Chapter 1: Is It Just Fantasy

Breaking the System





Just a little bit more.
Running from the endless sea of white approaching him.
Faster... Must run faster...
Turning his head, he saw the white began to lag slightly.
I'm gaining ground!
Hopeful of his chances, he ran harder and harder.
Almost there!
The exit could be seen, not twenty feet away from him.
Just to the doors and I'm out...
With the final few steps, the student reached the large white double doors.
With all his might, the boy braced himself against the doors and pushed.
It's not opening!
Panic began settling in almost immediately, worse than before.
!!! This can't be happening!
He tried and tried to open the door, his eyes stinging with unshed tears at the possibility of the swarm reaching his position.
A hard snap at his back signaled his worst fear had become reality. He fell to his knees, the pain from the first baton hit to his back causing him to buckle over. A harsh tug at his back hood caused him to fall on his back. Helplessly, the boy stared up at the ceiling as multiple hits made contact to his stomach, legs, everywhere. It hurt, the hits to his head numbing most of the other pain though. The metallic taste of blood appeared almost immediately. There would be no bruises, just broken bones and a dead body; it was all apparent to him now. It all seemed so pointless, but then he remembered why he had done it and couldn't help but to smile bitterly.
No screams escaped his mouth, but the tears finally fell. Not from the pain, no that's not why he cried. He broke his promise, but at least he would be safe, they would be safe. Thinking of them, he couldn't help but cry harder, the bitter salt taste mixing with the taste of his own blood. But the taste didn't matter, in a matter of moments he wouldn't be able to feel anything at all. And that was okay, as long as they were safe. It was all for them. The outline of the men and the ceiling finally disappeared, replaced by a high pitched ringing noise and white flashes in his vision.
It was all over.
I failed... I'm so sorry... K-Kyung... Jimin...

Clutching his chest, the student gasped for breath. Softly, he touched his cheeks, surprised to find them wet with tears. He threw the mess of sheets off his body and wiped his sweaty forehead.
"Hey are you okay?" a voice from the the other side of the room addressed him.
The previously sleeping boy said nothing, too preoccupied with the dream he just had.
Who the hell is Kyung...
He shook his head slightly, small drops of sweat spreading across his face and the pillow.
"Jungkook?" this time the male appeared in the doorway that led to the bathroom.
"Yeah... Yeah I'm fine..." Jungkook mumbled loud enough for the other to hear.
His roommate nodded and disappeared back into the bathroom. Sweaty and tired, Jungkook got out of the black upholstered bed and made his way to the closet, pulling out the regular clothing. The black of the sheets and his clothing contrasted greatly against the rest of the white room. White- that nauseating color that was present everywhere, even in his dreams. Jungkook longed to see another color that wasn't the sickening white, the confining navy blue, the fake plastic green, or the authoritative red. He had all but forgotten how other colors looked, the bcright shades of yellow, the pinks and oranges of a sunset, all luxuries for the adults and higher class students. Of course there would be a field trip here and their, but not for the delinquent classes. If the lower classes, such as Jungkook's, ever got a field trip, it was always to the slums to show how lucky they were to be in such a high class school. He sighed heavily, closing the white closet and joining his older friend in the bathroom.
"Dude... You need a shower," his companion laughed slightly.
Jungkook quickly stripping out of his sweaty black pajamas and undergarments," I know that Hoseok, that's why I'm here."
Hoseok was always the happiest of their group of friends. No one really knew why, but it was obvious that it was not always real happiness. Deep down however, Hoseok had always been the saddest, but that's how it is isn't it? Those in the worst situations pretended to be okay to make those close to them feel better, to feel safe. No one ever asked him why he pretended to be happy or tell him to quit acting, they didn't want to hurt their friend. His antics did work though, everyone felt a little bit lighter when Hoseok was around.
"I'll see you at the cafeteria."
Hoseok shot his friend another one of his smiles before exiting the bathroom. The other boy jumped into the shower and took his time with cleaning himself. The morning was always the best part, the only alone time he would get alone or with his friends. Sometimes he would think of what it would be like to be on the outside of this prison. He imagined living a life with someone he loved some place where they wouldn't be controlled. That was his dream, to love and be loved freely, without restrictions. He laughed at his own thoughts and stepped out of the comfort of the shower cell onto the drying pad.
"Dryer set at seventy-five percent heat, twenty percent air speed. Approve?"
The automated voice of the bathroom computer system rang through the corridor.
"Approve" Jungkook responded, spreading his arms out in a T formation.
With that, warm air started shooting from the cooling pad, drying all of his body off. Stepping off the pad, Jungkook walked to the counter and started dressing himself in their classroom uniform. He stared at himself in the wide mirror, taking in those seemingly lifeless facial features. The only indication he wasn't some sort of doll was the slightly evident black circles under his eyes.
Probably from that crazy dream... Jungkook thought to himself, his heart beating a little faster just from the memory.
Shaking the thoughts from his head, he picked up the stick of eyeliner left on the counter by Hoseok and began applying it to his own eyes. Next was the hair gel. It was always the same routine. Shower, eyeliner, hair gel. Every day was the same, and now it was time to set off and join the rest of his friends in the cafeteria area. As always.

