin unto him due to the mini skirt she was wearing.

Hyun Seung tried to avert his gaze and cleared his throat, Yuhee saw how the guy reacted and a smirk formed on her lips.

“Hyun Seung-ah, like what you see?” She tease, wrapping her arm on the guy’s neck sas he pushed herself a little bit closer to Hyun Seung.

Yuhee squealed when all of a sudden Hyun Seung stood up dropping her on the hard floor, with a hurt bum she glared at the guy, “Ya! Jang Hyun Seung!”

“I think you drank a lot of beer for tonight Yuhee, you’re acting like you’re possessed or something. Just go to sleep please.”

As if being pulled back to the harsh reality, Yuhee stood up from the floor not minding the pain that shoot on her bum as he looked at the guy’s eyes straight.

“If I tell you I like you Jang Hyun Seung would you like me back and think thoroughly about the stan you’re going to pull off?”

Hyun Seung can’t believe what he just heard and looked straight to his so called friend’s eyes as if confirming what he just heard.

Yuhee’s eyes was b with tears and she gently wiped it with the back of her hand, “Yes Hyun Seung, I really like you and I can’t hide it anymore.”

To the girl’s surprise Hyun Seung pat her at the shoulder and looked deeply in her eyes, “I don’t know if it’s just the effect of the alcohol or what but… I’m sorry Yuhee, you know I love Hyun A and that can’t be changed even if time would pass by. You’re a nice girl and I know in the near future you’re going to find the right guy for you.”

Yuhee can’t believe what she’s hearing, is she dumping her? In a nice way?

“I know you’re drunk right now so why don’t you just spend the night here? You can occupy the bed so you’ll feel comfortable. I’m going back to the company dorm. Have a goodnight sleep okay?”

With that Hyun Seung exited the apartment after making sure his friends are all good even though their bodies scattered like dead bodies in every corner of the room.

The beautiful girl can’t believe it; she just confessed and was dumped after a few seconds. Her heart was breaking bit by bit as she walked towards the room Hyun Seung was referring to and plopped herself on the soft covers as tears flow on her eyes.

In the middle of the night somebody slept beside her, with aching heart she did things she might regret later and let herself believe that it was the guy whom he likes spending the night with her.


Hyun A’s eyes were b with tears once again as her trembling hands covered her shivering lips, she heard everything loud and clear, every word that Yuhee dropped like a bomb to Hyun A.

Hyun Seung didn’t cheat at her back and it was all a big misunderstanding, her heart ached and was longing for the man she truly loved all these years. She can’t believe she spent all those years in pain when in fact Hyun Seung only loved her.

Yuhee was also crying as she slowly went to Hyun A’s side and kneeled making Hyun A look at her with surprise and hurt.

“I’m so sorry; I didn’t know that everything would end like that. If I only knew that you were there I would have explained it much earlier, believe me I tried to help Hyun Seung on contacting and searching for you because deep inside I’m guilty of something unknown. Hyun A-sshi please forgive me.” the pregnant girl was sobbing so hard and was clasping the other girl’s hand as tears streamed down her now red eyes.

Hyun A can’t help but envelop Yuhee into a tight hug, a warm and genuine smile tugged on her lips even if she’s a crying mess.

“Yuhee thank you, thank you so much for telling me everything.”

After a few seconds of just hugging and making sure that  Yuhee is okay, Hyun A dashed as fast as she can towards the house where she can surely find the only guy who makes her heart pound as if there’s no tomorrow.


Hyun Seung had his hands on his closed eyes; his heart was trembling because he doesn’t know what’s going to happen next. Will Hyun A come back unto him after Yuhee spilled everything or will Hyun A continue to have the gap between them because she realized she doesn’t love him anymore? So many things running on his head that he didn’t notice somebody entering the garden.

“Jagiya.” A voice called out making Hyun Seung’s eyes flutter open and look slowly at the source of the voice which was standing at his back view.

Hyun A tried to smile but it led to her tears once again falling that turned into a series of sobs.  Seeing his beloved’s condition he hurriedly walked towards her and enveloped her in a tight hug, how he missed hugging this petite frame. He can’t help but shower Hyun A’s face with feather light kisses.

