For her Happiness

Like The Wind



*in a park*


            Kai – Yull… sorry I can’t be with you.



                        I can’t be with you.. saying those words it hurts, my throat burns.. my heart burns.. I was so used to saying I love you, saying those words felt foreign, I clenched my fist.. did you hear me why won’t you say anything?say you hate me, hurt me, cry, ask me why. Your eyes looked on me your cold eyes, I promised to stay with you, why won’t you be angry? Please just say something.




            Kai – I promise I will stay with you always… ok? So don’t you ever worry about me leaving you

            Yulii – promise oppa? Haha you know I take things seriously.. you can’t ever leave me!

            Kai – I won’t.. I will forever stay with you.

            Yulii – oppa forever is too long.. I will get tired of you

            Kai – haha, that’s too bad, cause I’m not planning on going anywhere my dear, even if your sick and tired of me.


*end flashback*




            That moment, my promise, your laughter, your smile, everytime you would wrinkle your nose when you get annoyed. The promise I made to stay with you forever, did it mean nothing to you? Are you tired of me already? Haha. Pitiful, I’m the one breaking up, this is good, your making it easy for me Yul, I should be happy right? This is for you, so you would be happy. But it hurts it really hurts.


            Yulli – sure thing. I wanted to break up too. *chuckles*



            You chuckled as you said those words.. you said you wanted to break up too. I smiled at my stupid self. Guess there’s nothing I should worry about right? You’re already doing good. I should be happy this is what I wanted. I can feel my palms hurt from clenching the air to tight. Isn’t that a learning experience trying to hold on to something you just can’t, will only hurt you and make you feel stupid. You smiled again, that sweetest smile, right be less selfish Kai, smile like that Yul you are doing good. Be happy Yul.


            Yulli – so I’ll go now oppa. Thanks for making it easy for me.



            Your back facing against me, my heart hurts Yul. I just want to ran to you and hold you, never let you go, hold you, just hold you. Yul I miss you so much, I will miss you so much. You started to walk away, how stupid can I be? Am I really a man? I want to run and hug you so bad but I can’t move from where I am now, I’m stupid aren’t I? I wanted to tell you the reason so bad. I want to stop you, I want to stop you from leaving.


            Kai – yul.




            Saying your name, why does it feel so right? I want to tell you the reason, you stopped from walking away, seeing your back, wanting to embrace you, you seem to be really strong now, that’s good, you won’t need me anymore.. it won’t be hard to go on. It won’t be hard to leave anymore.. because you will be ok. Please be ok?


            Kai – yul please..

            Yulli – ye?



            Can I tell you the reason? I want to tell you, but it’s better this way right? I will still break my promise, I can’t stay, I can’t stay even if I want to Yul, why won’t you ask me the reason. Just ask me. Then maybe I’ll ask you too.. to stay with me, even just for a while. Say it once please, ask me why, you really don’t care. Yes, it’s better this way, it would be better this way.


            Kai – if we meet each other again, please pass on by.. Like the wind



            To never meet you again,  it would be the right thing to do. So you can move on, and never once think of me,  you raised you hand up and did a thumbs up.. It’s ok for you, leaving like this, its ok for you.. my tears fell, was I stupid worrying that you would cry to know that state I am in now? I hate this, I hate that I can’t choose to stay, I hate this selfish me who wants to just hold you now,  with all my heart, this me that you don’t care about anymore. Like the wind our memories will slowly fade away from my head, even if I choose not to.. Like the wind the reason for me to live, I would forget, everything one by one, I will forget about it all..  



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pinklimepops23 #1
xD haha I was planning just haven't have time yet. :) <br />
but please do check out my other fics as well :)<br />
thank you
Bakpoplover #2
why do that pleaz do a sequel