

"Don't worry too much babe...they will like you,"Hyunjoong reassured her nervous girlfriend besides him. They were in front of hyunjoong's house and its quiete huge since he came from a bit wealthy family.

"Are you ready?"He asked then she looked at him taking a deep breath before nodding. He smiled then peck her on the lips."Kaja," while he intertwined their hands together.

He opened the door and was welcomed by the butler and maid."Welcome young master...your mom and dad are waiting in the living room,"The butler said before leading them to the living room. They passed by a few maids who are giving sooyoung some nasty glare but luckily she didn't see them.

"Madam and sir...young master's here,"The butler said then bowed before leaving them alone.

"Hyunjoong-ah your here....and..."His mom said looking at sooyoung.

"Oh yeah..omma and appa this is girlfriend"He said as his hand never left hers.

"Ahh..your girlfriend,"Mrs.Kim said then paused to look at her.

"De..and babe this is omma and appa,"He said introducing them to her.

"Anyoheseyo...Mrs. and Mr.Kim...sooyoung-mida,"She said politely then bowed 90 degrees.

A moment of silent....

"Why don't we eat first then you guys could get to know her,"Hyunjoong broke the silent as she led her towards the kitchen which is already full of food. His parents just followed.

Sooyoung eyes widen at all the food on the table. There was almost everything she couldn't even think of steaks,lobsters,shrimp,shicken and etc. she didn't even know what to drool at first.

Hyunjoong chuckled at her reaction and led her to seat next to him. His parents also sat down across them still eyeing sooyoung.

They started to eat but sooyoung is still in the middle of staring at the food, she doesn't know what to eat first.

"Babe why don't you eat the steak sure its delicious,"Hyunjoong said as he took her plate and place the steak before giving it back to her.

She started to keep gulping down on the steak and his parents across them was just shocked at her eating like that. After finishing the steak she didn't stop and took some of the lobster using her hands making people across them eyes widen.

"Yeobo look at her,"Mrs kim murmured to her husband."Why does she eat like that?"

"I don't know, doesn't she have any manner? does she ever learn how to eat properly from wherever she's from,"Mr.Kim murmured back.

"She probably came from a poor family, look at her she eat like a pig,"

Hyunjoong was just smilling while eating seeing her, he heard what his parents said and it made his fist clentched and felt relieve that sooyoung didn't heard them cause she's busy eating.

After they finished eating, well most likely sooyoung who eat almost everything in the table giving his parents more suprise added to their first impression of her.

"You want some desert?"Hyunjoong whispered to her shocking her.

"There's a desert too??"Sooyoung said like a kid.

Hyunjoong just nodded then called one of the maid to bring some.

"She almost eat everything in here and now desert?I don't believe this girl," again murmured to her husband.

"Excuse me...I'll just use the restroom,"Hyunjoong said as he stood up leaving them. Sooyoung felt nervous and akward.

After hyunjoong's gone suddenly talk unable to hold herself anymore.

"Ok im gonna be honest to you...I don't like you,"She said.

"Eh?"Sooyoung said confusely.

"I don't like you for my son,you don't deserve him"She said making sooyoung froze.

"And I can't believe you eat most of the food in here...don't you ever eat something?"Mr.Kim added.

They keep saying some hurting thing to her and tears keep building up in the corner of her eyes.

"You have no manners and also eat like a pig,"Mrs.Kim said as a tear feel from sooyoung's corner eyes.


"THATS ENOUGH,"A loud from coming from the left shocking the two as they saw hyunjoong walking back furious.

He took a hold of sooyoung's hand,"Lets go,"He said then started to get her out of there going straightly out not even looking back.

Sooyoung hasn't said anything after that incident and hyunjoong decided to drive towards the closest park.

It was pretty dark but there were lights as hyunjoong got out of the car and opened the car door for her. She just obeyed still not saying anything.

The cold wind blew by them as he led her to the bench to sit. Sooyoung was only wearing a shin layered clothes but didn't seems to feel the coldness.

He just took off his jacket and place it on her to cover her shoulder.

He took a one of her hands,"Babe?"He called out softly but still no answer."Babe gwenchana?"

"They right oppa,"She finally spoke. and it made him confuse.

"What are you saying?"He asked.

"They are right...I don't deserve you...I-,"

"Shhhh....,"He cut her off then kneel down in front of her.