“Hyun Seung I’m so sorry.” Hyun A managed to say, she was a crying mess as she wrapped her arms on Hyun Seung’s waist as if he’ll disappear if she’s going to loosen her grip.

“Sssshhhh…JAgiya….” Hyun Seung cooed.

“I love you so much and I’m so sorry for being such a bird brain on leaving you without giving you any chance to explain. Please forgive me.”

Hyun Seung can’t help but look at the misty and b with tears eyes of Hyun A and he can’t help but smile, “It’s not your fault okay? So stop blaming yourself with what had happened, I know you just reacted with your feelings.”

“But we’ve wasted a lot of time because of y selfish act. I’m sorry.” Hyun A continued ranting.

Hyun Seung knew that whatever he’s saying unto her won’t sink unto her system, slowly and carefully cupping her face he made sure that he looked at the deep orbs which he loved for a long time now and slowly placed his soft lips unto hers.

Hyun A was caught surprised as she felt a soft pair of lips enveloped hers, slowly her eyes closed as she felt an arm s its way on her waist pulling her more closely. She can’t help but close her eyes shut and just savor the kiss she had been missing for the past three years.

A familiar beat of the heart made Hyun A relax and answer the kisses that Hyun Seung gave unto her and she might have given out a whine when that pair of lips left hers. She was about to cuss on her once again boyfriend and opened her eyes but was caught off guard when she saw Hyun Seung kneeling in front of her.

Gasps of the Jang family who’s silently watching the pair at one side can be heard and Mrs. Jang might have squealed a little bit.

Hyun A’s eyes widened at the act and she tried to pull Hyun Seung up but the latter just shook its head unto her and smile carefully flashed on his lips.

“The moment you left me without any trace was the day I died because I knew you took my heart with you. Please don’t ever leave me again jagiya for I don’t know if I could bear it once again. The day you left me I blamed myself why haven’t I proposed unto you when you were still securely wrapped in my arms and just smiling happily unto me and I promised to myself that if given a chance I’ll never let it go.. so..”

Hyun Seung slowly reached for his pocket and reached for something, Hyun A’s system trembled once again after making sure what she’s seeing is real.. it’s really a RING. A silver ring surrounded by white silver stones.

“I kept this ring for three years and hoped that one day I’ll be able to present it to you. Kim Hyun A after three long years of living as if I’m a dead man brought back to life because my heart was once again pounding inside thanks to you.. Will you give me the honor of marrying you and be called Mrs. Jang Hyun Seung?”

Hyun A was too happy to answer and was just crying in pure bliss, making Hyun Seung’s heart beat frantically inside…


*Lub dub… lub dub…



*Lub dub… lub dub…



*Lub dub… lub dub…



*Lub dub… lub dub…



*Lub dub… lub dub…


“Yes jagiya, I will marry you..” Hyun A smiled beautifully and cupped Hyun Seung’s face and gave him a long kiss. Finally slipping the ring on his girlfriend’s finger Hyun Seung can’t help but let a sigh out..


Finally they are no longer STRANGERS… but back to LOVERS


                Finally! I’m done! Sorry if I made you guys wait up for a very long time.. but the story is now close and ended..

                I would like to thank you guys since BOFTBL till here.. YOU ARE ALL AMAZING!

                I love you! Please comment and upvote! until the next fic! please watch out!


PS: please ignore the typos and grammatical errors. take care!



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miraclelove99 #1
when I listen to 12:30 song by beast thats remind me to this story.great story authonim.tqcm..
nclxx_ #2
Chapter 5: Such a nice story. Love it sooo much. ^^
Love this a lot!!!!
Chapter 6: Advance Happy Birthday!!
Chapter 6: First of all, wish u a happy early Birthday! Secondly, I rly luv ur fanfic! Pls do go on n write more abt 2hyun~ <3
tatsmatochan #6
Chapter 5: omg feelinggssssssss
happy ending yeay!!! so haappppyyyy!!!!
I love you author-nim! :p
sheryin #7
Chapter 5: Thumb up
sheryin #8
Chapter 5: Wow happy ending!!!love the story jingu your the best!!!!
Timb up
Chapter 5: so happy for this ending!~ and so incredibly happy hyunseung did nothing bad back then.