He grimaced when he exited the dorm building, the sight before him sickening him as much as the color white itself. He stared up at the roof, the fake projected light imitating what should have been the sun. Walking along the white tiles on the floor, Jungkook passed patch after patch of grass. Before, he used to bend down to touch it in the hopes of it becoming real, but now it was obvious that there was no point. Everything here was fake, except the boys, except his friends. When he finally reached the large cafeteria hall, he was approached by one of the few white clad guards.
"Male. This way."
Jungkook's frown deepened, his encounter with the man in uniform not helping his mood on this particular day. Led by the older man, he entered the cafeteria. As always, everything from the walls to the tables to the platters was white. A long grey force field separated the large hall into two halves, the one he was on inhabited by all boys, and the other could be seen with all girls. The only thing that distinguished anyone apart was the crest on the jumpsuit. Jungkook absendtmindedly traced the outline of his class crest.
Hoseok's voice pulled him from his thoughts. The smile and wave the other boy offered couldn't help but make Jungkook smile slightly as he walked over to their class table.
"Hey Jungkook, up late today I see?" a deeper voice questioned, patting Jungkook on the back.
"A little."
He greeted each and every one of his friends, but one seemed to be missing.
"Where's Jimin? He's usually the second one up."
Namjoon, the deep voiced male, sighed while the rest of the boys at the table continued eating their breakfast.
The older boy leaned in close and whispered in Jungkook's ear," he had a weird dream and told me he wanted to have a little time alone."
He was too shocked at what Namjoon had said that he failed to notice the sound of feet scuffing against the floor until an official tapped him on the back with a baton, causing him to flinch noticeably. Turning slowly, Jungkook connected gazes with the guard.
"You. Jeon Jungkook. Where is Park Jimin?" the official asked, confidence dripping in his almost monotone voice.
"Like I'd tell you if I knew," Jungkook snorted softly.
The man growled and Namjoon shot Jungkook a warning look. Hoseok's smile was wiped off his face. The guard raised his baton and was about to strike Jungkook in the arm when someone came up behind him and interrupted.
"Park Jimin here and present. What do you need sir?"
The guard turned around, not lowering his baton, and stared at the boy.
"You need to come with me," he stated, pushing the baton under the boy's chin slightly.
"Why sir? I have done nothing wrong."
With that small disobedient line, the man in white struck the younger boy in the shoulder.
"You do not question when orders are given to you."
Jimin was holding his arm in pain, slouching slightly because of the discomfort.
"I am sorry sir. Why do you need me sir?"
By this time, the whole cafeteria full of boys was staring at them, even some of the girls on the other side were as well. The guard took another strike at Jimin, but this time at his knee, causing him to kneel down.
"No questions!" the guard growled. He raised his hand one more time, aiming this time for Jimin's head.
Just as he was about to make contact with the boy's head, Jungkook had managed to push his best friend away. Unfortunately, the baton came in contact with his head instead. He fell to the floor immediately, his head throbbing with a familiar pain, a reminder of the dream he had earlier that morning. Slowly, he began to black out. In the background he could hear Jimin and Hoseok shouting things, but he couldn't tell what they were. All he knew was that someone was shaking him. He whimpered and everything went black.


Author's Note: How do you like the first chapter? I hope it's good T^T I tried. <3 Comments are loved! Would you prefer longer slower updates or shorter quicker updates? If no one says anything than it's up to me to choose. Love you all <3 Too lazy to edit so I'm sorry for the spelling and grammer errors.

  방탄소년단! OH!



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Chapter 1: woah I love it *-*
please update soon
GeiSama #2
Chapter 1: ARGH SO GOOD .___. Guess Jungkook will be the mc?
Anw since there's the tag so.. can you tell me what the parings are? xD
MusicLover90 #3
Chapter 1: DAEMOTHERINGBAK!!!!!!!!!! can't wait for an update
Chapter 1: Wow this was awesome! Update soon!! XD
Chapter 1: DUDE. THE.PLOT.IS.DAEBAK. I can FEEL the inspiration!!!!! GO UNNIE GO!
FreeResDomPect #6
Chapter 1: Oooo I'm excited for this story :)

dlcute #8
SUB!! omo hehe
...I should do hw

but I'll make more layouts for you o u o