"Don't believe a word they say,"He said wiping the tears off her cheeks with his thumb."You deserve me more than ever..."

"B-But they said I eat l-,"

"Didn't I tell you not to believe a word from them...they just don't get it."He said softly to her and her crying stops but still sobbing.

"You don't need to change a thing about you....don't ever mind what other people thinks of you."He said then sat besides her pulling her closer to his chest.

"It only matters what I think right?"He asked carrassing her hair softly. He felt her nod.

"For me your perfect just the way you are..."He said then pulled her off a bit. Their eyes met for a moment before he bent down and kiss her on the lips.

She just closed her eyes, doing what he said forgetting about other people than them as she kissed him back.

After pulling back, she slowly opened her eyes and hyunjoong is staring at her lovingly.

"Saranghae,"He said with an sincere look.

"Nadu saranghae,"She said back enough for him to hear and he smiled giving her an quick peck on her lips before pulling her in back to his chest.

They stayed on each others arm for a while before hyunjoong decided to take her home since its getting late.

That night hyunjoong went back home furious, he was so mad at what his parents said to her more likely he can't believe it.

As he enter the door, he didn't even bother to look at anyone and quickly look for his parents and found them on the living him.

"WHY THE HELL WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?"He yelled to his breath shocking them as they turn towards him.

"Watch your words son, were your parents,"Mr.Kim said but he doesn't seem to hear it.

"I bring someone I love here for you to meet and this is how you treat her?"Hyunjong said again yelling.

"KIM HYUNJOONG I only told her the thruth, I don't like her one bit,"Mrs.KIM answered this time."Specially her eating habits...that I hate the most...its disgusting,"

"I feel the same way son...I don't like her either,"Mr.Kim added.

"Look and listen to yourself..."Hyunjoong said now not yelling,"Do you ever know the saying that don't judge the book by its cover?"

"We seen the cover and im sure the inside are worse,"Mrs.Kim said as hyunjoong's hand in already fist form keep tighting.

"Son this is gonna be a huge embarrassment to our family if your relationship with her continues,"Mr.Kim stated.

"EH?What are you saying?"Hyunjoong titled his head.

"Were saying you have to breakup with her.....she's not worth it,"Mrs.Kim said.

"Break up with her? Just because she likes to eat?"Hyunjoong asked not believe what they're saying."You know everyone has their own habbits and hers its just happen to be eating,"Hyunjoong started as if he's teaching them a lesson.

"Like you appa...your habbit of playing golf that you almost live there at the golf course,"Hyunjoong said then turn towards his mom.

"And you mom....your habbit of shopping everyday that almost all your clothes can fill the whole house but you still keep doing it because its your habbit,"He said more like explained it.

"Thats have to breakup with her, you can get someone better,"Mrs.Kim exclaimed.

Hyunjoong let out a small laugh leaving them confuse."Your really asking me to breakup with her??"He chuckled with his mad expression,"Im 27years old doctor and can live by myself well...and your asking me to breakup with my girlfriend?"His parents didn't speak,"Im not some kind of teenager you can guys need to grow up,"He said then shook his head lowering it.

He started to walked up the stairs but stopped midway,"And just so you know, I didn't even asked you for permission to see her or anything, I just thought that since I respect you two, I decided to bring her here for you to meet but this is just totally opposite of what I expected..."The two left speechless of what he said.

"You just lost my respect,"He said one last time before continueing his walk upstairs leaving his parents in blank and speechless situation. He was right, he respect them ever since he was a kid, always doing things they asked or request. That was just a totally different hyunjoong they've seen.








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Chapter 3: awww that was cute^^ I really wanted to know what was his favorite food though^^
Chapter 2: awww that was soo sweet of him, and soooo mean of his parents.
Chapter 1: hahahah.. i really laughed when he said "no it's for her" hahaha
Chapter 3: so sweety.... ^^
Chapter 3: Awww yeay for a happy endinggg!!!
Chapter 2: Aww his parents is so harsh.. poor sooyoung...
Chapter 1: Asdhfjkl so sweet.. :)
nice idea for a short story..actually it is the smallest of such behaviour or habit of one partner that annoys the closest relatives,where as the loving partner himself/herself thinks of this as cute !
I like the idea alot!!! I'm looking foreword to the next chapter:-D. And can i request something for your next story? Please?