R.O.D (Ride or Die)
A party to celebrate YG's success. No particular reason actually. YG was just on his party giving mood.
All the artist were present. Even those who were working behind the limelights and the stage curtain were there. Even artist from other agency were having fun.
The party was at its usual on YG, it was overflowing. Overflowing with drinks, entertainment and people.
The stage made for performing was never really used as the performer chose to roam the dancefloor while doing their thing.
On the stage or rather on the floor was Epik High, making the guests high with their groove.
And then, it would be me, G-Dragon, next in line.
I emptied my glass with one swallow to settle my nerves.
No, I wasn't nervous on performing. I was nervous because of what I had planned on my stage.
A plan that would make or break a seven years of hard work. A plan that would flood the whole world with tears from VIPs all over the globe.
"Are you sure about this Ji?" Kush hyung asked after puffing his cigarette. "Remember that you cannot undo this once its out." he added.
"I'm sure about it." I told him as my eyes started looking for a familiar face on the noisy crowd around the Epik High boys.
And there I saw the reason of all this.
Love was written all over her face when she smiled at me when she noticed me looking at her.
She was in love alright.
But sadly, she couldn't tell the whole who she loved and who loved her as much as she do.
All she could do was look from afar and scream I Love You with the crowd.
"If you say so." Kush hyung said. "Although I must admit that you're right." He was also looking at Erin, smiling that special smile of hers to her loved one.
I let a sigh go before I pushed myself up on my feet.
"Time to gather my supporters." I told Kush hyung.
"Goodluck then." He patted my shoulder before giving me a light shove forward.
I looked around to look for my members and to gather them and tell them the last points for my plan.
I saw Daesung sitting with T.O.P hyung on a corner table. Taeyang was pulling Seung Ri from the crowd back to their table when he saw me strode forward to them.
"Its D Day isn't it?" Seung Ri said with his half open eyes. Our maknae wad having too much fun.
"Yes, so shut your pipe up." I hissed.
Daesung chuckled at that, "We're ready." he said.
Taeyang just nodded and T.O.P waved his mic on my face that I swatted away.
"Not funny." I told him.
"You do realized how many girls will wail and cry on what you are about to do?" Seung Ri said. "And that they may even stop being a VIP? Just like what happen to . . ."
We looked behind us and saw Se7en hyung.
He sat beside the guilty and drunk maknae and patted his head.
"Sorry hyung " Seung Ri said, sounding more sober now.
"No harm done." Se7en told Seung Ri before he looked at me. "Ji, you have my support. I'll still be a VIP even after this." He said with a grin.
We all laugh at that, easing the tension on my shoulders a bit.
"But seriously, my member's happiness should come first." Daesung said. "And I truly believe that she makes him happy."
We all looked to where he was looking.
Erin was dancing with Tablo, looking happy.
Then she looked at our direction. She smiled and blew a kiss on our direction.
I smiled back at her then directed my focus on the group, continuing with a lighter topic to ease me from my nervousness.
I grabbed the mic from T.O.P hyung when I heard my song's intro.
"Don't mess it." I told them before I stood up.
R.O.D was playing.
I remembered Erin's reaction when she heard it for the first time.
She said she loved the song. Especially the last part where I sang the chorus. She said it sounded like a vow, like a wedding vow.
Damn, I can't wait to see that day.
Erin on a wedding dress, looking like a princess that she was, walking on the aisle like a queen for all to love.
I started to sing while looking around for her. I knew that this would be the first time she would hear me sing this song.
I saw her swaying with the beat, a smile was on her face.
I walked to where she was and with a big smile on my face, I offered her my hand.
Her brown eyes went wide, and opened to protest after she looked at the people around us.
So I pulled her before she could word her protest.
I held her hand while singing, giving her a wink and a smile every now and then.
Even with the club's playful lights, I could see her face coloring to cherry red.
Then when the chorus was about to start, I placed the mic on her hand and urged her to sing it.
She shook her head and pushed back the mic to me.
But I let her hand go and stepped away, leaving her in the middle with the mic on her hand and no other choice but to sing.
I saw her glared at me before she sang the chorus.
Her voice was clear and crisp. Every word was spoken clearly and her melody was great. It was a pity that YG Sajangnim wasn't able to convince her to be a YG artist. She could be one of YG's assets.
Daesung gave me another mic as the second stanza started as she started to walk out of the floor. I immediately followed her and lead her back to the middle.
I knew I was putting her on a position she never liked and would never liked. I actually dreading the moment when she would castigate me with this stunt.
Another chorus went and she sang beautifully even when her eyes were murdering me.
I just smiled sweetly at her, hoping to disarm her with my Jiyong-iness.
"What the hell are you doing?!" She hissed when the instrumental came and I pulled her to waltz.
"Telling the whole world about you." I told her with a wink.
"But . . . but you can't do that!" She almost faltered on the steps. "What would your fans think?"
"They'll think about how happy we'll be now that its out." I told her.
"But . . . " She was stuttering.
"No more buts sweetheart." I whispered to her when I pulled her closer to me. "From now on, the world will know how much you are being loved."
Then the song's bridge came up.
But instead of a robotic autotuned voice singing, we all heard a deep, low familiar voice.
♬♪ Its me and my girlfriend, we ride or die♩♬
Her eyes widen, dropped and she froze for a second before slowly turning around to see who was singing.
Although, I was sure she knew who it was on the very first note.
And yes, there he stood. Singing without moving his body other than a small flick of his head, T.O.P.
The reason why Erin's face was glowing with love.
The person she always looked at even in crowds.
The recipient if her I Love Yous amongst the fan.
The love of her life for almost four years now.
She looked back at me after I sang "Like crazy!" and glared but tears were on her eyes and a smile was on her lips when she mouthed thank you.
I just nodded and slowly faded to the background as T.O.P took the center stage.
The crowd went silent as they watched the two slowly meeting at the middle.
"Its me and my girlfriend, we ride or die." T.O.P took her hand and intertwined it with his.
"Like crazy." She sang while looking directly on his eyes.
"Its me and my girlfriend, we ride or die." T.O.P sang with a chuckle.
Then the song faded and died before the last chorus.
"You got me losing my mind the way you got me fired up. Never give up even when they try us. Its you and me against the world. With you, I ride or die tonight." T.O.P no longet sang the part but spoke it with love and promise on his voice.
"You got my heart in a beat the way you got me turned up. Never give up boy even when they try us. Its you and me against the world. With you, I ride or die tonight." She was clearly sobbing when she finished the line.
T.O.P handed his mic to someone in the crowd the pulled something from his pocket.
The thing sparked when the light hovered over it.
A diamond ring was on his fingers, letting the people see it.
"Ride or die with me?" he whispered.
She put her hand to to stop herself from crying more but she wasn't answering.
I could feel the tension on crowd as we waited for her answer.
I knew this would mark something big on their lives.
Hell, its going to mark all of our lives but I really hoped she would say yes and make the mark worth it.
She looked around the crowd before she let her eyes go back to him.
And amidst her sobs and tears, she nodded and smiled.
T.O.P smiled at her before slipping the ring on her finger.
He then pulled her to a tight hugged.
And eventhough I was far from them, I read the words she whispered on my hyung's ears that made him laughed his heart out.
Erin said, "I couldn't wait to ride you all night."
And with that, the music blared again for everyone to hear and for everyone to know the fairy tale in YG kingdom.


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Chapter 2: I didn't expect that!!!! I LOVE ITTTT
Chapter 2: omo, didn't expected it..!
i thought it was GD whose in love with erin. My my, you really got me there authornim.. XD